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Everything posted by silverfaerychild

  1. hello, I am new and just wanted to say hi

  2. Daughters of the moon is a good 13 book series...took the author 3 years before releasing book 13 Daughters of the Moon is a novel series by Lynne Ewing. It is about four girls, later about five, who are mortal goddesses and fight an ancient evil called The Atrox. They each have different powers, destinies, and dark sides. They all wear moon amulets. When they turn 17, they have to make a choice. They can either become guardian spirits or continue their lives – but as mortals who have forgotten their lives and consequently, their powers, as Daughters of the Moon. All of the Daughters live in Los Angeles, battling the Atrox and its dark Followers. here are the books in order bk1.Goddess of the Night bk2.Into the Cold Fire bk3.Night Shade bk4.The Secret Scroll bk5.The Sacrifce bk6.The Lost One bk7.Moon Demon bk8.Possession bk9.The Choice bk10.The Talisman bk11.The Prophecy bk12.The Becoming bk13.The Final Eclipse is all there is , and there are also follow up series...after em..of different people and chars but its based upon the same storyline as the Daughters of the Moon.. it also does have some sexual content and does mention self harm
  3. Yes and no.. But other wise...I sort of disliked Snape...but finding out he still loved Lily and wanted Voldermort not to hurt her was a shock and then finding out , he played both spy to Albus and Voldermort and worked for both was shocking aswell as finding out Albus knew what Malfoy was up to and asked Snape to kill him if Draco was to fail and Narcisa also did the same out of motherly protection.. ......and also finding out that it could of been either Potter or Longbottom who could of be the choosen one was a shocker aswell I was like WHOA!
  4. this is a awsome vampire series..I read all 5 and waiting for the 6th to be released in december of this year on the 7th...VERY EXCITED I'll list them by 1-6..WOOT! bk1.vampire academy bk2.frost bite bk3.shadow kissed bk4.blood promise bk5.spirit bound bk6.the final sacrifce ( released 12/7/10 ) the books are written by Richelle mead.. when I saw the book for the first time at the library I just thought it was going to such as a book but it proved me wrong...each books fall after the other with a small recap of what happend in the other book the first book does mention self and had it tells how Lissa does it and why... very very very very very very good book and characters
  5. oh I like it already...I enjoy all books...even V.A and harry potter
  6. also if I remember rightly he did mention demons and such.. I can't remember much of what he told me this is much I can remember he also doesnt know if it became a movie all he knows is he found in the 80's and read its like 800 some odd pages.. and all I can remember of what he told me
  7. ello I'm bex AKA Silver < perfer it then my name > I am a book junkie.. I love all sorts of book ...I'll read books that keep my interste if I can't get into the book I wont read it.. um I find books are fun and smell GOOD!
  8. um I read haunted by the guy who wrote fight club , it was listed as the top 10 most disturbing books ..but I just found it highly weird and sort of creepy...it didnt make me grossed out or anything..
  9. I heard from a friend about a book he can't remember the name but on the cover has a son holding a white misty orb that has his fathers soul inside it . and also the plot of what he can remember is that the son is a warlock as was his father ( if I remember rightly ) and in order for the son to save his father he has to use his own body or soul to save his father.. anyone know of it or know the title? he said it was from 1976 of the such
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