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Status Updates posted by Mac

  1. Mac

    How's life without the demon drink, Jewell? I'm sat here on me laptop waiting for the chiken to marinate with a nice, big glass of Rioja by my side. Ahhhh, bliss.


    I note you're reading The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. Douglas Adams has a lot to answer for regarding my formative years. Some of my earliest memories are of listening to Hitchhikers on the wireless with my Dad, shortly before he cleared off. Then reading the books, loving the TV show, all that jazz. I think the guy was a genius. I hope you're enjoying it.


    Have a great evening.

  2. Mac

    How's the interview gone, Paula? Have you shopped like the possessed, as well? Is everything groovy? How many more questions will I ask during this post? Will there be so many we won't be able to count them?


    No. :lol:

  3. I am about to make a couple of bacon butties, chuck some clothes on and get out teaching for the morning. Wish I could stay at home, really, 'cos I feel a bit tired - but the rest of the weekend's free. Woo Hoo!


    *sounds of Mac running around his tiny house, clapping his hands like a loony...

  4. I am fine, thanks. Work is busy - no, life is busy - but ticking along nicely. I recently read a book of short stories by Jeffrey Deaver. I haven't read any of his stuff before, so this made a good introduction to him. It was called Twisted and every story had - you've guessed it - a twist. However, he's a very clever one, is Jeff, and the twists were mostly all surprises. Result!


    As for Harlan Coben, I really enjoy the relationship between Myron and Win. It's almost a symbiotic kind of thing. Love 'em, I do.


    What's going on in your world? I've applied for a new job (I've been headhunted!), and I'm hopeful I'll get it. We'll see pretty soon.


    Hope you're very well.

  5. Mac

    I am in a terribly fractal state of mind this morning. I've been leaving bizarre comments on the Matlock Mercury website under the name Thorlby Sitwell to try and get a rise out of people. I wonder what's happening...


    This time next week I will be a couple of hours into the Coast to Coast walk from St Bees to Robin Hood's Bay. Can't wait. Nearly two weeks of solitude, countryside and beer.



  6. Mac

    I am mostly well, thank you. Yellow is a good colour, don't you think? It brightens up my day, even if I'm feeling amazingly grumpy!


    Enjoy your Sunday!

  7. I am pleased to tell you that my train shall arrive at St Pancras on the aforementioned 25th June at approximately 6.30pm. Maybe we could meet for a brew near this wondrous architectural delight close to this time? Speak, and your wish shall be achieved. Or something.


    I went round to my friend Katy's the following morning with her present and card - only to discover that an even bigger party was about to commence. I had an hour before hoards descended upon the family home - so I mowed their lawn, made Katy, her sisters and her mum a cup of tea, made them laugh, apologised for freaking out and bid them farewell before anyone arrived. Excellent work, no?


    How is it that I can be so gregarious and yet such a pansy at the same time? What is that?


    Anyway. Giu, my friend, I wish you a lovely Bank Holiday filled with friendship, love and the odd beer or so and I'll pop back soon.


    Take good care. x

  8. I am quite fine, thank you. My hike across the country proved to be quite a challenge - the weather, in the words of he-whom-has-the-acting-skills-of-a-chair Keanu Reeves, was heinous, dude. My mountain skills were put to the test in the extreme. I'm putting together some sort of journal type thing and will bang it on here so that anyone who may wish to bore themselves senseless are free to do so.


    I'm still in the process of organising a weekend down London, but as soon as I know when I'm coming down, I'll let you know so we can meet for coffee and maybe EVEN CAKE!


    Oxfambooks, eh? What's that all about? xxx :friends0:

  9. I checked out your ramble on Perfume.


    You're brilliant.


    'Nuff said. :D

  10. Mac

    I completely agree with your post on the debating thread re: depression and how you conduct yourself, my friend. To me, you appear eloquent and you articulate your feelings with skill and compassion. I think good ol' SKM is possibly suffering himself at the moment, thus causing him to write ludicrous things. I'm awaiting my turn in the face of his wrath over my post.


    To be sure, you have a friend (albeit virtual) in me. I hope your evening is proceeding very well. xx

  11. I did, as you say, have an amazing Christmas, although my body is complaining more than somewhat because of the amazingness of it. For some reason, all the tone seems to have left it and I've become some sort of amorphous blob, unable to move or fend for myself, fearful of all known predators which are at this time circling my abode waving spears and breathing fire....


    ...or maybe I made that up. I'm fine, actually and, as it happens, I'm just about to go climbing with my beautiful friend Katy. How's about that?


    What's going on in your world, Lovely Lady? x

  12. I don't use me mobbly for t'interweb, 'cos it costs a fortune. And I won't have signal for much of the time. But this means no-one can get in touch with me apart from at my lodgings, which is great.


    I love your picture on your profile, Sarah! It's nice to see you. People seem to comment on any photo of me, pointing out how the moonlight sometimes bounces off my head at alarming angles, that sort of thing.

  13. I have No Time For Goodbye to read imminently. I'm currently reading Grave Sight which is happily very good. I have plans to read all day tomorrow - I have no distractions, no people to teach, nobody requiring my assistance, just a good old (rare) quiet day. Top drawer, good lady, top drawer!


    I'm quite sure you are currently engaged in some fine Saturday evening activity, and am hopeful that you are enjoying yourself (Cork, isn't it? A fine place - I really loved my time there!). Take care, pal. X

  14. Mac

    I have it on good authority that one wears a velvet frock coat over an all-in-one 20's bathing suit with Hunters wellies and a tiara. Accessorise with a collection of toothbrushes and figs linked with blu-tack around the neck.


    You'll be the talk of the town! x

  15. I have many uses, Sarah. I'm like a beacon of safety and protection in a night of darkness. Like an orb of knowledge for those in need at pub quizzes. Like a shining sphere of strength for those pesky doors that sometimes get wedged shut...


    Some people consider it even lucky to give it a good rub. I often feel violated...

  16. I have my own band, which plays my stuff. I've been writing songs since I was 15 years old - it was with my first band that I got to play down the west coast of your country. Back then I was the drummer, but I play the piano, bass, sax and guitar as well (in fact, I teach the drums, bass and guitar). In this band, I'm guitar and lead vocal. The genre is hard to place, but I'd say it's like melody focussed rock with McCartney/Neil Finn influenced melodies and Red Hot Chili's, Led Zep, Radiohead music influences. I guess a band you could equate us with would be Elbow, to a certain degree.


    So, it's four in the morning where you are, right now - so have a great day!


    'Bye for now.

  17. I have the book! I got it last night in Sainsbury's. Can't wait to read it - but I'm reading Iain Banks' Transition at the moment, which is absolutely brilliant (I gave up on the Charlaine Harris books - I hope people aren't cross about this...)


    Work remains the same, so is bearable. I'm steering as clear as I can of the mad members of staff - such perplexing attitudes and behaviours!


    How are you doing? What's happening tonight? Much planned?


    Hope you're very well.

  18. I love Calvin and Hobbes. I have half a shelf-full also. Hobbes is so cute when there's anyone other than just Calvin in the frame!


    And I adore his Snow Sculptures!

  19. Mac

    I love the fact that he writes about dogs as well. He wrote a great book called One Door Away From Heaven which focuses on a dog as a main character. It suggests that dogs are closer to God because their souls are more pure and noble than humans' - I'm inclined to agree!


    Good luck on Thursday, Paula. X

  20. I loved the film of Perfume as well. I thought Ben Whishaw was perfect for the role. Interestingly enough, I do sound a little like Guy Garvey. My songs and his seem very similar, which is why I probably like them. When I first heard of them in 2001, I thought 'Bloody hell, that sounds like me!' I had 13 songs published in 1999 which were bandied around several artists and they remain in their portfolios to this very day. So one never knows one's luck, I might one day be 'quids in', so to speak.


    How're things over the pond, lady? How're you? *waves frantically with a comic touch*

  21. I shall be doing the West Highland Way, I think. Already done the Pennine Way. I do 'em to raise money for my Scouts, you see. That's why I do 'em on me own. So people think "Crumbs! What a plonker! I'd better sponsor him some gooood money!"


    I've got to get some more dodgy mountain days under me belt to go in me log book, tha knows. That way, I'll have enough for my Mountain Leader qualification.

  22. I start all that business next weekend, so won't be around for a while. Not sure why I thought it was last Tuesday you were going for an interview, but good luck for tomorrow! I'll cross everything!


    And, ooooooh, Eva! I'd crawl over broken glass in nought but a loin cloth for that one!


    I feel a little bit unnecessary...:lol:

  23. Mac

    I think you'll enjoy Fluke. Anything by James Herbert's pretty good. Dean Koontz is always a fine read as well (with the odd exception). Is this a genre that you particularly like then?


    Hope you're well.

  24. Mac

    I thought I would scoot by and say a big hello to you. It certainly beats talking to oneself, doesn't it!


    How are things over in Wales, lady?


    To be honest, I thought that the first sign of Madness was Suggs strolling up your drive...

  25. I was in Abergavveny last October with some of my Scouts who were taking part in an orienteering competition (one of them called it 'Abergavenny', bless her...)


    Lovely town. Some nice cafe's and the like. Spent a fortune on thermal undies, 'cos I was really cold.


    I can understand, also, the wish to move away from Bedford. My brother lived there for a while. I feel for you, my friend. :lol:

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