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Everything posted by Heffalumpi

  1. I have just discovered this author and just finished 'Other People's Secrets' which I have thoroughly enjoyed - so much so that I have just got back from the library where I managed to pick up another book by her 'Before We Say Goodbye'. I have read reviews that have likened her to Jodi Picoult but don't let this put you off as I really dislike the way she handles her storylines (but that's just me!) but have found Louise's style to be more rounded with more characters perspectives on the story.
  2. Harry Potter for me too, the idea of all that magic going on would be too good to miss
  3. I read a lot of her books when I was a teenager and she really knew what sort of issues troubled young people and was able to write about it in a way that was easy to relate to. Her characters are always easy to identify with and are believable. I have read Summer Sisters but don't remember much of the story, it is one that I think I will have to dig out and re-read very soon. Thanks for reminding me of such an excellent writer!! (If you like her style of writing you would probably also enjoy books by Paullina Simons)
  4. I too would recommend 'A Prayer for Owen Meany' - it is my favourite book and one that I always come back to.
  5. Thank you Chrissy :-)

  6. I too really enjoyed this book and thought that it was well written. I liked the way it changed the focus on to the different characters so that you felt that you got to learn alot about them. So much more could have been written and I felt that the author could have written so much more without it becoming boring. It was one of those books that I really didn't want to end.
  7. Has anyone else read The Glass Room by Simon Mawer? I have just finished it and found it to be a very good and thought provoking book. I really liked the way the book mainly focused on a place rather than certain people. There are central characters within the book, although the story always comes back to the house that they built. I felt that the book ended too soon and that more could have been done with the characters, especially Hana. Overall though an excellent book and I would recommend it to anyone interested in the story of one family, of split religion, during the second world war.
  8. I really wanted to like this book but gave up after 100 pages as I felt that it just wasn't going anywhere. I felt that the style that it had been written in was really dull and didn't make me care particularly about the characters in the story. A shame really as the blurb really drew me in.
  9. I too go with the 100 page rule - if it hasn't sucked me in by then it is unlikely that it will. I read for pleasure and would hate to feel that I had to finish a book that I wasn't enjoying.
  10. I wasn't going to watch this but every night I have been tuning in to get my fix. I am loving the idea of the mole and think that it could turn out to be one of the better series.
  11. For me it would have to be authors from when I was younger such as Roald Dahl and JK Rowling. I can lose myself in their works even when highly stressed or distracted by real life issues.
  12. I too find that my tastes change, often I will read something by a new author and then go out and buy more of their work only to find that I 'go off' their style of writing so the unread books go to the charity shop. I have learnt my lesson though - to avoid spending a lot of money on books I will potentially go off I've joined the library
  13. I really cannot stand the Warburtons's one or the Halifax - arrggghhh, an instant switch channels. I do really like the John Lewis one at the moment and the Lloyds TSB one.
  14. Thanks for that - I looked but couldn't find a thread:blush: Its great to see so many others enjoyed it. I really liked the book and it didn't end how I thought that it would, the way that the story builds though is really clever. The reason that I picked this book up was due to reading We Have Always Lived in the Castle and found that a fantastic book so thought that I would try more from this author, I certainly wasn't disappointed!
  15. I just wondered if anyone else had read this book and if so what they thought of it. I have just finished it and it was nothing like I expected. A few friends of mine raved about it but I feel quite undecided so am interested in the view of others.
  16. I love reading and have always preferred it to any other form of entertainment. For me it is a way of escaping my current life and any worries that I have into someone elses world, seeing someone elses views and getting involved with people in the form of the characters who I would otherwise never have 'met'.
  17. The last race in Valencia was really good, it was great to see Schumacher beating his team mate. I did feel a teeny bit for Button as he spent the entire race looking up Schumacher's exhaust pile!
  18. I love watching the F1, particularly now that Michael Schumacher is back on the scene. I also like watching the Six Nations Rugby.
  19. Gumbo - made by OH so it should be really good, the smells from the kitchen are promising:mrgreen:
  20. Nice soaps and toiletries in gereral even though I have a bathroom full:blush:
  21. I would agree with The Evil Seed being the best one of hers that I have read. I really liked the way that the story developed and it was not what I was expecting at all. I did try and read The Coastliners afterwards but really could not get into it at all but looking back I think that it was because both books are so different and I was expecting more of the same. I have Chocolat on my reading pile and after seeing all of the recommendations I think that it needs to move up a bit.
  22. The book that I have just finished, We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson. There were so many more avenues for the characters to go down. I think that that was the point of where it ended but it could have gone on longer and I really wish that it had.
  23. Usually a book a week, that is the target that I have set for myself this year and so far so good. If I am off work I can usually manage 2 - 3 books easily depending on size.
  24. Started a new book today, Rebecca's Tale which is a follow on to Rebecca by Daphne Du Marrier. If you enjoyed Rebecca I think you'd love this. I intended to sit down for 30 minutes until the washing machine finished and realised that 3 hours later I hadn't moved
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