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Posts posted by Steeeeve

  1. Thanks again everyone :lol:


    Hey Steeeeve. ;) Welcome back sunshine.


    Wotcha been reading then?


    I thought I was going to be able to reel off a long list here but I haven't read nearly as much as I thought I had :lol:

    Kavalier and Clay - Michael Chabon

    Born Standing up - Steve Martin

    Coma - Alex Garland

    Dracula - Bram Stoker.


    Ahhh. Why is it so relaxing to talk about books? I don't think I actually know anyone who reads much.

  2. I wrote on here before for a little while before I decided to be a fool and delete everything I had written. I can't give a good excuse.

    Although I guess I'm about to try.

    I hate being defined by it but I suffer from (to me) quite bad depression so I tend to feel like an idiot after everything I've written. Including this I'm sure.


    I don't mean it to sound self pitying. Just trying to explain why I'm a bit of a d*ck sometimes/a lot of the time.


    But yes. I missed talking about books too much so I thought I'd try and write again. Hopefully that's ok.


    Did that sound pathetic enough? I think so.

  3. Yesterday I read:

    Born Standing Up - Steve Martin

    Coma - Alex Garland


    Both very short, both very good. Makes me wish Steve Martin would make a good film again.


    Also finished Dracula by Bram Stoker. I reall enjoyed it when I started it but by the last hundred pages I was bored and the ending is a massive anti-climax. Glad I read it though.


    Today I started The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Quantum Genius.


    Also bought:

    Shutter Island - Dennis Lehane

    Lirael - Garth Nix

    Abhorsen - Garth Nix

  4. Yeah I looked it up on amazon earlier and the blurb made me think it could be quite an emotionally trying book with all that unrequited love by the sounds of it. Maybe one day I'll get it. I should try and order some stuff off my wishlist rather than adding to it though.

    The Book Thief has made me really want to order the book about idiots who deny the Holocaust by Michael Shermer though *runs off to look it up*...Denying History.


    I loved how in The Book Thief most of the soldiers weren't really bad guys. Just people caught up in a crappy situation.

  5. Awww, I'm sorry Steve :friends0: I didn't mean to make you cry.


    I suppose one day I'll learn to forgive you :D

    Well so far you've been right about Neverwhere and The Book Thief so it's ok. I was tempted to get that book with the long title I can't remember in your Introduction thread but not sure it's my thing. Well, not so soon after tis at least :D

  6. I managed to finish Atonement - finally (and then watched the film) but i also bought Wuthering Heights and The Picture of Dorian Gray off Amazon and now cannot wait to read them! :friends0:


    I'm scared to read Atonement since I really enjoyed the movie and don't want to ruin it if the book is much better. Maybe a silly reason not to read it I know.


    Due to a combination of train rides, my friend's weak bladder and his need to smoke I got through about another 50 or so pages of The Book Thief tonight. Incredible. Since I was in a pub I had to force myself not to cry at certain parts of it.

    I think it's classed as a book for young adults? I wish all young adults had to read it at school. One of those books that's so good that it's for everyone of any age.


    But I haven't finished it yet so maybe I shouldn't raise it up too high in case it lets me down. But I believe in you Giulia!


    Also somebody complimented me on my trainers tonight. Not related to anything but it's the first time it's ever happened so I felt like mentioning it somewhere.

  7. Glad you're enjoying The Book Thief so much Steve, though I can't claim I'm surprised - I did tell you so :D.


    Hahah. Yeah yeah you should be very proud of yourself :readingtwo:


    Hrmph. How do you do multiple quotes?



    Thats how I found it. I'd read so far and try to do something else, but somehow I ended reading it again


    That's what I'm doing now. In between getting ready, cooking dinner and all the other things I'm doing I'm trying to read as much as I can. I do love addictive books.

  8. Is anyone else absolutely dreadful at remembering the names of characters in books? After I've finished a book you could ask me the names of the characters and I'd struggle to remember.

    A lot of the time I find I don't really remember the name so much as what the name looks like on the page so it never really sticks in my head. It's just a symbol in the book and when the book's closed the name goes from my mind.


    One reason I gave up on Catch-22 (and I will try and go back to it!) was that a new character was introduced on pretty much every page. My lame method of remembering who does what only works if there aren't many people in the story.


    I don't really know what my point is.

  9. So I decided it's been a long time since I combined the forces of a pack of Starburst so today for the first time in many a moon I made a Super Starburst. I took a before and after pic.


    If anyone's interested here is the recipe:

    Take one of each colour Starburst

    Squash those fruity b******s together

    Eat it.

  10. .


    That tends to happen to me on the weekend. I make no plans and decide to get through a good chunk of my book, and I'm lucky to read 10 pages in 2 days. I should be more disciplined by now! And I get so annoyed with myself at the end of the weekend. And this happens every weekend!


    Congrats on getting through such a long book in one day! It doesn't matter if it was larger print; it still works out at quite an achievement! :lol:


    Thanks :lol: I don't think I'd have managed the same if it was Gone With teh Wind. Teh! Why do I always hit the e before I hit the h?

    I do that all the time at the weekend. I wouldn't mind if it was because I had done something else instead but I haven't. Just sat clciking on the same internet pages again and again.

    Right. I am now going to emerge from bed and pick a book to read.

  11. ...I guess it just depresses me when I feel like a book is taking up so much of my reading time when I have so many others to read...I frequently look at the chunk of pages I've already read and feel proud of myself for getting through it reasonably quickly. Wow, I sound really weird. :lol:



    I know what you mean. I'm off this week but when I'm at work and only get to read when I'm tired in the evenings I can get to the weekend and only have read 50 pages or so. Makes me feel like I'm wasting my time.

    But today I'm proud of myself for finishing Sabriel in less than a day. 366 pages! (it's quite large print but don't tell anyone)

    Now I have to decide what to read next. Maybe I'll finally get through Dorian Gray. Want to get through as many small books as I can before I go back to work.

  12. Reading Freakonomics by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner, all the while thinking that there are bound to be people who understand economics who would point out why everything in the book is wrong but oh well.

    Long sentence.


    Was also in town and bought

    The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay - Michael Chabon

    Sabriel - Garth Nix

    The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Quantum Genius


    I know the three for two offers are a bit of a con but I fall for it every time.

  13. Just finished Vive La Revolution by Mark Steel. Twas superb. I'm an idiot so I'll probably forget all the history within a week but it has the best jokes about invisble ink and Sting that I've ever heard.


    Tomorrow/today I'll probably start Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman.


    Also does anyone get ridiculously excited when they have to choose a new book to read? Apart from the times I'm crippled by indecision I love standing in front of my bookcases and deciding what to read next. Ah. Simple things for simple minds.

  14. Steeeeve I think you have the greatest job in the whole wide world :)


    If you don't like Book Thief, I will be blaming you for not having a great taste in books. :lol:


    Hahaha. I'll do my best to enjoy it.

    I am lucky to work there (usually only on Mondays though) in as much as I get to see all the good stuff as it comes in but the prices are the same for everyone. Charity/second hand bookshops rock my world.

    Must have saved me well over a grand by now.


    But just so I'm not always taking things off topic I am now going to carry on reading Vive La Revolution by Mark Steel and try not to get caught up reading the boards instead.

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