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Posts posted by Jessi

  1. Mac - it was quite enjoyable, give it a go. It's quite a short book (under 150 pgs) so it won't take your attention off your other books for too long!


    I am - how are you?


    Janet - there a strange mixture of fiction and fact. They are quite young I suppose (like Mayflower was too easy) but maybe it was the seriousness of the topic, but Blitz felt 'older' somehow. I am yet to read the one about the plague; it is in my TBR list.

  2. Blitz – Vince Cross (4/5)

    Again, this was one of the my story books. However, Blitz, either because of the setting, or being set only 70 years ago touched me more deeply than Mayflower. Set in London, Blitz tells the story of twelve year old Edie who lives in Lewisham with her parents as well as her siblings and goes through the night raids and then has to endure two weeks of evacuation in Wales. It is a very moving story, and as I said it really did touch me. Lewisham, Bromley, London Bridge and Biggin Hill are all mentioned – some of those places are not twenty minutes from where I live. We are reminded at the end of the book that Edie’s story could well be that of our grandmothers and when I thought about it, it did bear similarities to my grandmas. It was a good read, but it has also made me thoughtful about what children and everyone else went through during the war and the conditions they had to endure.

  3. Mayflower – Kathryn Lasky (3.5/5)

    Mayflower is part of the My Story history series which put a fictional character in to the past at a particular time and then let us experience it through that character. I got these books when I was younger but have thoroughly enjoy the ones I have read. Mayflower is the story of a young puritan girl called Remember who leaves for the new world with her parents and little sister Blessing. This is a fun easy (maybe a little too easy) read that spans a year in her life during which time they make the journey and then reach America and form a settlement. Once they are there though, they face illness and have to take each day at a time if they are going to survive in the New World.

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