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Everything posted by kelmaria

  1. I'm still reading the rapture and I've just started Atmospheric Disturbances by Rivka Galchen.
  2. I'm still reading the rapture,I'm finding it hard to get into and I've nearly finished my name is memory by Ann-Brashares
  3. I haven't done much reading lately.my daaughter is in hospital with asthma,she's lots better now though. so I'm still reading the rapture
  4. I have a few bookmarks which I don't always remember to use. I have about 3 or 4 with my daughter's photo on,one that says bookworms love to read,a winnie the pooh one with my name on and a couple of angel ones. I brought an angel one today with my birthstone in the middle. it's beautiful.
  5. I'm planning on v plusing the vampire diaries and v. thanks to the member who mentioned v. I didn't know the new series was tonight until you said.
  6. kelmaria


    thank you. I can't remember what saga's I've read.
  7. I've finished Dear Fatty by Dawn French and I'm still reading the rapture
  8. I've borrowed dear fatty from the library. I've only read a little bit,but it's good so far.
  9. the thorn birds is a very good book. I've not been doing much reading the past couple of days. it was my daughter's 6th birthday yesterday and we went to an indoor playarea today,so I've been busy. I'm still reading rapture. it seems ok so far.
  10. I may be wrong,but is this the book your looking for? http://www.dooyoo.co.uk/printed-books/once-james-herbert/1498376/
  11. The last film I watched at the cinema was the A Team,I loved it and the last film I watched on tv was Cold Creek Manor which was also good.
  12. I've finished Rich Girl,Poor Girl and I've just started The Rapture by Liz Jensen
  13. I read buddy's song years ago and loved it. I've not read the other 2.
  14. I finished the secret alchemy last night and I've just started rich girl,poor girl by val wood.
  15. kelmaria


    thank you. I haven't read middlesex,I'll keep an eye out for it. thanks.
  16. I like debbie macomber. I've only read twenty wishes and a good yarn but I enjoyed them both. I brought old boyfriends a few months ago,but I haven't read it yet.
  17. 1. Age (<18, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55+) 25 -34 2. Gender female 3. What do you read on a daily basis? (blogs, newspapers, books, etc.) books 4. How often do you read for fun in a week? I read a bit everyday 5. What time of day do you like to read? I'll read at anytime but nighttime is the best time. 6. Where do you read? the iiving room and in bed 7. How many books have you read in the last 6 months? I'm not sure 8. What type/genre do you enjoy reading most? sagas 9. Why do you read? (entertainment, relaxation, learning, etc.) entertainment and relaxation 10. What barriers prevent you from reading more? children and facebook. 11. Do you think reading for fun is important? yes 12. Do you fold page corners or use a bookmark? I use a bookmark 13. Do you prefer to read to music or in silence? I do both 14. Do you discuss books with your friends? no( thinking about it,I do sometimes) 15. Do you borrow books from the library? yes 16. Do you borrow/loan books from/to friends? I borrow books to my mum
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