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Posts posted by Susie

  1. Echo, that's what my book did, repeated about 20 or so pages, then left out that many.

    It didnt seem to disrupt the story. I really should get another copy and see what I missed. ha!


    Squiggles you are smart to look over the books you buy before hand.

    I get most of mine at "used" books at amazon. The hardcover books are usually just four dollars, and in excellent condition most of the time.


    Raven, I was hoping amazon would just send me another copy, but instead they gave me my money back.

    I still enjoyed the book and sort of felt guilty for not paying for it.


    Mac, forty miles is a long way to swap book for a good one. Glad you found a couple more you liked .

    I live in a small town and it's probably 30 miles or so to the nearest book store.


    Book Fiend, that is sooo strange that a chapter from another book showed up in your copy.

    It makes you wonder how these things happen when books are printed.

    I wonder how many were sold like my copy.

  2. Have you ever read a book, and discovered midway that some pages were missing?

    This happened to me a few weeks ago.

    Book was , Charley's Web by Joy Fielding.(hardcover)


    It repeated about 20 pages, then other pages were missing. Still I enjoyed the book. LOL

    I reported this to amazon and quickly got a refund.


    My sister was reading a Sandra Brown book this week and she said author put in wrong name.

    There was a couple in book, not main charactors, named Doug and Sharon.

    Author wrote Doug and Susan instead.


    My twin sis noticed this because that's our names.

  3. I really enjoy a book, when its so good its hard to put down. I love missing the characters when I'm finished reading it, and feel sad that I no longer will have them with me everyday.


    I feel the same way mountain girl. After finishing The Help or The Forgotten Garden, I missed those charactors.


    It's hard for me to get interested in a book that throws too many charactors at me in the beginning. I get confused on who's who.

  4. I noticed several things left out of The Lovely Bones movie.


    But I liked it.


    Things I noticed:


    Susie's Mom did not have an affair with policeman in movie.

    Susie's Dad was attacked, instead of having a heart attack.

    Susie's body was put in sink hole at very end of movie.

    I think he put her there earlier in book.


    There was more, but cant think of them now.


    I liked the movie better than book .


    Did anyone else see movie after reading book?

    What did you think?

  5. Awww Raven, I didnt know it was Titanic anniversary. I'm about ready to watch it again. It's been awhile.


    peacefield, I'm glad you liked The Blind Side. I was sort of like you and kept putting off seeing it. I loved it!


    Nienna, The Reader is another one I keep putting off watching. Saw her boobies in Titanic. LOL


    Lilywhite, I was wanting to see 2012, but now not so sure. I'd already heard reviews were not that great.


    Kylie, I loved Dead Poets Society!!

    I started watching HOUSE (TV) a few months ago and kept wondering who this one Dr was. He looked so familiar. He was in Dead Poets Society. (The student that died.)


    I finally watched Up In The Air this week and liked it.

    I'm not a HUGE George Clooney fan, or at least I wasnt before. I really liked him in this movie!

  6. I've been looking back at some of the pictures and have to say Wow!


    Echo, I love the one of Mt Rainier! I've always wanted to go there.

    We were in Seattle yearrrrs ago, but didnt drive to that mountain.


    We did go to Mt Shuskan. Have you been there?

  7. Nolliag, thanks for putting my pic in proper place. I'm still trying to learn where things go here.

    I'm so excited to see everyones pictures now!


    Wonderful pictures Weave! I love the mountains in the background.


    Thanks Weave and Chrissy!

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