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Everything posted by vodkafan

  1. Ace Of Skulls sounds good Tim- the description reminds me of Jack Vance's Showboat World and the other stories set on Big Planet.
  2. The Violent Century looks amazing Laura! I have to read this book.
  3. Glory (again) The battle scene at the end is stirring, poignant and brilliant.
  4. I didn't know there was a website thanks...
  5. Don't think I have read it but the plot sounds very familiar...a story like that I am sure someone here will recognise it.
  6. Still reading The Nether World by George Gissing and something completely shocking and unexpected just happened. And there was hope for a while for the good characters. But now we are back to the relentless grind and nasty people plotting and the unpleasant sense of dread and impending doom is back again.
  7. I find the news to be continually disappointing Don't know how that series manages to keep getting renewed
  8. OK I'm going to buy it then. Amazon here we come
  9. Love this clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jL1dEyDMA-o
  10. 3 times Amazon has sent me two copies each of DVDs I have ordered from Zoverstocks. But with books, no.
  11. I might clean up and hoover in April
  12. I just saw that advertised on the side of a bus. I saw it had Paul Bettany in it who is a great actor. I will watch him in anything. I bet he brings passion and drama to doing his laundry or making an omelette
  13. Goody! Please let me know what you think of it dtrpath. I still haven't taken the plunge and bought it yet. I am not sure but think there might be only two seasons in total. Could be wrong.
  14. Tropic Thunder. So funny. Tom Cruise's dance had me in stitiches.
  15. It's truly like the Ministry Of Information in George Orwells 1984........ we are fed so much of what is contradictory that you cannot in the end make proper value judgements...you either believe nothing or resign to believe everything you are told because what difference does it make anyway? They own you whatever...
  16. I have had to watch Frozen three times now. The kids seem to really like it. I prefer Brave though
  17. This one seems to be working look at it quick before they block it?
  18. https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2014/02/24/jtrig-manipulation/
  19. I am sure governments are doing this as a matter of course daily...why wouldn't they? https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2014/02/24/jtrig-manipulation/
  20. 64 books in 4 months is jaw-dropping . I am way behind at 23
  21. I have always liked independent British films and I find myself turning to them more and more. We do have our rubbish too of course we just can't afford to throw as much money at it....
  22. [Rant Mode on] Man, I can't bring myself to watch any of those comic book films anymore, Iron Man, SpiderMan, Superman, Batman, Hulk, Thor, The Avengers- it's all Hollywood seems to churn out over and over and all originally just comic books written for children. The few I have ended up seeing I have regretted afterwards as wasted hours. Where has all the originality and imagination gone? [Rant off]
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