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Posts posted by Finty

  1. I have quite a few...


    A black cat one, a hello kitty one I cross-stitched, random card pictures I have cut out...




    I am terrible to my books,

    I fold the corner usually, I bend the book right back alas bending the spine, and once I have finished reading a book its usually quite in a sorry state - HOWEVER... Thats how I read, and I tend to buy my books second hand anyways as I prefer reading a battered book to begin with... I wont ramble on how I love the smell of books..


    Eeep :) x

    I'm similar Amy0x the first thing I do when I pick up a new paperback is crack the spine. I don't tend to keep paperbacks, I pass them on or they go to a local charity shop.

  2. Yesterday I rummaged through my TBR pile for a book to read, settled on one and 30 pages in I found a ten pound note :D. I have no idea how it got there (it was an unread book of 6 years!) but am using it as a bookmark for the moment.

  3. The first series of Heroes was excellent, it's just a pity it disapeared up it's own bottom after that . . .

    Find myself agreeing with you again Raven. Loved the first series of Heroes and only just got through first two eps of second series, it turned into utter drivel. Loving the Event so far.

  4. I can't think of a single book I'm embarrassed about not having read, I think we all take our own paths when it comes to choosing what we read and there are some books I just haven't got round to yet.


    Having said that, I would like to broaden by knowledge of the classics.


    Couldn't agree more with your first sentence Raven. I read a book for pleasure not because I think I have to read it because it's a 'classic'.

  5. 1. Age (<18, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55+)




    2. Gender




    3. What do you read on a daily basis? (blogs, newspapers, books, etc.)


    Newspapers, books


    4. How often do you read for fun in a week?


    Varies from week to week, sometimes every day, sometimes nothing in a week


    5. What time of day do you like to read?


    Evening usually


    6. Where do you read?


    Bath, curled up on the sofa


    7. How many books have you read in the last 6 months?


    Not very many


    8. What type/genre do you enjoy reading most?


    Anything but romance or sci-fi


    9. Why do you read? (entertainment, relaxation, learning, etc.)


    All of the above


    10. What barriers prevent you from reading more?


    Lack of time!


    11. Do you think reading for fun is important?


    Of course


    12. Do you fold page corners or use a bookmark?


    Neither, I memorise the page number


    13. Do you prefer to read to music or in silence?


    Silence preferably


    14. Do you discuss books with your friends?


    The vast majority of my friends don't read books for fun


    15. Do you borrow books from the library?




    16. Do you borrow/loan books from/to friends?


    Yes. When I'm finished with a book I give them to friends in the hope they don't return them (paperbacks only)

  6. I have just got the iphone 4 and have been predictably downloading lots of apps! Two apps which I have found that are fab:


    IP.Board - which as Michelle has mentioned in another thread is an app so you can read the Book Club Forum clearly and is absolutely brilliant.


    Words with friends (free) - Scrabble which you can play with your friends! My friend and I have been having a game since yesterday and it is so much fun. My username is 'sunnynici' if anyone fancies a game.


    What other apps should I be downloading? What would you recommend? smile.gif

    I like the look of that Words with Friends, so will probably download it :) . As yet I haven't downloaded much at all for the iPad. Just Pub Quiz HD which is quite good and SharePrice which gives live streaming share prices.

  7. .


    Finty, I haven't heard of John Sandford before, and Winter Prey does look good. Although on Amazon it looks like there are 17 Prey novels, so I think I will have to cheat and read it as a stand-alone if you think it would work reasonably well on its own?


    You probably could read it as a stand-alone Ooshie. It's not too far into the Prey series either and they always give you a little bit of background to the central character, Lucas Davenport. I've read all of the Prey novels and am thinking of starting at the beginning again!

  8. For someone who makes bookmarks, I never use them! How does that happen???? lol. I grab whatever's handing ( napkin, included ) and stuff it into the book to hold my place.:D


    Likewise, I never use a bookmark either. I've even been known to use my phone as one :)

  9. I spend most of my holidays reading, so I take a large selection of books with me, but rarely go for the bigger reads tending to stick with nothing bigger than 350 pages. I'll probably get through a book a day, so try and take 10-12 bookswith me for a week away, although I usually end up buying more while I'm there!


    Apart from the 350 page rule, I just tend to take a selection from my huge TBR pile!


    10-12, yikes! I'm deliberating over how many to take with me this year as we're going to be on a beach in the back of beyond for 17 days and I'll go through a lot of books. Limited to 20kgs luggage as we have to take a seaplane at the end of our journey. Planning to pack some and then buy more when we get through departures to get round the 5kgs hand luggage.

  10. I'm looking forward to seeing Avatar 3D, hopefully sooner rather than later! I seem to be in the minority regarding Paranormal Activity. Usually that type of movie freaks me out, but I just didn't like it at all and found it tedious and boring. Apparently various endings were shot, but obviously they chose the one they thought would give the biggest shriek (unfortunately not here!).

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