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About FattyRoberts

  • Birthday 07/12/1971

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  1. Oh... and I just checked my copy... There are appendicies in The Illuminatus! Trilogy and one of them tells us more about the Law of Fives and considers some of the numerology of Discordianism, and even raises the question of what would happen to the Law of Fives if everyone had six fingers on each hand. And in a really wierd coincidence that will freak Michelle out... the Appendicies in this book are not numbered or lettered but given names. The discussion about the Law of Fives is in Appendix Beth And, I have no idea how to spell Appendicies... am I getting it right? Oh, and I must stop starting paragraphs with "oh" and "and" :shock: and this is paragraph number 5 in this reply!
  2. fnord. Ok this gets complicated. Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea wrote a very odd series of books called "The Illuminatus! Trilogy" which were inspired by an earlier work by Greg Hill (aka Malaclypse The Younger) and Kerry Thornley (aka Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst) called the "Principia Discordia". All these authors and many of their works are based on the principles of Discordianism which has been described as both an elaborate joke disguised as a religion, and as a religion disguised as an elaborate joke. I think that the idea that Robert Anton Wilson was interested in 23 stems from the Principia...fnord N.B. Do not ask me what fnord means. fnord
  3. Well I am gonna go with the more controversial option that... a) Dumbledore is not dead and Snape is not a bad guy Want to know why... take a look at http://www.dumbledoreisnotdead.com/introduction.html
  4. I love Audiobooks! I find them very useful at night when I want to rest my eyes but not sleep and also in the car when I am travelling long distances! I have a HUGE collection as well including all the Harry Potters, all the Terry Pratchetts, loads of Tolkien and Star Wars novels and stacks of misc other bits. The only problem with audiobooks is that they tend to come on about 10CDs so thank god for the MP3 format that can shrink hours of book down onto a single disc for the car or portable MP3 player.
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