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Everything posted by Nienna

  1. The scene in The Road Freaked me out. I think I audibly gasped in the cinema and I had to look away. D:
  2. making them heavy with sound. It's the only place...
  3. Gave up on Lawrence. Today I've started reading The Professor by Charlotte Bronte - via the NDS' 100 Classic Books! It's so nifty.
  4. Unfortunately Karen lost a couple toenails on this route... ouch. Unfortunately, Karen had misread the tide table so we ended up slopping out to the boat through mangrove swamps, ankle deep in lukewarm water
  5. One of my favourite books of all time. Definitely the best love story I have every read and I think I ever will read in my life. I should hate every single character in the book, but I don't, I can't make myself - I love them for the fact that they have such character. It's Emily's writing that makes them so vibrant and believable and the story, the setting, the message all entwine to make it really ring true to something inside me. I can't understand how anyone could find this book boring!
  6. BookJumper: Yes! Oh thank you for letting me know that other people recognised all the talk of "conquering" and "owning" - I felt objectified just reading it. He even talks a lot in this book about the man and wife being "strangers" to each other, and the waves of hatred that they have for each other that seem to only be overcome by sexual attractions. Then again, he does seem to contradict it by worshipping women for both their sexuality and their emotional affect on the man. I think he called them "anchors" at one point, or something similar. It's all very confusing! I still don't know what to think of him but my natural instincts seem to tell me he's just... well, not that good, despite what the critics say. Still wondering what I'm missing!
  7. I expected Kick-Ass to be a full-on comedy, much in the vein of Superbad etc. so when it turned out to be fairly unfunny I guess I was a little disappointed. Still a good movie, though, just more superhero and less laughs than I thought!
  8. 1. I live in Northern Ireland (which is a different country than the Republic of Ireland). 2. I finished a degree in Computer Science but hated it and am now looking at studying to be a teacher of English. 3. I can sleep soundly anywhere you put me down. I am a pro sleeper. 4. I'm not really scared of anything except terminal illness and knives. 5. I'm 5 foot tall, on the dot.
  9. I could listen to John Mayer all day.
  10. Brilliant! My favourite ever Pratchett. Glad to see there are people reading his books on here. Today The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ by Philip Pullman arrived for me in the post - controversial! It'll probably be a while before I get around to reading it.
  11. I decided to join up and ask the opinion of the lovely people here on the forum on this book because my own opinion on it is very confused! This is my first DH Lawrence book and when I began it I didn't really know much about him or his style of writing, so perhaps it's my expectations that threw me off. Although I sort of want to like this book it has me constantly mentally chastising both the characters and Lawrence - it seems to me that he doesn't seem to have very tight control over his writing, which, for such an acclaimed writer, was surprising to me. The characters seem self-absorbed and unable to control their ever-bubbling emotions to the detriment of their relationships and the opinion of others. Then again, perhaps this is what Lawrence stands for. Perhaps he endeavoured, in an early 20th century tight-lipped society, to indulge in effusiveness and emotional freedom. A sort of counter-culture free spirit, maybe? I'm currently 200 pages into the book and struggling, so I was wondering if anyone could explain to me the appeal that Lawrence has to so many people? What is it that I seem to be missing? Also, hello BCF!
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