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Posts posted by Ooshie

  1. The covers on paperbacks don't bother me too much one way or another (although it irritates me when publishers keep changing the design of covers throughout a series as it spoils the way they look on my shelf!). But if I am having trouble choosing between two Folio Society books, I sometimes make my final decision on how good the spine looks.

  2. When my husband is out I quite often hear him coming in through the door and walking towards the living room, but he doesn't come in and when I go and look he isn't there. On talking to him about it, it turns out that it is usually about the time he leaves wherever he has been to come home. He was brought up in the mountains of Jamaica and is totally accepting of all sorts of phenomena, and says it is his spirit reaching home before him.

  3. Like kreader, I always dream in full colour; I also feel everything and taste everything etc. I don't like the feel of flying at all! I do dream a lot, and I have certain dreams that recur again and again, especially when I'm stressed. I can usually remember my dreams when I wake up although I forget most of them during the course of the day, and some dreams can affect the way I feel for the whole day.


    And yes, I am permanently exhausted!

  4. I have had a day of extremes today!


    From the Folio Society I ordered:


    Charlotte's Web by E B White

    The Good Soldier by Ford Madox Ford

    Lord of the Flies by William Golding

    Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman

    The Sea, The Sea by Iris Murdoch


    and got the His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman and leatherbound editions of David Copperfield and Great Expectations by Dickens free (plus an umbrella...:D)


    and from Amazon I ordered

  5. I must admit to being scared of taking on 'Labyrinth' .. I've no idea why.


    Am getting close to finishing 'Cloud Atlas', I can't say I'm sorry. Bits I've enjoyed and bits I haven't but all in all a bit of a struggle.


    Poppyshake, I was a bit wary of Labyrinth too, but thoroughly enjoyed it once I got started - I hope you do too. :D I agree with you about Cloud Atlas; if I remember rightly I was really drawn in at the beginning of the book and expected to love the whole thing, but was less and less impressed as the book went on. I kept hoping I would enjoy it more again, but didn't. :D


    I'm up to page 650 in The Stand by Stephen King now, and have also read 50 pages of Shadow by Karin Alvtegen.

  6. :motz:


    Hope you enjoy the forum, Fran, I enjoy sci fi (although I haven't been reading just as much as I used to) as well as fantasy and horror, and all sort of other stuff as well! Philip K Dick's book A Scanner Darkly is this month's book of the month for the reading group if that's something you have read/would be interested in reading?

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