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Everything posted by lauraloves

  1. Yay I'm pleased that this one is similar to the other books as I got brought Inferno at Christmas and can't wait to start this
  2. Well this year I want to be able to get my TBR pile down a fair bit as it is currently standing at *gulp* 509 books! I want to try if I can read some of my older books this year but I'm not having too much of a reading plan, just pulling a few books out every now and again and reading through the smaller pile of books! I might do a reading plan but I'm going to read what I fancy really not stick too much to it. I also need to curb the book buying too!
  3. I noticed this the other day and I thought exactly the same! I really enjoyed seeing how ahead I was (wishful thinking I was always behind last year! )
  4. I finished my first book of the year on Saturday, Driver Do You Stop at the Station? By James Henry and I started The Stonehenge Legacy by Sam Christer.
  5. Thank you, I'm looking forward to starting War of the Worlds
  6. Thank you feeling a little better today
  7. Well the 'lets not buy any books yet this year' lasted a long time! I downloaded War of the Worlds by HG Wells as it was free and I've never read it and then downloaded Pictures of Lily by Paige Toon as it was in the 12 days sale on iTunes.
  8. Anyone want a chest infection? Free to good home
  9. I loved it so much! I've just given my copy to my mum to read so hopefully she will love it too The HP series are my favourite books of all time hehe glad your a fan too
  10. Thank you Same to you Thank you Have a great reading year
  11. Now that I've finished my last book of the year I can finally answer this! Your favourite read of the year? - Stolen Child by Laura Elliott. I haven't been so hooked by a book for a long time! Your favourite author of the year? - Ian Fleming. I read the first James Bond book and really liked his writing style. Your most read author of the year? - Mary Norton. I read the complete Borrowers Series this year. Your favourite book cover of the year? Chocolat - Joanne Harris. I really loved how the cover reflected the story perfectly. The book you abandoned (if there was more than one, the one you read least of)? Dangerous Liaisons - Pierre Choderlos de Laclos. I really couldn't get into this book at all. The book that most disappointed you? In The Company of Ghosts - Stephen A. Hunt. This had the promise to be really good, but unfortunate it wasn't! The funniest book of the year? Confessions of a GP - Dr Benjamin Daniels. Although it was serious in places it was very funny too! Your favourite literary character this year? Didn't really have one this year. Your favourite children's book this year? The Borrowers - Mary Norton as this was the only children's book I read! Your favourite classic of the year? Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte. I hadn't read this until this year and loved it. Wish I hadn't left it so long! Your favourite non-fiction book this year? - The Witness Wore Red - Rebecca Musser. Such a harrowing story but it needed to be told. TYour favourite biography this year? The Witness Wore Red - Rebecca Musser. Your favourite collection of short stories this year? - Didn't read any this year. Your favourite poetry collection this year?Didn't read any this year. Your favourite illustrated book of the year? Didn't read any this year. Your favourite publisher of the year? Harper Collins Your favourite audiobook of the year? Didn't listen to any this year. Your favourite re-read of the year?Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - J. K. Rowling. I love the Harry Potter books!
  12. #40 - Casino Royale - Ian Fleming Started - 20/12/2013 Finished - 30/12/2013 Format - Paperback Book Synopsis - Le Chiffre is a businessman with expensive tastes, and SMERSH's chief operative in France. But as his dissolute lifestyle threatens to ruin him, his only hope is to risk his paymasters' money at the card table. James Bond, the finest gambler in the service, has a deadly new mission: to outplay Le Chiffre and shatter his Soviet cell. Amidst the opulence of Casino Royale, the two men face each other for a game with the highest stakes of all. My Thoughts - I was brought these books by the other half for my birthday this year having always wanted to read the James Bond books but to never have got around to reading them. This was my first book that I had read as I'm trying to read them in order. This is about James Bond and his dealings at Casino Royale, his battles with Le Chiffre and all other spying things combined. It was a little different to what I had expected but very good at the same time. This book was written around 50 years ago so while the actual reading of the book was very good the cars and all the other accessories that Bond had are a little dated compared to how things are now. This didnt take anything away from the book though. I thought his relationship with Vesper was very good and really added to the story. I didnt really expect what happens to happen but from what I know about James Bond (which to be fair is not that much!) it does go some way to explain how he is in himself. Overall I really enjoyed this book and cant wait to read the next one. Rating - 4/5
  13. Thank you My only issue I have at the minute is which one to start with
  14. Wow wow wow! What amazing detailed lists! Happy reading
  15. I finished my last book of 2013 last night - Casino Royale by Ian Fleming. I started Driver Do You Stop at the Station by James Henry.
  16. Thank you I am looking forward to that one! I went into town today and brought . . . RSVP - Helen Warner The Haunting of James Hastings - Christopher Ransom Blitz Kids - Sean Longden Monument 14 by Emmy Laybourne So much for not buying anymore!
  17. Hehe thank you, Hopefully this year it will go down and not up! hehe Monica Ali - Brick Lane: I really wanted to enjoy this, as it's exactly the kind of book I would like but for some reason I just didn't connect with it and couldn't even finish it. I really want to read this but something does keep putting me off! Margaret Atwood - The Blind Assassin: One of Atwood's best books, IMO...the other great one of hers is Alias Grace I've not read any of hers yet, but I do plan on doing so this year! Mark Z. Danielewski - House of Leaves: Good luck with this one! It's very interesting to look at, but mighty difficult to read. Its another one that I want to read but keep putting off! Patrick Dewitt - The Sisters Brothers: Read it earlier this year, and loved it. I think it's one of the best books I've read in the year. I downloaded this in the kindle sale last year and really need to read it! Ken Follett - Pillars of the Earth: One of my favorites. I really hope you like it as much as I did. I hope I do too Alex Garland - The Beach: Another good one....much better than the film. I've not seen the film so hopefully thats a good thing! Richard Herley - The Penal Colony : A really good Kindle freebie (though it doesn't look like it's free anymore) I got this one when it was free and still havent got around to it! Zadie Smith - White Teeth: Loved this book, but couldn't get into her other ones. This is one of the ones that has been on my TBR for the longest so I do need to read it this year! Tom Rob Smith - Child 44: One of the better books of the genre. I don't normally read to much of this genre so hopefully I'll enjoy it Stephen King - IT: Another one of my faves. It's a long read but well worth it! I hope I love it too Happy reading in 2014! Same to you Thank you, I'm going to need it! hehe Thank you, happy reading to you too It makes me feel dizzy too when I look at it! All the books youve listed are ones that I really want to read this year so hopefully I'll get round to them. Happy reading to you too
  18. Thank you . . . well its safe to say I'm not going to run out of books this year! Thank you. I hope you manage to reduce your TBR I do keep trying with mine but it just seems to multiply when I'm not looking! hehe Well I'm definitely not going to get bored! Happy reading to you in 2014 too
  19. Well . . . so much for not buying any books! We went up to the nearest city to us yesterday and after being dragged around all the clothes shops by his daughter I finally got to go in The Works and I brought . . . The Birth of Modern Britain by Francis Pryor Confessions of a Police Constanble - PC Matt Delito Caravans and Wedding Bands - Eva Petulengro Hess, Hitler and Churchill by Peter Padfield I could have brought so many more too but I thought I'd be good for a change hehe
  20. Belated Happy Christmas to you too Thank you I think I want to start on The Night Circus first but I'm not overally sure! Thank you, very belated Happy Christmas to you too Hubby-to-be developed on Christmas Eve hehe so excited Thank you I cant wait to start reading and also Wedding planning He is definitely a keeper with the amount of books he buys me! I want to read The Haunted Book while its still Winter time and creepy hehe! Thank you Hopefully we both get around to them and can share some thoughts
  21. Glad you had a great Christmas Kylie. The Worlds Greatest Libraries looks really interesting
  22. Frost Hollow Hall sounds really good will have to keep an eye out for that one!
  23. Wow what a huge pile of books, Happy reading
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