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Posts posted by wolfsbane

  1. I went through a phase a few years back of reading Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers and Return of the King every year.... but Harry Potter and Twilight I constantly dip into - it's kind of comforting, having a complete series and just picking out the bits you feel like reading, instead of fretting over the next book to come out... not that I don't enjoy that too.... :(

  2. Hi all


    Loved all of Kathy Reich's stuff so far, the first one I read was Bare Bones. 206 Bones was typically brilliant, my only disappointment was that is just seemed a lot shorter than the rest, anyone else agree?


    I like the underlying 'thread' of the books - Temp's relationships and backstory. I like that it is completely (for me, anyway) different from Bones (which I also love - David Boreanez - who wouldn't?? :()


    I think another thing I really appreciated about these books is that she knows her stuff, she's not researching for a story but has 'lived' that world of forensic anthropology.


    My main 'like' for Kathy Reichs is that she describes the most horrific things in a way that doesn't make it all about gore for gore's sake... won't name other authors I feel do that 'cos am new and don't wanna offend anyone but there are some out there that feel they need to be as graphic as possible and then seem to lose focus on the story itself... that make sense?



  3. Hi all :(


    I got introduced to The Knife of Never Letting go through my book club... for a supposed 'young adults' book, it was around 500 pages so I thought I'd start it early in case I didn't like it....


    4 days later I practically howled at the moon as it came to an end.. and had to get the second book, The Ask and the Answer.... and 5 days after that, more howling, as Monsters of Men isn't out until May 2010... sulking!!!!


    This series I find really refreshing... there is no happy ending, no disappearing into the sunset, no 'getting the girl'.... just constant, never ending, 'what can possibly go wrong now'?


    I won't give spoilers for those of you wishing to read, but for anyone else out there who has read it.... am sure I'm not the only one with their heart in their mouths at the events that unfold and secrets that are revealed.... not just me, surely???


    :D x

  4. Hello fellow bookworms, quick introduction, I'm Kelly...


    Currently reading The Other Boleyn Girl, just read The Knife of Never Letting Go and The Ask and the Answer by Patrick Ness (... we've got to wait till MAY for Monsters of Men???? No fair!!!!!!!), love Harry Potter, rereading Twilight series all the time.... Kathy Reichs is brilliant, as is Marian Keyes, Tom Holt, Tolkien, Austen... oh, and just discovered Kate Moss - Sepulchre was AMAZING!!! This could go on a while so I'll be quiet now....


    Am usually a bit of a lurker :( but will try to come out and play....



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