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Everything posted by beautifuldisaster7

  1. Ahh I read this in a day and cried my heart out...I love Nicholas Sparks and I always enjoy his books...Is the movie worth my time?
  2. Has anyone read these amazing books? There are two so far: Hunger Games Catching Fire And there's a third on the way entitled Mockingjay. They came out around the time of the Twilight books and got surpassed which is so unfortunate because they are extremely well written. They are young adult novels but honestly, I found them to be amazing and I am not a teenager. So that is the reason I asked about them in this section because they are sci-fi as well. I've been dying to discuss them, but no one I know has read through them Let me know Thanks, Peace, and Love
  3. Thanks I know I need to just stop putting it off haha.
  4. I had many memorable reads in school some being: Lord of the Flies by William Golding Macbeth by Shakespeare To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee A Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare Night by Elle Wiesel I took a Child Development course which changed my English reading to go along with the class so I didn't do regular English class reading. I feel it was better though because most of the books were worth reading in school and other kids didn't get to read them. (Pink are the ones for Child Dev. classes only)
  5. I have a Kindle and I think it's a good idea. It's pricey, but the books on there cost less than if you buy them in a store. You can also quote them and save pages etc...I bought a few books on there for hardly anything.
  6. Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom is great. Sad but really uplifting.
  7. Hey everyone! Okay, so Catcher in the Rye has been on my TBR list since I was little and I always push it back. So now I'm thinking about reading it (an easy read, I know) but a lot of people I talk to are telling me it's not worth my time....any input? Thanks, Peace, and Love:readingtwo:
  8. I just found it boring...I tried and tried to get into it and it took a lot to get through...I dunno it just wasn't drawing me in which was unfortunate because it's supposed to be great. I say try it out but it was boring in my opinion lol
  9. Haven't been on in awhile, but had to do this thread =) 1) One Book that made you read it More Than Once: Go Ask Alice by Anonymous 2) One book you would want on a desert island: Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins 3) One book that made you laugh: I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell by Tucker Max 4) One book that made you cry: The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks 5) One book that made you wish you had written: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling 6) One book that made you wish had never been written: The Razor's Edge by W. Somerset Maugham 7) One book you are currently reading: The Collector by John Fowles 8) One book you have been meaning to read: The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger 9) One book that changed your life: The Perks Of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
  10. Has anyone read The Story Of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wrobleski? I want to read it and its long and every time I try its a little hard to get into lol...
  11. Watching Jennifer's Body right now...no idea if its good or bad yet lol
  12. 1. Night by Elle Wiesel 2. The Lord Of The Flies by William Golding 3. To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee 4. The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling 5. A Child Called It by David Pelzer There are soo many others but had to stay within the limit haha
  13. yea I love that song:D Thanks for the compliment!

  14. So I literally just finished the Time Traveler's Wife and I thought it was a work of art...I cried like a baby and I couldn't put it down lol Is the movie anywhere near as good? I don't want to ruin my imagined version of the book by watching something completely uninspired... Any thoughts?? Thanks
  15. It's worth it. One of my all time favorites simply because of how humans evolve and how chaos ensues. It is a good read and rather short so you should be able to get through it fast:mrgreen: Thanks for the input!! I think I'm gonna read some of his work soon lol adding to my huge list of TBR
  16. definitely A Child Called It...way hard to read, though it is a great book... Also Lord Of The Flies which is in my all time favorites but is still a bit of a disturbing read. Has anyone read any books by Marquis de Sade? Just wondering if they are, in fact as violent and disturbing as they are said to be...I've seen a few on some of the "books you should read before you die" lists and I haven't read any because I'm a bit scared lol:mrgreen:
  17. Been reading more than you could have imagined? Or has your mojo deserted you? Well over the summer I was reading like a champ and it was great but since school has started unfortunately leisure reading is put on the back burner Found any new favourites? Been disappointed by others? I love love loved The Perks of Being a Wallflower...definitely a favorite and I read a few religion books which was a cool change. I did read A Bend In The Road by Nicholas Sparks and it wasn't as good as I wanted...lol Been sticking to your reading challenges? Or pushed them to the side in the name of being spontaneous? I put my TBR pile in order and try to stick to it but sometimes...impulse buying kicks my list to the curb lol Bought more books than you've read? I've read a lot but I buy 2 (or more) at a time...lol:mrgreen: Been spending too much time at BCF when you could otherwise be making inroads into your TBR pile? And if so, are you going to do anything about it? No lol I usually read every chance I get, but I'm on here now so I guess you could say I put it off sometimes haha And finally, where do you hope your reading will take you in the next 6 months? I really want to be introduced to a new series of books because to be honest, since Harry Potter, I haven't found a truly amazing series (though I read the Twilight Saga and it was ok) I miss the wizard world haha:mrgreen:
  18. Hands down Harry Potter films...especially the Half-Blood Prince...I get so excited for the movies and almost all disappoint. The HBP didn't even have the same ending as the book really...I hope they do well with the 7th and 8th movies but I won't get my hopes too high:lol: Diana
  19. Ok so has anyone ever read The Rose Labyrinth by Titania Hardie? I bought it because it looked intriguing but I haven't heard anything about it... Thanks Diana
  20. I read the whole series and once you start one book you can't stop Since you are only on the second one just wait till you hit the next book. I will say number 3, 5, and of course 7 were the best and I was really sad to stop reading the series when it was over:irked: Also as a tip you might want to read The Tales of Beetle the Bard in between the 6th and 7th book so you get a background on some of the stories in the 7th book:D Diana
  21. Hi! I'm Diana and I'm new to this forum so I just thought I'd let you all know:D Anywho... I just finished The Perks of Being A Wallflower which is amazing I must say and right before that I read The Shack which was really very good as well. Right now I am reading The Time Traveler's Wife and I'm about 40 pages in so I will let you all know what I think when I'm done but I hear really good things! I hope to read a book called The Weight of Silence next which I haven't heard much about so if you've read it let me know if it was good Thanks!
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