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Status Replies posted by poppyshake

  1. has swapped to winter coat mode!

  2. Bad ankle, slight headache and funny tummy should never have gotten out of bed this morning

  3. The Ring of Solomon isnt as good as the Bartimaeus trilogy : /

  4. Now we know where Summer was hiding .. behind Autumn!

  5. The Ring of Solomon isnt as good as the Bartimaeus trilogy : /

  6. Now we know where Summer was hiding .. behind Autumn!

  7. Now we know where Summer was hiding .. behind Autumn!

  8. My dad just passed away.

  9. Boy its turned cold. Brrr!

  10. My wife has just phoned me to let me know she has brought her first Christmas present!

  11. Just been an early morning walk along the seafront

  12. My son was offered an apprenticeship today. :D

  13. Glad I didn't water the garden last night as its coming down in buckets today

  14. Wow really 18 at last.. feels no different haha.

  15. Harry Potter tomorrow - can't wait!

  16. Frankie is off to Nurmes today, will spend Saturday celebrating Dad's 60th Bday + there's a 90s party at a local place, wohoo! :)

  17. just banged my head on my desk in frustration. Now I'm getting funny looks off everyone else in the office and I have a red mark on my forehead!

  18. Thats me work is juist about over and my holiday is calling woo hoo

  19. I have a punk hairdo today. I must be going through a mid-life crisis. LOL

  20. had meeting with job recruitment toff and apparently I have no chance of being called for interviews because c.v is too long and set up all wrong and my email address needs changing. came home to find m first rejection. can't feel much lower than this...

  21. Frankie goes travelling to Helsinki and Estonia, will be back next Thursday!

  22. Thinks I have more courage then I give myself credit for.

  23. 6,000 posts wohoo!

  24. sometimes other managers really get on my nerves I need chocolate!

  25. Well damn, looks like I got emotional after all. Seven years of memories end today, as I have now officially left school forever. It's a weird feeling and it's both a sad and happy moment at the same time.

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