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Yellow Wallpaper

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Everything posted by Yellow Wallpaper

  1. It made me cry and was a touching story, but I thought it was a bit overrated.
  2. I read this book and really enjoyed it. Ebola fascinates me. I recently read a book called Virus Hunters of the CDC that suggests some of the events described in The Hot Zone were exaggerated or misreported. Who knows. I think it is largely factual regardless.
  3. I love The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, thus my name. I am happy to have found this thread as I was looking for some other short stories to read.
  4. This series and Gabaldon's series are the only books I have bought in hardcover. I just love them. Luckily I didn't read COTCB until about 10 years ago, so I didn't have quite as long of a wait as some. I think that Plains of Passage was the slowest of the series, but I still enjoyed it. Auel does go into a lot of detail in many scenes, and sometimes it is drawn out, but overall I enjoy her descriptions. I am soooooooo excited for The Land of Painted Caves. Originally it was said that this would be the last book, but after reading this article it doesn't sound like it will be the last after all. Although I love the series, I kind of hoped it would be the last because I fear Auel will die and the ending will be lost forever. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20101103/ap_en_ot/us_books_jean_auel
  5. This series and Jean Auel's Earth's Children series are the only books that I own in hardcover. They are both great. I think that Fiery Cross is the weakest of the series, but still good. The ending of Echo was quite the cliffhanger and I can't wait for the next book. I wouldn't mind if Gabaldon wrapped up the series soon though as I think that if she keeps it up much longer the plots will get too thin.
  6. I would also recommend The Quiet Room and Weekends at Bellevue. I have a few more on my Amazon Wish list to read that look interesting. Angelhead: My Brother's Descent into Madness Get Me Out of Here: My Recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder The Lives They Left Behind: Suitcases from a State Hospital Attic
  7. I was getting on the bus one day, where drinks are strictly forbidden. I stupidly stuck my chai tea in my purse and as I got off the bus it sloshed all over. Unfortunately it was a library book, but I got most of it off to the point that they didn't notice.
  8. I subscribe to Time and Harpers and enjoy reading National Geographic. Usually I get busy though and a large "to read" stack forms.
  9. When I was younger and without many of the responsibilities I have now, I would read a book in 1-2 days. Now, with graduate school, I usually can only read one per week.
  10. I'm getting my M.L.S., which will qualify me to be a librarian, but I hope to find work in an archives instead as I like old stuff
  11. I love medieval manuscripts, and anything old really. Just looking at them makes my brain conjure up all of these scenarios and stories about the manuscript/document. I am currently at Indiana University-Bloomington getting my M.L.S. They have the Lilly Library here, home to some of the best rare books and manuscripts in the country. I'm in heaven every time I go and wish I was badass enough to work there so I could deal with such wonderful items every day
  12. Usually I can't find one, but I recently bought a beautiful woven dyed-fabric one from a seller on Etsy and I hope to get a lot of use out of that
  13. Even though I thought the book was overrated, Tuesdays with Morrie made me cry
  14. I don't like books that have a lot of writing or highlighting in them, but otherwise have no problem. I don't have the money to buy all of my books new and pristine, though I do love that new book smell.
  15. I would love to collect antique books, but currently don't have the money to do so. And I agree, if there were an inscription in the book that would make it more special/interesting to me. I'm taking a class next semester on rare and antique books so I'm excited to learn more about them.
  16. I used to purchase all of my books, but then it got too expensive and I didn't see a point. About a year ago I sold a ton of them on Ebay and at used bookstores. At that time I probably had about 600 books. Now, I mainly just have my Earth's Children series in hardback and Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series on my shelf. These days I do all of my reading from the library.
  17. My fiance and I were just talking about this yesterday... 1) Moby Dick 2) Jane Eyre 3) Pride and Prejudice
  18. 1. Age (<18, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55+) 18-24 2. Gender Female 3. What do you read on a daily basis? (blogs, newspapers, books, etc.) Books, Blogs 4. How often do you read for fun in a week? Probably for at least 6 hours a week 5. What time of day do you like to read? Evening, before bed 6. Where do you read? bed 7. How many books have you read in the last 6 months? 30ish 8. What type/genre do you enjoy reading most? Memoirs, Historical fiction 9. Why do you read? (entertainment, relaxation, learning, etc.) To learn more about the world 10. What barriers prevent you from reading more? Graduate school 11. Do you think reading for fun is important? Definitely, keeps one sharp 12. Do you fold page corners or use a bookmark? Bookmarks...no page folding! 13. Do you prefer to read to music or in silence? Has to be silent 14. Do you discuss books with your friends? Yeah, but many of my friends don't read. 15. Do you borrow books from the library? Yes, I used to buy all of them, but I figured there was no point in that. 16. Do you borrow/loan books from/to friends? No and no
  19. I love Kurt Vonnegut. He is the author of some of my favorite quotes and witticisms. However, I did not like Slaughterhouse Five. Perhaps my expectations were too high.
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