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Posts posted by paperplane


    I also think it would have been very interesting to see Vertigo from Madeleine/Judy's point of view.


    I'd love to see how it would turn out!


    I'd also love to see someones take on a sequel to 'The Birds' and get an explanation as to why..

    they attacked the town for no good reason

    .. although I suppose that's what gives the film it's magic.

  2. Finally finished Blindness, even though it's your average book size (300-ish pages) it took me a week to get through. It was okay, some full on disturbing parts in the middle, but worth reading. I'd like to get a hold of the film and see that goes.


    Have started on Jamaica Inn a few nights ago I told myself just read 3 or 4 pages to get it started..next thing I know I'm up to page 30! Has lived up to my expectations after reading Rebecca so far :friends0:

  3. I'm currently reading Jamaica Inn and it is brilliant. I am so impressed with Daphne Du Maurier. She can describe something without wittering on and one for pages and I am still able to get a good idea of the scene she is trying to set.


    Oh I love her :friends0:I just wish I had discovered her sooner :lol:


    I have Jamaica Inn on my next to be read list! I recently discovered her work too, I finished Rebecca a while ago and loved it.

  4. Finished The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy the other day but it wasn't really what I expected it to be, I read it was meant to be hilariously funny but I only laughed once near the beginning. Maybe I just didn't 'get' it hmm...I'm glad it was a short read.


    Have started on Lolita, quite disturbing so far but it appears to be written really well..

  5. I started reading another Agatha Christie a while ago now called 'The Thirteen Problems' but have given up on it for the time being. I'll have to come back to it as I hate abandoning books especially as I liked the other two I read.


    I've started on Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier and am really enjoying it so far, am thinking of getting a hold of Rebecca's Tale by Sally Beauman the 'sequel' to it.

  6. I prefer absolute silence but as I read on the train to and from work I've become used to reading with noise although it also depends on the book, if I'm totally engrossed in it I can block out everything around me and occasionally loose track of time, but if it's the type of book where I'm plodding through, I'll get distracted easily by other people talking or their headphones, so I'd have to wait till I get home to save myself reading the same sentence over and over!


    Eta: If I have a large book I hold the pages closer together once I start getting near the middle of the book as I hate those spine wrinkles.

  7. I'd say I was a born reader but has been on and off. In primary school and high school I read, but the later years I only read what we were made to read. Didn't pick up a book until the begining of last year and only then it was about 3 books, this year however is a different story! Even though I do go through waves of full on reading one after the other and then nothing for a week or two.

  8. Mine's been gone for a while now, I haven't even had the urge to step into a bookstore! I've been stuck on this Agatha Christie book that I just cannot finish, I should know by now not read the same author one after the other.


    I do have 3 weeks holiday coming up though! Just in time as Spring weather has started :lol:

  9. I'm not sure why either BookJumper, it does appear to have a 'cult status' hanging off it so I'm not sure why it's out of print here is Aus anyway, but I'll definitely track one down.


    I finished 'Murder on the Orient Express' this morning, one thing I like about Agatha Christie's way of writing is even though she painfully draws out the slow suspense building process, she still manages to keep you interested without repeating things in a round-about way. The ending was not what I was expecing either!

  10. I have only twice bought something completely unknown to me, one of which has become one of my favourite books (Nightwork - Thomas Glavinic).


    I normally search online first by scouring here, goodreads, amazon, the bookdepository, booktopia, dymocks, the lot! before buying anything.


    edited: for spelling mistake!

  11. I couldn't get 'House of Leaves' they told me it's out of print, I'll have to get it off the Book Depository or Amazon.


    However I did come back with two Agatha Christie books, 'Murder on the Orient Express' and 'The Thirteen Problems'

  12. Favourite Breakfast

    Toast! with butter, vegemite and cheese and apple and mango juice


    Favourite Meal

    Salt and pepper squid or calamari

    Garlic barbequed prawns or just prawns on their own with lemon and dill sauce


    Favourite Takeaway Meal

    Dominos double bacon cheeseburger pizza

    Fried Rice



  13. Argh! It's almost September already, I've had a little break from reading for the moment but need to get cracking! I'm hoping to have read at least 50 books by the end of the year so about 16 more to go which seems doable as long as I keep up my pace!


    I believe the Twilight rage is still going strong, my mum recently finished the whole series a few weeks ago and has now conned my sister into them. :D


    Am hoping to knock off some more Agatha Christie, House of Leaves and Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy!

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