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Everything posted by amanda!

  1. I finished Mansfield Park by Jane Austen yesterday, and started Microbes and Man by John Postgate. That's very interessting, he introduces to microbiology in a very easy way! I like it very much, allthough I know much about microbiology from universitiy...
  2. It's the same with me, I also remeber the shape of a page more. But I always like to know how much pages the book has that I'm reading. And sometimes how much I still have to read till the end of the book. (Because I can't stand to give up a book.) And then it's annoying when you have to look at the beginning at which number this book starts. I would also like that all books start at 1!!! But the worst case for me are the scripts for some university courses, they are each chapters seperately numbered. I always have to calculate the page numbers of the whole thing....
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