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Posts posted by CyborgDreamSt8

  1. I love Anne Rice, Memnoch the Devil and Pandora are my two favorite books from her. I will go ahead and utter the blasphemy that I also liked Twilight, but with a small caveat. I don't care one hoot how many times she or anyone else tries to say those books are about vampires, they are not in any way about vampires. Not one vampire appeared in that story, unless you count the fact that they drink blood and were physically invulnerable and immortal as making them vampires. In my opinion those two things alone do not a vampire make. She turned her back on all of the established and very interesting lore, myths and legends about vampires and created a teen romance novel based on some weird sparkly creatures she just chose to call vampires. Not to mention the fact that she felt it was alright to wait until the fourth book to correct the misconception that the wolves were werewolves. If she took out the supernatural aspects the love story she wove would have been an amazing one. Anyway, because of her weirdness about two of my favorite legendary creatures I will most likely never be a hard core fan.

  2. I'll admit, I was a little unsettled reading The Exorcist, but that was primarily because I watched the movie when I was 12 and it scared the bejesus out of me, so reading a book that reminded me on every page of that was unsettling. Beyond that though, nothing has scared me.


    I was in no way even unsettled by this book, but I do have to ask you this question. When you were done reading this book were you as unhappy with the fact that they seemed to have missed the point entirely in making the movie?




    I mean, seriously, the book was NOT about Reagan, it was about Damien, his struggles with his faith and the fact that he had to help with the exorcism while dealing with the death of his mother, his own guilt and the failing faith I mentioned above.


    When I read that book I was totally blown away at how good of a story it was compared to a movie I found good, but a bit slow and boring. I can honestly say I will never watch the movie again, but I will definitely keep that book on my book shelf.

  3. I must say this is one of the few books I actually gave up reading. Before this only Moby Dick has ever made me so frustrated that I just stopped reading. I absolutely loved the first part of the book, but as soon as it went Post-Apocalyptic I just totally lost interest. I just might go back and give it another try, but I just don't know yet.

  4. I am glad to see a review of this book and a mention of the previous one. I had never heard of them until a few days ago. I was looking to start a library when my fiancée and I get our new home. I did a google search for leather bound books and found some from Barnes and Noble, this was one of them, both books in one volume actually. I found the cover intriguing enough to read the synopsis and instantly knew it was something I had to read. Unfortunately I had never heard anything about them before, and had no way of knowing if they were worth the time. I have now made up my mind that it will be one of the ones I add to my collection.

  5. Hello there Carl. Who are some of your favourite authors?


    Hi there, Isandriena, some of my favorite authors are Stephen King, Anne Rice, Dean Koontz, JRR Tolkien, Richard Bach, Alastair Reynolds and I'm sure the list could just go on and on. That's a few of them though, what about you? Any suggestions?

  6. Wow, thanks for the welcome, guys. As to what kind of books I like to read, it really depends on my mood. My favorite genre is science fiction, though I do like horror as well. I will read non-fiction when the mood strikes me, though I usually keep it to science related books and a few political ones. Rarely I will read a biography. Right now I am slogging through Moby Dick and just don't think I am going to be able to make it through.

  7. Hello Carl and welcome to the forum, I hope you enjoy it here! :)



    Thanks, Frankie, I am sure I will. As much of a bibliophile as I am there is just no way I couldn't enjoy it.

  8. Well hello there, everyone. My name is Carl, and I am new to the forums. I am a huge bookworm, probably much to the dismay of my fiance, he doesn't like to read, but hey what can you do. I am 26, living in small town West Texas, and I work in law enforcement. I have few hobbies, but my reading takes up so much of my time that I don't really mind all that much. If I'm not reading you can find me at work, or spending time with my fiance and my family, or traveling as we both love to travel. I can't really think of much more to say so I will leave it at this, feel free to ask any questions you wish, I'm not all that shy and I don't bite, I promise.

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