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Posts posted by Anika

  1. This looks like an interesting read, and the sort of thing I'm currently in the mood for; a frivolous tale with a deeper message. I've been contemplating 'The Pendragon Legend' by this author which also seems like a book I'd probably like. I didn't know he'd written any others--thanks for mentioning them! :console:

  2. Never bought a book I already had a copy of. I've probably got around 620 books in my library at the moment, but I know each and every one very well. Besides, the kind of books I buy are not easy to find so it would be difficult to buy a 'spare' by accident.

  3. Something I've learned today...


    That I've still NOT learned to avoid spicy food and chocolate just before going to sleep! It culminates in the most bizarre dreams, for some strange reason....?

  4. It really is amazing what people think is their "right". Just this past Saturday a woman called. She was SOOOoooo offended after reading the book that she doesnt want us to carry the book in the store. After reading the book cover to cover (she admitted it) she now wants to exchange it for another book. She is "sorry I read it, sorry its in my brain, sorry I cant get it out of my head"


    :lol: How do people like this find their way home at the end of the day??!! These are the same kind of people who pig out at McDonald's for years, then sue the company when they become OBESE!! :roll:

  5. That STUPID 'oldie' about ".....in the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight"--!! :hug:


    Can't understand it for the life of me, but I ALWAYS get that damn thing playing in my head!? Even when I haven't actually heard it on the radio for years!! What sin did I commit in a former life to be plagued in this heinous, and most unendurable manner? I've even methodically examined the circumstances pertaining to the sudden presence of this torture and no immediate correlation has surfaced.....yet. :lol:

  6. I read MOSTLY non-fiction, with the occasional novel to lighten things up in between. I prefer biographies (mostly about literary figures), English & French history, anything to do with writing and books, exploration history, the paranormal, letter/diary collections, travel and gardening.

  7. I read mainly non-fiction, books about cycling, survival, mountaineering, musicians and many more.



    I also enjoy reading about exploration and musicians. I thought you might like to know about some books I found interesting. They are:



    'Barrow's Boys' (Sailing exploration)

    'Ninety Degrees North' (Polar exploration) --both by Fergus Fleming


    'Last Breath ~The Limits of Adventure' (The dangers of extreme sports) --by Peter Stark


    'Deep Descent ~Adventure and Death Diving the Andrea Doria'

    --by Kevin F. Mcmurray


    'Ghost Rider' --by Neil Peart [drummer of Rush] Travelogue of motorcycle tour & recovery-journey.



    Have you read any of these?

  8. I recently enjoyed reading (**Rediculously L O N G Title ALERT!!!**) "A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland and The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides", which is both Samuel Johnson's and James Boswell's version of their trip together in 1773. Or at least that's what my Barnes & Noble 'Library of Essential Reading' calls it. Don't know for sure if all versions have both accounts or not, but it's interesting to read the two together. :lol:

  9. I'm into the 'Barsetshire Chronicles' (Anthony Trollope) right now. Of the 6 volumes I have read 4--waiting for the 5th to arrive any day now via Amazon. I have to say, the second book: 'Barchester Towers' is my favorite, so far. The large cast of characters, all rather Dickensian in their quirkiness, are enough to be going on with, but the very droll humor kept me turning pages throughout. I only wish this series were longer. :lol:

  10. I discovered the novels of Barbara Pym in 2009. I found the first one at a used bookshop, thinking it would be just a mild diversion and I really LOVED it! Since then I've been on a hunt to find the rest of her novels, and have now read 5 of them so far. I also found 'A Very Private Eye'~which is a collection of her letters and diaries, and from that I can see how autobiographical her books are. (Her own life would make a great novel, actually, though it would be a bit sad--unrequited love issues). Also, the main characters from earlier books are mentioned in later ones so everyone sort of 'connects' somehow. She really was a very gifted writer!

  11. I am thinking about what poetry to recommend to you, by the way :) when and if you come up with other preferred thematic elements, hit me (metaphorically) and I'll throw them into the brainstorm.


    Not sure about specific thematic elements, or don't have any preferrences as such. But to help you narrow the field, I suppose pastoral, nature, loneliness, spiritual growth, love or heroic endeavor would be the themes that come to mind, and hope that's what you mean. Like I said, I'm a bit clueless about poetry, :lol: so as long as the language doesn't require excessive translation/study to get the meaning of the work (such as Old English, Burns, etc.) I'm willing to give it a try. Since I'm reading other books on the Romantic & Victorian eras, some poets from these times would be a good start for me, I think.


    My dissertation was on translating the Sonnets, and obviously as a translator I had to look at Shakespeare criticism; I argued in my tangent that a creative individual such as a translator would best be served by fictional but passionate accounts of the truth behind the Sonnets rather than plausible but sterile criticism.



    That's a really good idea! :D Hope it comes back with a good mark on it!!

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