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Posts posted by Melisa

  1. For some reason she's an author who's books I have never read. Not really sure why.


    I recently saw a TV adaptation of 'Under Suspicion' which I thought was really good so have bought 'The Red Dahlia' as it supposedly has the same characters in and I missed the recent episodes on ITV.


    Has anybody read this?! Any good?!

  2. Updated Reading List!


    1) Restoring Grace - Katie Fforde - Read!

    2) Teacher, Teacher - Jack Sheffield - Read!

    3) Dark Harbour - David Hosp – Read!

    4) Mister Teacher - Jack Sheffield - Read!

    5) The Tea Rose - Jennifer Donnelly (recommended by DanC!) - Reading! :)

    6) Dear Teacher - Jack Sheffield

    7) Wildfire - Nelson DeMille

    8) The Time Travellers Wife - Audrey Niffenegger

    9) Tuesdays with Morrie - Mitch Albom

    10) Keeping the Dead - Tess Gerritsen

    11) The Book Thief - Markus Zusak

    12) The Point of Rescue - Sophie Hannah

    13) The Other Side of The Dale - Gervase Phinn (recommended by Chesilbeach!)

    14) The Brass Verdict - Michael Connelly

    15) The Bodies Left Behind - Jeffery Deaver

    16) The Guilded Seal - James Twining

    17) The Betrayed - David Hosp

    18) Innocence - David Hosp


    Well I've fished 'Dark Harbour' by David Hosp and actually really enjoyed it! I've not heard of him before so I will definitely checking out some more of his books.




  3. When I read that I just thought... eesh who? Maybe it's time to pull my finger out and get reading them haha!


    Chesilbeach, have you read Seeing? I watched the movie Blindness and thought it was pretty epic. However, I thought the ending was open to interpretation somewhat so figured the books might give me clearer insight. However, whatever I read about them on the internet is always positive. Apparently Seeing is about a vote in the same unnamed town/city where everyone submits blank pieces of paper. I figured it'd be interesting and well, deep.




    I know! I don't even know what book he's in??!!



  4. I've also read all of the Harry Potter books but want to try and familiarise myself with the storyline and characters again before the new film comes out as I can't seem to remember Prof. Slughorn?!


    I've also got 'The Time Travellers Wife' to read - people can't praise it enough on here so I'm expecting good things!



  5. I've just ordered 'The Tea Rose' from my library after reading your review!


    I've read 'A Gathering Light' by her so hopefully this one will be good too.


    The TBR pile is now becoming never-ending!



  6. Thanks DanC - I'm going to read it next I've decided! All the good reviews and posts have persuaded me and I can't wait any longer!

    Just as soon as I've finished Dark Harbour..


    50 pages in and it's actually quite good. I think I've discovered a new author!



  7. Updated reading list!

    1) Restoring Grace - Katie Fforde - Read!

    2) Teacher, Teacher - Jack Sheffield - Read!

    3) Dark Harbour - David Hosp - Reading

    4) Mister Teacher - Jack Sheffield

    5) Dear Teacher - Jack Sheffield

    6) The Time Travellers Wife - Audrey Niffenegger

    7) Wildfire - Nelson DeMille

    8) The Importance of Being Kennedy - Laurie Graham

    9) Tuesdays with Morrie - Mitch Albom

    10) Keeping the Dead - Tess Gerritsen

    11) The Book Thief - Markus Zusak


    Next book I'm going to be reading is 'Dark Harbour' by David Hosp - not read any of his books before so hoping it's good.


    Anybody read this?


    Hoping to read 'The Time Travellers Wife' shortly after the good recommendations on this website!



  8. Just finished 'Teacher, Teacher' and I really enjoyed it! I started it last night and finished it this afternoon as I was enjoying so much. It really reads as though it's a story and I couldn't wait to read each chapter. I loved reading the notes the parents would send in explaining why their child wasn't able to come into school, complete with unfortunate spelling mistakes!


    Looking forward to reading how things will develop in the next two. I've reserved them in my library so hopefully I won't have to wait too long!


    I've not read the Gervase Phinn books but after looking them up on Amazon I think I may have to add them to my TBR pile, which is getting bigger everytime I log on here!

  9. It took me ages to get into reading the Harry Potter books - I deliberately avoided them because of all of the hype!


    By the time I'd started reading them 'The Order of Phoenix' had just come out in paperback! Glad I read them though as I understood what all the fuss was about!


    I agree that they did get better after that 'Prisoner of Azkaban' - the other two were quite young - especially if you watch the film! They got darker as the characters got older!


    I've got the Phillip Pullman books but just couldn't get into the first one! I definitely need to try again though as everyone I know that has read them absolutely loves them!



  10. Well I've finished Restoring Grace by Katie Fforde. It was ok but not her best so I've been to the library and I'm on with my next book now!


    I'm currently reading 'Teacher Teacher' by Jack Sheffield after reading about it on somebody else's thread.


    It's set in 1977 at a school in Yorkshire and the book is narrated by the new (and young) headteacher during his first year. Looking forward to reading it as the author actually went to college in York where I'm from so it's nice hearing about it from somebody else's viewpoint!


    1) Restoring Grace - Katie Fforde - Read!

    2) Teacher, Teacher - Jack Sheffield - Reading

    3) Mister Teacher - Jack Sheffield

    4) Dear Teacher - Jack Sheffield

    5) The Time Travellers Wife - Audrey Niffenegger

    6) Wildfire - Nelson DeMille

    7) The Importance of Being Kennedy - Laurie Graham

    8) Tuesdays with Morrie - Mitch Albom

  11. The blurb on the back says; "Men want to be him. Women want to be with him." This is, at first reading, extraordinarily cheesy with extra cheese on top - it put me off reading these books for a few years! - but once you read them, it turns out to be so true! I might start a little thread here...hang on...:)


    Oh god yeah - the blurb on the back is utter cheese on toast...

  12. I've got some other books that I'll be reading at some point over the next couple of months:-


    1) The Bodies Left Behind - Jeffery Deaver (I always love his books so I'm hoping he won't let me down!)


    2) Teacher Teacher - Jack Sheffield (I read about this on somebody elses listing and it sounded quite good so I've pre-ordered it from the library!)


    3) The Book Thief - Markus Zusak (another book I've had for a while but not gotten around to reading!)


    4) The Brass Verdict - Michael Connelly (my mum is a big fan so has given me her copy!)


    5) The Guilded Seal - James Twining (another book I've had for a while....even my mum has read my copy!)


    6) The Return - Victoria Hislop (I've read The Island and really liked it. I've been slightly put off by the bad reviews and the state of my reading pile!)


    Has anybody read any of these?

    Any thoughts?!


    Bit of a pattern here - I seem to buy books, put them down and never get around to reading them! This is because of my library. It's so well stocked I tend to read these first and forget about the ones I've bought!


    To be honest I'd be lost if I didn't have a pile of books to read! All I can say is roll on the May Bank Holiday!



  13. Is this your first read by her, or have you read many of her stories? I haven't read this particular Fforde yet, but I've read 2 of hers over the past couple of weeks: "Stately Pursuits" and "Living Dangerously." I liked them both a lot.. I'm trying to locate "Practically Perfect" as it's been highly recommended around this board, but haven't gotten my hands on it yet. Hopefully soon! :D


    I've read quite a lot her books actually! The first being 'Flora's Lot' that somebody had left behind when I was on holiday a couple of years ago. I'd never heard of her before then!


    I've read 'Stately Pursuits' but haven't gotten around to reading 'Practically Perfect' even though I own it!


    I can recommend 'The Rose Revived', 'Going Dutch' and 'Life Skills' - they're all set on barges (she must have been going through a phase or something!) and I loved them!


    Lovely heartwarming stories with a touch of comedy! Just what I want to read after reading something heavy!



  14. Thanks Chrissy and Charm!


    I've managed to finish 'Divine Justice' by David Baldacci. Another solid read about the Camel Club.


    This book has a lot of the same characters from the previous books in his Camel Club series (he's written 4 so far) and takes Oliver Stone to a seemingly quiet town in Virginia called Divine. Of course things aren't quite what they seem..


    I really like these books - the characters are so easy to like and the stories easy to get into.


    My next books to read over the next month or so are:-


    1) Restoring Grace - Katie Fforde

    2) The Time Travellers Wife - Audrey Niffenegger

    3) Wildfire - Nelson DeMille

    4) The Importance of Being Kennedy - Laurie Graham

    5) Tuesdays with Morrie - Mitch Albom


    I've heard very good things about 'The Time Travellers Wife' so am really looking forward to reading that!



  15. I've also read those Mitch Albom's books and loved them!


    I've got 'Tuesday's with Morrie' reseved at my local library so can't wait until that comes in..


    My next read is going to be 'The Time Travellers Wife' - I got it a while ago but it's just been on my shelf of books to read for ages! It's just the case of something else to read, then something else, then something else....


    Looking forward to reading it though as everybody I've come across seems to love it!



  16. I didn't know he'd finally finished his latest book (I think it's been in the pipeline since 2006?!) - I'll probably read it though as I liked 'The Da Vinci Code' and 'Angels and Demons'.


    I thought 'Digitial Fortress' was also quite good but I hated 'Deception Point'. Just dull, dull, dull. It took me about 3 attempts to get into it and by the end I wish I hadn't bothered!



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