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rachel kay

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Everything posted by rachel kay

  1. When I was little I loved Enid Blyton and read them all, but my favourites were the Magic Faraway Tree and the Wishing Chair. Then I read all Roald Dahl and Judy Blume and a little bit of Catherine Cookson. The book that stands out most was a book called Brog the Stoop. Can't remember who its by but I remember that I loved it.
  2. Granted, But none of your clothes fit anymore. I wish there were more days in a weekend.
  3. Hello and welcome! I love the Twilight Saga too! Although I still can't decide whether I'm team Edward or Jacob. Depends which book I guess. I'm very fickle
  4. Hi Vladd and Welcome. I've only been here a couple of weeks myself. It's good here!
  5. 1. I'm on my second husband. 2. I have more tattoos than I can be bothered to count and intend to get a lot more. 3. I cant abide fresh tomatoes but I like them cooked. 4. My christmas tree fell over yesterday smashing half the baubles and knocking over a hot cup of tea which scalded my legs. 5. My family and I are all going to the cinema tonight to see Avatar in 3D
  6. Granted, You have more time to read but you've forgotten how and reading takes longer. I wish my purse had a never ending supply of money in it.
  7. Oh man, I love that stuff and have vowed to try the frozen yogurt version very very soon. I just had a very nice pizza with tuna, peppers and pineapple
  8. Granted, you're now so awesome at illusions that the world panics and decides to burn you at the stake. I wish I could stop and start time for as long as I wanted, whenever I wanted, as often as I wanted.
  9. Haha yeah! But its a love/hate kinda thing. Where would I be without my TBR pile? Which in fact grew again today as someone gave me a couple of books she's been meaning to lend me for ages, so now they're on the pile too. I finished the Diana Hunter book today that I started yesterday. I knew it was going to be a quick one as I had the day off work And I started Touchy Subjects by Emma Donoghue straight after. I may start another one as well though as this one is a collection of short stories I might leave it at work for my lunch breaks. So now, just have to make a decision on what to read next.
  10. I finished The End Of Mr.Y by Scarlett Thomas last night, a week after starting it which is good for me. I thought it was very interesting and well thought out and really rather clever in a way that made my brain work trying to remember all the science I learned back in school. I would have liked it to end a little differently than it did though. All my new books came from amazon over the past couple of days So, I started a book by Diana Hunter today as it seemed the lightest of the bunch after a heavy one. Its pretty good so far and it'll probably be finished by tomorrow as its not very big. I don't quite know what to start after that as my TBR pile seems to be growing all the time.
  11. I listened to the audio book a couple of months ago and I loved it. I liked the fact it was read by neil gaiman himself and the story was good. I like being read to while I work I'll probably buy the book when I see it, just to have it.
  12. I'm afraid not! Not this time anyway. There just aren't enough hours in the day to make for yourself when you make for other people.
  13. I finished Neil Gaimans Anansi Boys while on my lunch break yesterday, and last night I got stuck in to Scarlett Thomas' The End of Mr.Y. Today I ordered some new books from Amazon. Fallen - Lauren Kate Stolen - Lucy Christopher Evermore - Alyson Noel Secret Submission - Diana Hunter They'll get here just in time for Christmas
  14. Ooh hello to a fellow Lancashire lass! I'm in Blackburn. Thanks again everyone for the welcomes. Its nice to find a forum where everyone is so friendly!
  15. Thanks people I appreciate the welcomes.
  16. 1. I have an older sister who lends me lots of books 2. I have two gorgeous step daughters who are turning out to be little bookworms too 3. I met my husband on the internet 3 years ago and couldn't be happier. 4. I own a business making wedding dresses which sucks up nearly all my time and number 5. I totally agree with ned above. 5. If you knock at my door after 9pm and I'm not expecting you, I won't be answering. Same applies for the telephone.
  17. Hi. I'm Rachel, I'm 28, married to a lovely man, and I make wedding dresses for a living. I don't have nearly as much time as I would like to read but I'm going to make an effort to read more because I love it. In the past couple of months I've read; Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman, The Dragonfly Pool - Eva Ibbotson, The Twilight Saga - Stephenie Meyer, and I've just finished Anansi Boys - Neil Gaiman. Next in line is The End of Mr.Y - Scarlett Thomas, on recommendation and loan from my sister. I'm looking forward to making friends and getting advice on what are the best books to spend my precious little spare time on.
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