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Status Updates posted by Pixie

  1. Is having one of those days when life seems stupid and pointless.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pixie


      Thanks, everyone! :) I am feeling better today.

    3. poppyshake


      Yay!! Was chocolate the cure?

    4. Pixie


      Oh, chocolate is always the cure. ;-)

  2. Is introspective at the moment.

    1. Mac


      Mac is into specsavers, too...

    2. Pixie
  3. Is it Friday yet? OMG, what am I saying? I don't even have a job. LOL

  4. Jumping up and down on the bed can be fun.

    1. Nici
    2. Raven


      Unless you have low ceilings . . . *ouch!*

    3. Pixie


      Ha ha. True, Raven.

  5. Just stopping by to give you a huge thumbs up for doing so well lately. You go, girl!

  6. Just stopping by to say hi. Hope you are doing well. :)

  7. LOL I always forget that I have to go to YOUR profile, not mine, to respond. I am doing pretty good. I have a headache, though. I should take something for it. *huggles back to ya*

  8. Pixie

    LOL, Echo. I promise not to do it again. :P

  9. Meh. It's okay. I have to go to work soon, which is sometimes a bummer for me. I see you are a fan of Flowers For Algernon. What a beautiful, but heart-wrenching book. I love it! It's my favorite. I hope your day is going well.

  10. Mmmmm... pizza.

  11. My allergies are much better today. Yay!

  12. My dad just passed away.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Inver


      So sorry to hear your sad news...I know how you feel, losing my dad last December (hugs)xxx

    3. SueK


      Belated condolences Pixie. I've just seen this. I'm very sorry to hear of your sad loss. xx

    4. Pixie


      Thank you again, everyone. I appreciate all your kind thoughts.

  13. My scalp is on my mind? :-D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kylie



    3. ian


      It's the best place for it - I always keep mine there!

    4. Pixie


      Good thinking, Ian. ;-)

  14. My social anxiety is hitting me hard right now. :(

    1. Chrissy


      But you will be fine regardless. You have an army of book lovers at your side ~ you are not alone. X

    2. Sofia


      indeed :D (hugs)

    3. Pixie


      Thank you, Chrissy and Sofia. *hugs*

  15. My tummy doesn't feel so good. :(

    1. Chrissy


      Poor tummy. Are you OK?

    2. Pixie


      I'll be okay, thank you for asking, Chrissy. :) It's just my IBS acting up.

  16. No need to research medieval torture, Abby. What would you like to know? ;>)

  17. No worries. You don't want to rush your way through Little, Big, anyway. It should be read slowly, and savored. :)

  18. No, I have never read Ulysses. My cat had that name before I adopted him. The book is in my TBR pile, though. Have you read it and, if so, what did you think?

  19. Not much, but that you for asking. You are so kind, Andrea. My dad went to the hospital this morning for UTI, we think. He was so weak from it he could not move. :(

  20. Nothing has been on my mind lately.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Karsa Orlong

      Karsa Orlong

      I thought you'd run away screaming after listening to Opeth, lol.

    3. Pixie


      LOL No, no, that only happens when I hear Barry Manilow singing. ;)

    4. Karsa Orlong

      Karsa Orlong

      Only Barry Manilow? You obviously have higher tolerance levels than I do, lol!

  21. Oh where, oh where has my reading mojo gone. Oh where, oh where can she be?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Booknutt


      She'll be BACK, Pixie - and you'll luv reading even more when she does! It happens to me, sometimes, too.

    3. Pixie


      She better not be at Waterstones. I can't afford that! LOL

    4. Pixie


      I hope so, Booknutt. I miss her terribly. :(

  22. Oh, it is cold here, for Florida. Highs in the 40s today, lows in the 20s. Brrrr! I hope everything is well with you and your writing is coming along nicely.

  23. Oh, no, no. No storms here, thank goodness! It's a family crisis type of thing. But I'm coping.

  24. OMG! A tornado set my house down in OZ!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Charm


      Keep an eye out for the wicked witch! :o

    3. Chrissy


      Wicked Witch? Is that Kylie?

      *runs and hides*

    4. Kylie


      Welcome to the country, Pickle! :)

      Chrissy!!! I'm the good witch, ya know! :P

  25. PIZZA!

    1. Chrissy


      What toppings?

    2. Pixie


      Pepperoni, Italian sausage, and extra cheese! :)

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