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Status Updates posted by BookJumper

  1. Thanks for the hugs hun :friends0: it still affects me as I have no doubt it does everyone who's had it happen to them - pretty much every issue I have today stems from those 16 years of cruelty (from day 1 of kindergarten right up to the last day of high school).


    Still, I do know that what you say is true; the people who tormented me didn't come from happy balanced homes like mine was, I know that. It just seems like a bit of an expensive price to pay for a caring family, is all.


    As you may have noticed however, I have not lost the tender heart :) that's one of the few things they couldn't strip from me. I don't just smile at people I think I need it, I run at them and hug them (starting from the famed Liverpool goths). It's good for the huggee, but it's also good for the hugger :friends0: you take care.

  2. To be honest I'm not excellent and tickety-boo (injuries and deadlines and an inability to run out and enjoy the rare British sunshine are making sure of that); however I sense an improvement in my writing mojo... which to be honest is probably a function of the generalised lack of excellence, so not all is lost. At least, literature isn't lost!


    Plus, the word "tickety-boo" (which I must admit, I've never encountered before) made me smile :) so thank you.


    And how are things with sir?

  3. Whoa :|... I'm not sure I can take this much praise in one go... *brain melts*!! I'm honoured to be hailed as the official restorer of your mojo, especially when even St. Victor had failed. Cannot wait to read your further comments, they sound like the kind of thing I'd print off and refer to in times of lost writing mojo (those ugly, ugly moments when BookJumper thinks *woe is me, I cannot write, I shall go jump off an Elsinore cliff*).


    :) you have just made my day (for the rest mostly made up of essay editing), artistically speaking :) so I'm thanking you as much as you're thanking me...!

  4. You are not a spaz, I tend to get exactly the same, it's easily easier to get on with friends OR strangers than a mixture of both - don't be hard on yourself, I'm sure your friend, being a friend, will understand and forgive :).


    I'm alright, about to chill to DragonBall Z followed by Daybreakers with the biggest Pizza Hut order ever (I blame the 50% off voucher:lurker:) supposedly due in 8 minutes so I shall be more expansive later on/in the morrow if that's allowed.


    I've pencilled you in my pink diary with skulls on it for the 25th :D although surely you don't mean to suggest that coffee and cake are mutually exclusive :cry2:?



  5. Your friend is suffering from an extremely dodgy ankle, perched on three cushions as we speak, and a chronically sprained jaw, currently helped along by one of those braces is that make you slur when you speak.


    I know what you mean about the lack of time to read; between planning the dreaded dissertation, doing my internship research and life in general I'm lucky to get through a few pages a week. In the good old days prior to higher education that used to be a few books a week...!


    Indeed you did spell my name correctly (as so many people, including a few family members, don't); as a prize you get to read some of the stuff I'm writing - although I jest, I probably would have let you sneak a peek anyway because I like you, and to be honest I could do with the feedback :D. If you PM me your email address I'll let you have something before the night is out... what can I offer you? Novel prologue, short story, metapoem?


    Thanking you much for the hugs :friends0:,

  6. ... someone's pulling your leg I'm afraid, 'beast' is 'bestia' and 'pieru' isn't even a word in Italian XD good to be back, by the way!

  7. ... that's it, we're both tearful now. Your words fill me with hope, God knows I need it, and tease a smile from my weary muscles - thank you for being the one and only Genevieve.

  8. ... we'll have to stretch them out between events and let them suffice, then!

  9. ... you're back!!! *bestows hugs* where have you been, I've missed you and so has Gerald! I hope all's fantabidosi with you and that the things you have been busy with were things of awesomeness :):friends0: Much love xxxxxx

  10. *huggle* why you run away? xxx

  11. *notices that in her technophobia, she has postes her reply on her own profile* you have mail, my dear xxx

  12. *waves* - signed, your favourite moderator on this forum.

  13. I, correct your shameful sp./grammar/punctuation? How you do divert me, my beloved friend and editor!

  14. Always happy to help that infectious smile of yours back on its feet :friends0:

  15. Aw :) I had a nice chilled day with strawberry cake and everything, thank you. Hope you're feeling better now xxx

  16. Aw why thank you, you make me blush - and I'm not just saying that, I'm not used to compliments on this scale, especially when I'm not really sure how I've deserved them! Then again you're an incredibly sensitive and receptive person therefore if you feel I deserve them I suppose I must :). I look forward to reading from you too, not just for what you write but how you write it; somehow you've taken that (often awkward) thing that is English as a foreign language and turned it into beautiful poetry. Being a poet myself I'm extremely sensitive and receptive to poetry in others and you've got a lot filling your heart. Have a lovely day (sadly no sunshine here, although your words do bring some to the soul).

  17. Aw, sweetheart - I wouldn't have you weeping for my sake. I am indeed a lot better now, and words as beautiful as you always seem to be able to pick out from the sea of language make my smile even wider. Never stop being as amazing as you are :) I hope that you too are well, and as happy as you deserve to be.

  18. Awww :friends0: there's nowhere you can't be that isn't where you're meant to be to you too sweetheart xxxxxx

  19. Breaking news: 1 year 10 months after the event, heads off to hospital to sort her ankle out. Talk t'y'all later...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ooshie


      Hope it all goes well *hug*

    3. Raven


      Hope all goes well! (all this trusting to luck sounds a bit to random to me!)

    4. Kylie


      Yay! I'm sure it has all gone great. *hugs*

  20. But of course :D re: Koontz, Frankenstein 1 is getting stupidly good. That makes me happy - I specifically chose the Frankenstein series to try Koontz out as the original Frankenstein is one of my favourite books of all time and I am, as you know, deeply fascinated by modern reworkings / sequels etc. I wasn't impressed by the cops-talking-tough beginning, but if it keeps getting better at this rate I'll be glad to have persevered!

  21. Don't mind at all, in fact - thank you for taking the time to check and let me know! I am very particular about editions, especially when a books looks like something I'll want to keep and re-read so such information is of immense value for me :)!

  22. Double the priority to get Little, Big read sooner then :) and don't worry, there shall be a review. I can't promise how long it will take me to read it 'cos I'm swimming in high deadline water, but I'll do my best. A bit late for wishing you a good day too, so please have a lovely night's sleep.

  23. Friendly Neighbourhood Mod temporarily unavailable due to lack of fixed abode, back soon (hopefully)!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. vodkafan


      Hi Giulia I missed you. You gone again?

    3. Genevieve


      salut precious Giulia, how I have missed my butterfly, oui, and now I can come on once in a while and read your beautiful posts. A hug for you and a little candle lighted to night also.

    4. Genevieve


      I am all nerves for your owwy cheri. I hope everything was good eh, and you are okay in every way.

  24. Hanging upside down and not looking too chuffed about it like a kitty on a motivational poster, but hanging in there nonetheless :) how are you my friend? I apologise for my rubbishy lack of presence lately. I shall be myself soon, I promise xxxx

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