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Status Updates posted by Rawr

  1. Enough of that I think... EXPELLIARMUS

  2. europe is wonderful in many parts too :D I want to go to Paris and Rome, the culture and architecture there is brilliant. How has your day been?

  3. Evening, how be you! :D

  4. Evening! How be Nollaig? I'm sorry i haven't caught you much on msn as obviously with christmastimes everything is hectic. I hope you have had a fun time and are keeping well :D Take care!

  5. Evening. I came to tell you one thing. And one thing only. There is no spoon. But. There is a fork. You can make mash with a fork. But. A masher is more appropriate. That is all. o_o

  6. Evil dream! Haha, tea is amazing, your missing out! Erm i found 'Heart of Darkness' by Joseph Conrad, 'Cloud Atlas' by David Mitchell and then some random fantasy books xD It was like christmas!

  7. Exactly :D I always find it like sewing lots of threads together to create a kind of tapestry xD As long as you immerse yourself and get lost in your own world, whatever and however it is, it's all cool :D

  8. Exactly! I like to reference the poetical works of a man called called William Carlos Williams, he basically always makes the point of that beauty exists in everything, whether it seems ordinary or just you know uninteresting and it makes so much sense. People tend to overlook beauty when it is staring them right in the face and all around us. It is nice to document this with photography and the like :D

  9. Rawr

    Exactly! The majority of them are so robotic and unhelpful, they just follow their 'guidelines' and as soon as they can try to cast you off into a 'relatively' close area to the job type you actually want, they'll do it or do the fabled 'this might affect your benefits' line to threaten you. It's like, please leave me alone, i know what I am doing and i really do not need your help :lol:

  10. For your information, Marcia is my homie from across the Atlantic.

  11. Gamecubes are massively under-rated i feel, i loves mine! At least the wii plays the games :D

  12. Gaming nerds are awesomeness :D I didn't really guess that he loved Lily, i just thought he was very angry and hurt about his past because of how horrible the guys treated him, and he couldn't let it go, so he took it out on Harry as he was pretty defenseless and it made Snape feel better getting his feelings out that way, which is wrong. But yeah i always felt sorry for him in a big way. Very complex and brilliant character. It's very sad. :(

  13. Get back on ze forum you! :D

  14. Good! I don't want to be damaged :no:

  15. Gotta hate it! It is going swell, mucho fun :lol: What are you up to?

  16. Grab some sleep! :D Hope your void of night/morning is going swimmingly!

  17. haha :D How are you today? I am actually freezing! I think we are actually going to get snow tomorrow here!

  18. Haha brad pitt is still cool regardless! :D

  19. Haha don't worry, she was fine, but just a wildcat really xD

  20. Haha good point! How did you find the ending of Harry Potter?

  21. Haha great pic :D I had a fun weekend thank you :D now am getting down to some boring work. How has yours been?

  22. Haha i loved your birthday message xD Thanks! :)

  23. Haha that sounds like a strange themed party! Yes, researching things just for the sake of it is so interesting to learn about our world and it's mysteries :D I would like to set a book in such interesting places but i don't know if i would have the patience to get all the details right for a whole story to take place there :lol: I get very impatient haha.

  24. Haha yeah i noticed xD I've read Dracula before, but recently been sidetracked by other things, i finished Stephen King's 'Dark Tower' series again :D

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