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Status Updates posted by Mac

  1. Mac

    Hi Charm. Hope you're well. I really, really, really loved The Historian, like, big time! How are you finding it? Quite creepy in places, no? :lurker:

  2. Ahoy there! It's a great book, indeed! I'm very fine, ta. Hope you're enjoying your weekend.

  3. Hey Giulia. How're things with you? I loved the short story you sent me. I hope you're okay, mate.

  4. Mac

    NO points??? Dammit...what about pets? Do I get any pets? :D

  5. I am pleased to tell you that my train shall arrive at St Pancras on the aforementioned 25th June at approximately 6.30pm. Maybe we could meet for a brew near this wondrous architectural delight close to this time? Speak, and your wish shall be achieved. Or something.


    I went round to my friend Katy's the following morning with her present and card - only to discover that an even bigger party was about to commence. I had an hour before hoards descended upon the family home - so I mowed their lawn, made Katy, her sisters and her mum a cup of tea, made them laugh, apologised for freaking out and bid them farewell before anyone arrived. Excellent work, no?


    How is it that I can be so gregarious and yet such a pansy at the same time? What is that?


    Anyway. Giu, my friend, I wish you a lovely Bank Holiday filled with friendship, love and the odd beer or so and I'll pop back soon.


    Take good care. x

  6. Mac

    I love your library background thing. I'm not amazingly technically minded (I've been referred to before as a Luddite) and was just playing around with the background. How do I get something as cool as you? :blush:

  7. Evening. Is it that you have now got out of the dreadful place you were working, officially, like? I hope you're very, very well and enjoying your new freedom from ar**holes. :friends0:

  8. Mac

    Good morning, ii. Just wanted to say 'ayup', as I have not graced the site for some time now. I enjoyed your post on the book discussion to be held in a fortnight. It made me chuckle (but, to be quite fair, I am often amused by your writings, it has to be said).


    I hope this finds you in the rudest of health and the best of moods. Enjoy your weekend.

  9. Of course, I realise now that I should have typed "bade them farewell", but hindsight is always so clear, is it not?


    Pip pip and all that jazz.



  10. Good evening, my friend. I've been out in the hills today, walking through a lovely rain, everything is green and lush and fresh...it never fails to make me feel calm and peaceful. I feel more...connected to...life, when I'm out there. It sounds as though you've been quite active, too, Genevieve! I hope your foot's not giving you too much grief.


    I hope you're having a lovely, gentle evening, as I have, reading in my favourite chair with a bottle of Peroni to keep me company.


    Cheerio, Genevieve. :friends0:

  11. How did the interview go, Sarah? x

  12. Mac

    I've just completed throwing stuff into the slow cooker for dinner tonight and I'm going to completely clean the house, as it's pashing at doon ootside, as they say. Do you fancy having a look at my Coast to Coast journal? If you do, pm me your email address and I'll send it over to you. Don't worry if you don't fancy it. It's a load of balls anyway!

  13. The Wasp Factory is a fantastic novel - a brilliant debut of a superb author. Enjoy!

  14. It was naturey. Big time. We had weather and everything! xx

  15. Mac

    I shall give it a go. It's on my list as of now! Thanks, Charm. As they say, tha's a good'un. :lol:

  16. Evening Roxi. Was your post on 'what bugs you' something to do with the nice fella you'd like to get to know better? I hope all's well there. Hope you're well. :D

  17. Oooh, False Memory, great book! How are you finding it? Have you read any other Dean Koontz novels? Who else do you like? What's the square root of 5,894,762? You do realise I was being silly with that last question, don't you? And with that one?


    Hope you're well.

  18. Mac

    Hi Paual. Just popping by to say hello, because I've not done so for some time now. It's omebody's birthday on Monday! Woo-hoo!


    Hope you're really well. x

  19. I haven't read any of Hamilton's stuff, but will have a look now that you've suggested it. I STRONGLY recommend that you read Use Of Weapons by Iain M. Banks. This is an exceptionally brilliant novel and has a bearing upon Surface Detail. :)

  20. Ha ha ha! Flemish! Good one!

  21. Good morning/Evening, Whitlock! Just dropped by to say that. Hope you're well, matey!

  22. Morning Noll. I hope all is well with you. I've not said Hi for a while, so this is what I'm doing. Hiya!


    Have a great weekend, eh?

  23. Hiya. You can read the Lee Child books in any order, but, as with everything, it'd help to start at the beginning. Try Killing Floor. You won't be disappointed. If you are, I'll eat my hat (no pressure there - I have lots of hats).


    I hope you're very well. :D

  24. Happy holidays, Abbie. I've not been around much recently, but you can be darn sure of my best wishes at all times! Mwah.xx

  25. The curry was excellent, thank you. I felt a little rough around the edges this morning, though. Finished what I'd started, didn't I! Still, I've got loads of jobs done. I stuck some stuff in the slow cooker for my dinner tonight, I've cleaned my house, I've ironed enough shirts and stuff to last for more than two weeks and I've read the Sunday Times to a satisfying degree. Nice.


    So, how are you? xx

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