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Status Updates posted by Mac

  1. Strange about it's reputation. It is said that the light that shines upon the streets of Doncaster is the light of the Angels, and that this contains mystical healing energy with the power to start engineless cars...


    It is said that the inhabitants possess a beauty comparable to that of Paris and Helen of Troy.


    It is said that Stephen Hawking dares not visit this town, for fear that his intellect should be dwarfed...

  2. Mac

    Morning, fella. Have you gone wild with your winnings yet? How're tricks in my favourite county?

  3. Mac

    What the hell do you do, with these crazy shifts, my friend? It sounds exhausting! I hope you're alright, Lady. x

  4. Mac

    Oh, yeah, and one more...mmmm...Alba...


    Just for luck, you know?

  5. It is also said that I talk a load of Codswhallop.


    Whenever I've been there gigging, I've witnessed fights, drunks and vomiting. I hope I'm wrong and that you find your stay up this way fun and lovely.

  6. Mac

    'Tis sunshine and chocolate up here, also. I realised my hair was receding when it started taking longer to wash my face.


    I shaved all my hair off one drunken evening with my ex-wife (well, she wasn't my ex-wife at the time - in fact, we weren't even engaged!) back in 1997, so now I don't even know if I'm properly bald because I'm intentionally bald...


    At least, that's what I tell people...Have a great day, friend.

  7. Happy birthday, Sarah. Hope you're having a good weekend. Xx

  8. Hello there. Is your avatar a picture of Richard Burton taken from the film The Medusa Touch?


    Just curious. Hoping this finds you very well.

  9. Mac

    Ahoy there, Paula. Sputnik Sweetheart is, of course, wonderful. I may even finish it this evening, all being well. I love Murakami. Simple as that.


    It's been a tough week back at school - the department's all scattered now (this is a good thing) but it sort of accents the fact that some of the less-than-professional colleagues of mine blank me in the corridors in front of the kids. Berks. They're just not suited to working in this environment.


    But, it's the weekend. Yay!


    How are you doing? Snowed in? Stocked up with goodies to eat? Loads of books to keep you entertained? We're wading through all of Buffy - Season 5 tonight (maybe even as far as the episode 'The Body'...)


    Take care. x

  10. Mac

    Hi Jessi. What's new witchoo, lady? xx

  11. Thanks, Abs. I love Wall-E...in fact, I might put it on my DVD now! xx

  12. Hiya Scarlette. I'm doing okay, thank you. It's been a busy old time for yours truly of late, but there you go.


    Have you had your hair done? From your photo, it looks like a great cut and a smashing colour! I can't do a thing with mine (see my own photo...)


    How're things with you?

  13. I am now, CW. Thank you. :friends0::friends0::friends0:

  14. Mac

    Weird. I've found it now, thanks Janet. I couldn't find it before on the 'Find all threads started by...' bit. Like I mentioned before, I can be a bit of a knucklehead sometimes! D'oh!


    Hope you've had a relaxing day.

  15. Good morning, CW. How are you doing? I have returned from Cornwall where the sun shone, the beer flowed and the books...erm...read well(?). I was due to drive back this morning, but something made me decide to come home last night. Upon waking this morning, I discovered the world had turned completely white and silent.


    It would have been a total pain to come home today. How lucky am I?


    What's happening in Groovetown, Lady? x

  16. Thanks for your comment on my blog, fella. I'll be 37 on Tuesday, so I'm a youngster. Compared to Methuselah. Sometimes I also wonder how things'd be if I could re-do it all. Hope you're having a tip top weekend.

  17. Mac

    Hello there. Kyukoshin (is that how you spell it?) I get bruised to bejesus and back every week. :lol:

  18. That's great news! It sounds like you're sorted. I used to play in Doncaster. I wonder if the Kebab shop we used after the gigs is still there...it was called 'Abrakebabra'. Magic stuff. We only went because of the name. Genius! This was years ago, mind.


    Why Wales? I can understand wanting to move away from Doncaster, don't get me wrong, but why Wales in particular? It's funny, because I have this yearning to move to Scotland, the middle of nowhere, for no solid reason other than I want to get away from all of this round here. I guess it's the mountains and environment that attracts me, but if that's the case, why not Wales for me, too? It'd be closer to my family, certainly...ah...there we go then...:lol:

  19. I forgot to mention my warning. Do not read the blurb! The blurb put me off reading the fellow for ages - I only picked up Killing Floor when I was sitting in an airport departure lounge and it was next to me on a vacant chair for half an hour. I picked it up and consequently could not put it down! Toodle-pip, Pip, for now.

  20. Katrina, I am terribly sorry to read your news. My thoughts are with you right now. There are many here that will be available to talk if you need us. Take care in this appalling time for you. :friends0:

  21. Mac

    Whoa! You like all the authors I like! Excellent stuff! Check out my thread McRecommends and see if there're any others we share in common.


    Hope you've had a good day.

  22. Whoa there! You don't live too far from ME! I grew up in sunny Matlock, of all places! Happy days, they were. Halcyon, one could say, if one were a jumped up numpty. Hope you're very well.

  23. Mac

    Well, I too have been busy, but all is well, really. Can't complain. Well done on passing your driving test. xx

  24. Mac

    MmmmmmmmmmmmmmMWAH! x

  25. Happy birthday, Rose. Have a smashing time.:)

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