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Status Updates posted by Rawr

  1. Yes, i think people fear that fiction often tells the truth inside the lie (as Stephen King eloquently puts it). It's good that people fear it, and it's good that people seek such art out amongst the paint by numbers we have out there filling up the spaces. With perspective, it's always interesting to look at the context of things, i was actually reading a lot about censorship and literature earlier and how some of the most famous pieces are only 'allowed' to come to the public light after a long time, it's interesting! Harry Potter is always very controversial with some extremely religious types, it's like come on!! :lol:

  2. Work that is different is always great, i know everyone's work is different to extents, but you know, finding art that is 'different' is refreshing :D Yes, it is! I always feel like it is an intrusion of your personal space grr. Baking/cleaning sound theraputic! Wow, i actually have never had a chocolate pretzel, so i'll see them all instead :lol:

  3. I shall read that! Yes, i love Poe, he is one of my favourite writers, i should imagine there are a lot of different collections about, i have lots of short stories, some of his essays and poetry work in one book. Then another has a few short stories and some really cool illustrations, i think it's a simplified version of the narratives for younger people, but still good :D


    Yes, that would be The Tell-Tale Heart, fantastic story! I managed to get to sleep very late on, only to be woken by the stupid builders who have been building next door's extension for the last two weeks grr, but i'm all good! How are you?

  4. Yes, cost and worth is a very good way of putting it. There are many different levels of existence these days i feel, and i can only feel sorry for those who are living in a world created of just idk transparent walls built on shallow foundations.


    I have actually came across Tennyson, funnily enough it was in my final college paper haha! I liked the poem though i cannot remember which it was. I am currently getting more into poetry, my sister is very good at poetry. I think a few of my favourites are William Blake, Carol Anne Duffy and Wilfred Owen.

  5. Yes, he is an interesting writer! I am yet to look at too much of his work, but what i have came across certainly interested and affected my way of thinking :D I have another beautiful piece of prose from Blake which i think relates:


    'To see a world in a grain of sand, and heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour'


    So many people just live in a world of needless limits and blindfolds to the beauty of the place they reside, we live in such a fascinating land and to not appreciate what we have, beyond all the things which don't matter, is such a crime i feel.

  6. Whoops i commented on my own profile, duh!

  7. Exactly! I like to reference the poetical works of a man called called William Carlos Williams, he basically always makes the point of that beauty exists in everything, whether it seems ordinary or just you know uninteresting and it makes so much sense. People tend to overlook beauty when it is staring them right in the face and all around us. It is nice to document this with photography and the like :D

  8. I'm not quite sure :lol: I like to search for what i think would make an interesting shot to be interpreted, observed or simply provoke a message to arise in a viewer and myself. How about you?

  9. Wow, your very lucky to be situated in such a lovely place :D I will be sure to check ze pictures! That would be awesome to just sit there with the sound of rushing water whilst you chill on the net xD I love photography, i started working on my own a few months ago as it was always something i wanted to involve myself in. Atm i can only use a cheap digital camera but over time i hope to buy better equipment and the like and stop being such a n00b :lol: I hope you get your camera working!

  10. I have no problem with snow, i think it is very pretty and pleasant, ice and cold are things i do have issues with though, they are not very nice. Glad to hear it's beautiful, it's been fairly miserable over here! You have falls nearby? That is so cool, new camera :D

  11. haha :D How are you today? I am actually freezing! I think we are actually going to get snow tomorrow here!

  12. Exactly :D I always find it like sewing lots of threads together to create a kind of tapestry xD As long as you immerse yourself and get lost in your own world, whatever and however it is, it's all cool :D

  13. Haha that sounds like a strange themed party! Yes, researching things just for the sake of it is so interesting to learn about our world and it's mysteries :D I would like to set a book in such interesting places but i don't know if i would have the patience to get all the details right for a whole story to take place there :lol: I get very impatient haha.

  14. Christmas party! :D I like to research various things, sometimes if i have an idea i want to try to expand upon in writing and sometimes because i am just curious :lol: Either way is good fun!

  15. It's good! I've just been researching various things, reading and just chilling and getting ready for sleep xD How has your day been?

  16. Oh yeah i know the plot of it :lol: I have not read it yet though! King is brilliant though :D Well, it might be shitty to work there, but there are worse places, and you are getting money! So it's a balance i guess :D

  17. rawr! how are you finding gerald's game atm? :D

  18. ooo wow christmas trees are pretty :D FUDGE :lol: I am just chilling with musics and reading, nothing too interesting right now! Does your ankle feel any better?

  19. NP :D How is your afternoon going? :D

  20. Rawr

    Hey Mac! Long time no talk :D Things are good! Have been working on and off and looking for more permanent stuff. Been keeping myself busy and out of trouble and the like :lol: How about you? How's life treating you lately? Any good plans for christmas?

  21. Woo that sounds great :D

  22. That new Mika pic is beautiful, and it captures him really well even tho i don't listen to his work :D How are ya? I'm just chilling and been scooting here and there :lol:

  23. I had a rather scary dream. For some reason i was wandering the city at night and then i saw my mate and he dragged me through a crowd to a gate, and i was like what? And then we saw Tim Minchin and he came and signed some autographs and then i told him i thought it was really cool how he interacted with his fans even though i don't know much about him and he was like :D cool. Then these skanky girls shoved me out of the way :lol: Was freakyy.

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