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Status Updates posted by Nicola

  1. Ooooooh Frankie I've just joined LibraryThing......it hurts my head! :lurker:

  2. It's a lovely story isn't it. Very romantic! Jesmond Dene is gorgeous during any season too so it's a real treasure. We're very lucky to have it :D And like you say, there's quite a bit of history wherever you travel to really. If ever you get the chance you should really visit :D What is it like to visit Finland?


    Yeah 9/10! Haaaa! :lol: I'm holding out for that perfect book. I suppose I have some 10/10's on my bookcase but I read them before I joined the forum. (but they're rare finds :lol:)


    I'm sure you'll get your mojo back and like you say, when the weather gets better you tend to see people more often and make the most of warm days by being outside. I wouldn't worry too much :) (plus, the Vampire Lestat wasn't the best book to read. I had to really push myself through it :irked:)

  3. Frankie!!! I've finished Dexter!! There were just enough differences to make it seem like a fresh story. I'm thinking 9/10. I'm holding out for the 10/10 review it seems!! :lol:


    This forum is so supportive isn't it. It seems like whenever anyone has a problem or needs encouragement, everyone is behind them. It's really nice!! Well the scales thing is fine. There was quite a few people at weightwatchers that would try really hard and not slip up all week and stay the same weight. They'd literally cry at the meetings but the following week they'd always lose weight and sometimes they'd lose 3 or 4 lb (I think the average was about 2lb a week) So I think you'll be fine :D

  4. A bank holiday every fortnight sounds fabulous to me! :lol: I've just been to Jesmond Dene which is a really nice park area in the middle of the city (if you get a chance to google it I'd take a look at the images) It was created by William Armstrong in the 1860's for his Fiancee. He built a chapel in the centre to hold the wedding ceremony and the surrounding woodland creates a rural setting which you'd never place in a city. It's just beautiful and it's protected land now so can never be developed. We had a few drinks and nibbles in the sun. Really chilled out!


    I hope your spring rolls were nice Frankie! :D

  5. Morning!!!


    So far I'm at chapter 16 with Dexter and really enjoying it. I've been laying low too.....was at my friends BBQ yesterday and out with Ross's parents on Saturday so just popped in for a few minutes to see if there was anything major happening! :D


    Well done you on your pigging out day! I don't think thats bad at all! Considering that you've been doing really well all other days I think that's ok. I wouldn't be too disheartened by the scales result. I used to go to Weightwatchers (which I'm going back to on Thursday) and they say that some people are on a fortnightly cycle so you may notice no difference in the first week but you'll definitely lose weight on the second week. You're doing all the right things and making a change to your lifestyle so it has to happen! Keep your chin up :):)


    This bank holiday is called Spring Bank Holiday.....you're right about May Day! I'm terrible!


    Do you have any plans for bank holiday? :D

  6. The bank holiday question is a good one. I think it's May Day but I'm not 100% certain. We seem to have loads in the space of 6 weeks and I can never keep track!! haa!! Its a good excuse for sleeping late and having a lazy day! :D I'll check it out!


    Ooooooh how did your 'day off the wagon' go? Were you bad in a good way? Is the healthy eatinf diet going well? I wish I had your will power! The talk of food always makes my mouth water......especially chocolate food!


    My Mother and Sister came over last night for Dinner and I made Fajitas. I use quorn which is really low in fat, peppers, onion, extra virgin olive oil, salsa and kidney beans so they're not too bad for you. I love the BBQ spice to go with them too.......now my mouths watering!! eeek!! :lol:

  7. Haaa!! Sergant Frankie indeed!! I'm up to chapter 11 now.......I didn't realise how unintelligent LaGuerta is!! It doesn't translate at all in the TV series.


    Yeah Great Expectations! I was bought a box set of classics by a relative for my 10th (ish) birthday :lol: Goodness knows why they thought that was a good present for a 10 year old :roll: The set contained Great Expectations, A tale of two cites, Swiss Family Robinson, Treasure Island, Emma and others that I can't remember but not very child orientated books I think. But I loved Great Expectations because Pip starts out as a boy and I suppose it's a story of his growing up isn't it so it must have appealed to me.


    I think that A Christmas Carol is amazing! I would definitely recommend that one. I've read the Pickwick Papers but didn't really enjoy it too much and Nicholas Nickleby is really good. I haven't really read a lot of Dickens.... maybe 5 books. I think I'd like to read more but they can be pretty heavy going can't they.

  8. Made a good start on Dexter.....4 chapters! Is that sufficient Sergant Frankie Sir yes Sir!!! Haa! :lol::lol:


    It's good and I think having seen the series already I've got pre-made characters in my mind :D

  9. Haaaaa.....I used to read the usual R L Stine horror book too but looking at this lot I didn't have a totally normal teenage book phase....think I'm going backwards actually. The first book I read on my own was Great Expectations (???!!) and then I read more Dickens and a fell in love with the classics. Now....at the grand old age of 28, I love Harry Potter and Twilight!! haa!! :lol:


    Right.....I'm going to have a quick shower, put on my PJs and settle down with Dexter for the night :D The thought of extra long body blast sessions is terrifying! The woman who takes the class is a bully and really pushes you through. eeeek! I used to go twice a week but I've not had time for the last few months. I'm planning to go back in two weeks time and I'm not looking forward to it!!


    How's your healthy lifestyle going? Hopefully well! :D

  10. Morning Frankie!!


    Well I didn't get any Dexter read as I was sorting through my books!! :D There's an author that I loved called Isaac Bashevis Singer and I came across a few of his books. The books are mainly made up of short stories (they're like medieval Yiddish chronicles that teach morals) They're really good! I also came across loads of books about pop art and graffiti art which I like too. It's like getting a new batch of books! :D I'm having to double up on the books shelves now though which isn't ideal but I've got no space for another book case. I was up until pretty late sorting through it all!


    I promise to get started today with Dexter (well I have read the first few sentences if that counts????) :roll::lol:


    Coffee sounds good......think I'll grab myself one too! ;):D

  11. Hey Frankie!!


    My Mother moved house recently (she finally moved in with my Stepdad even though it was for such a short period) and she's been sorting through all the junk left at her house by me and my Sister. Anyway, my Sister has just brought over 2 huge boxes of books that I totally forgot about! I've no idea where they're going to go but I can't wait to delve into them to remember stories I read ages ago! Heee! It reminded me of you and your Making Waves books......lets hope there's a few forgotten gems eh!! :D:D

  12. Haaaaaa I know!! Poor Lestat indeed! :lol:


    Think I might read a bit of Dexter tonight before bed just to get it started. I handed in two assignments this morning so I think I deserve the evening off. :D The woman who we have to hand our work into has such an attitude problem. I ran out of staples to fix my assignments together so asked her if I could borrow hers and she gave me the worst look EVER! The she said that in future I need to be prepared before handing it in.:motz:The thing is, I'm a mature student, so she's about 4 years younger than me...I feel like telling her off! :lol: She always gets really uptight if you touch her pen too and is really sharp with everyone most of the time.


    Some people eh! Hope you're reading is going well! :D

  13. I can't wait to get started! Ross has a work experience placement sorted out over the summer so I'm going to be home alone with nothing to do but read!! Cant wait! :D:D:D


    Did it take long to get through Darkly Dreaming Dexter?


    I'm dying to tell you how Lestat ends!! (I'm one of those people) haa! I'll just have to be patient! haaa! :lol:

  14. Nicola

    Hey Mac!!


    Sounds vicious!! I'm going to start and call you Mac 'Jackie Chan'! Haaa!!


    I've had a pretty awful week......my stepdad has just passed away so it's a bit of a rubbish time right now. It's always the good ones that get taken early isn't it!


    Hope you're grand and been steering clear of trouble!!:lol:

  15. Thanks Frankie!


    It wasn't the best day but the service was really nice and quite personal to Peter. We then went back to a little pub in a rural area called the Gold Medal where we had a drink and a bite to eat. It was nice to hear peoples tales about Peter. He was in the Merchant Navy and travelled quite a bit so there were lots of tales! :D It's just sad really.


    I bought Darkly Dreaming Dexter today and The Empty Chair too so I'm spoilt for choice!! I've been given extensions on my coursework so it's still outstanding :irked: Once I finish (which won't be long if I can help it) I'll get cracking with Dexter.


    Also, as you give Lestat the push, do you want to me tell you how it ends? It was really good!! (It would make me feel better too!! :lol:)

  16. Thanks Frankie! :)


    It's really not good isn't it. He had lung cancer and was undergoing chemotherapy when he caught a nasty chest infection. With his immune system being really low because of the treatment, it really took a hold and his heart couldn't cope with the added pressure. I'm really gutted but yeah, we're a close family so we'll help each other out. My Sister is staying with my mother tonight so I'm having a break.


    Well I'm happy to go with whatever the majority want :) I'll definitely check out the Dexter social group :D

  17. Hey!


    That's so cool! I want one! We didn't get a chance to see it unfotunately but I'm sure we can prob get it on dvd soonish.....looking forward to seeing it! :D


    I've had a nightmare few days. My stepdad has just died.....we can't believe it! He's only been married to my Mother for 4 weeks.....she's devastated! So I've been over at her house staying with her and she has no internet (she's just learned how to text!!) The funeral is on Monday but it's not really sinking in yet. I told her she should read Mitch Albom (??)'s 5 People You Meet In Heaven....it's a nice story. :)


    Did anyone decide on the next book yet?


    Hope you're ok :):)

  18. I bought my Maiden's Grave at a charity shop too! 25p! haaa! You can't buy a bar of chocolate for 25p these days :lol:


    You're right about not oggling at him when he's reading.....I've been trying really hard not to :D


    I'm almost finished Lestat and it's getting good! (maybe a bit too late but at least the good stuff has arrived eh!! haa!!) :lol:

  19. ooooooooh! Also forgot to mention that my BF finished a book!!!!! He read Thud! by Terry Pratchett and really enjoyed it. I bought him Night Watch by Terry Pratchett hoping to urge him into the habit of reading and he read the first pages then stopped. Fingers crossed he continues with it! :lol:

  20. I've got a Deaver book called Maiden's Grave that I might squeeze in before making a decision :)


    Let me know what you're thinking of doing and I'll just go with the majority :D

  21. Well I was thinking about the Dexter books but I'm extremely tempted by the next Lincoln Rhyme installment!......decisions! (They're so good aren't they! :exc:) What about you?


    I think if Interview with the Vampire hadn't have been so good I would be enjoying Lestat a lot more. My expectations were really high! I've noticed that there are a lot of sequels to these books and she's written books about the vampire Armand and Marius too. Dare I waste a summer looking for one to rival IWTV?!!! :roll:

  22. Hey Frankie!! :D


    It's pretty heavy going.....I'm almost done and I must say that I'm having to push myself through it. :roll: I've got some time this afternoon so I'm trying to get it finished by then. The only thing that's keeping me going is the hope that Louis finds out about Lestat being back....he may make an appearance. :)


    It's definitely not as good as Interview With the Vampire but has had a few good points. I'm finding myself re-reading paragraphs as I'm losing concentration in places. It's not as gripping as IWTV, with lots of flashbacks to ancient Egypt and Rome which is interesting but not really want I like to read about. I was hoping for more story about Lestat being back with mobs of angry vampires (and hopefully Louis) chasing him and that's certainly not what's happening. :(


    If it doesn't work out for you I can give you the general overview so you still know the story?

  23. It really was amazing wasn't it! I would never have guessed the whodunnit in a million years! He's such a good writer and the research he carried out prior to writing the book must have been enormous! :thud:


    The name of the social group really tickled me! What a good name! Sounds like an old Motown group! haa! (I can just visualise Jeffrey on lead vocals surrounded by us lot in sparkly dresses and beehive hair-dos! haaa! :lol:


    Think I'll read a few pages of Lestat before bed and buy the first Dexter book at the weekend. Is it called Darkly Dexter or something like that? (Oh....but Jeffrey! I think I'll get withdrawal symptoms. He's had about 20 books published so that should keep us going for quite some time! haa!) :D:D:D

  24. OMG!!!!!!! Just finished the Coffin Dancer!!! Wow!!!! Did not expect that ending! I was just thinking that I thought the Jodie character was quite funny when shock! Horror! Gasp! :icon_eek: he pulled out that knife! I knew that Tony Panelli guy would pop up again too.....although he wasn't the Dancer as I'd originally thought. I really enjoyed it! Can't wait for the next one....which one is it again? I have the order written down somewhere :roll:


    So Lestat next.......let's hope it's quite as gripping eh! :lol:

  25. Just a quick note to say I can't put The Coffin Dancer down! At page 203 (the part where the Dancers in the basement of the building opposite the safe house) Heeeee......think I'll put myself to bed early tonight so I can get a few more pages read!!:D:D:D

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