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Posts posted by wolfsbane

  1. :roll: this is one of the dafted things I've ever heard, how dare people think they can just walk into a bookshop and either blatantly lie about it not being read/being a double/whatever or say that it sounded repetitive and demand a refund?!!! People are special.... I owned a cafe a few years back and a customer ate their soup and their bread and then decided they wanted a full refund because they hadn't enjoyed it.... when we said no, they took a handful of complementary mints 'to make up for it'..... what a world, huh? :D
  2. :friends0:


    Just got round to watching Dr Who from Christmas Day (better late than never)... wow!!!!


    Can't believe David Tennant's leaving, New Year's Day's ep is going to be so sad!!!


    It's great to see Donna and the Master and Wilf..... little disappointed that Rose wasn't in the ep but guess you can't have everything...


    And good luck to the new guy, what a role to try to fill!


    I've watched Dr Who for as long as I can remember but I guess 'my' Doctor growing up was Sylvestor McCoy - I know a lot of people didn't like his portrayal but I loved the relationship between and Ace, and her back story in The Curse of Fenric - an episode which actually gave me nightmares at the time!!!


    Scariest ever Dr Who villian for me? The Cybermen.... definitely a hide-behind-the-sofa moment whenever they're on!!!



  3. Hi all


    Just read this one over Christmas as well, loved it!!!


    I love wolves anyway, and was intrigued to see how this one would be written as I loved The Horsewhisperer, and it lived up to my expectations, beautifully written, had my heart in my mouth the entire time, had a little tear or three at certain points...




  4. Hi All


    Wondering if anyone else has any favourite war poets/poetry? I remember studying these quite a bit at GCSE, and my grandfather, an RAF veteran, was also really fond of these...


    Wilfred Owen - Anthem for doomed youth

    Dulce et decorum est



    Yeats - An Irishman forsees his death



  5. Know what you mean about LOTR - and I know, technicallt all one book.... I read somewhere that Tolkien was heartbroken that they wouldn't publish it in one, and that in fact the plan was to break it down into 6 due to a paper shortage? (can't remember where read.... perhaps dreamt that?!) I've read the Hobbit and attempted to read Silmarillion (if that's how it's spelt) but struggled with that one, definitely a 'thinking' book!!



  6. Glad to see some other people out there love this series too!!


    If you go onto Patrick Ness' website, there's a free ebook which is kind of a prelude more than anything, to The Knife.... just a little sampler but worth it.


    The treatment of the women and spackle is horrific, makes you think about what we do as a species to one another and other 'beings', awful...


    I love the fact that the animals talk but don't really have anything much to say - such basic language, for their needs like food and shelter, love it!



  7. Hiya


    This is a bit of a long shot I know....


    I read a book a few years back, and its sequel, can't for the life of me remember the name.


    The basic premise is that it was set in the near future and humans had found a way to manipulate 'space rock' as spaceships, although the journeys to other planets took many years.


    A priest is on one such 'flight' and when they land on a planet that is already occupied by a race of aliens that for all intents and purposes are peaceful... but when he is asked to remain as something like an advisor or go between, basically he is turned into a slave...a lot of horrific things happen to him, including a 'mutilation' of his hands/arms to make him almost docile to them.


    The story is a flick between his time on the planet and returning back home with his memories.....


    I think the title had something to do with singing, since when transmissions from this planet were sent back to Earth there was a lot of singing but only the priest really understood what the singing was about...


    Like I said... long shot, and am aware an waffling a lot, but worth a try!!!



  8. I really enjoyed the Host, much better than I was expecting - for any Stargate fans out there was thinking it would be something like the whole Go'auld/Tokra thing, but thought it was very cleverly done. Good first 'stand alone' book for SM after the Twilight series too, hard act to follow :(

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