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Status Updates posted by Rawr

  1. Aww thank you very much for your message ^.^ it was lovely. Did you make nice food? I always have trouble thinking what to make. Have a wonderful day Genevieve :friends0:

  2. Aww what was your nightmare about? I have strange nightmares at times. Tea is lovely! I can't drink coffee at all, i don't mind the smell but i hate the taste. New books are always amazing, i was rooting through some boxes in my room and found even more that i didn't even know i had haha!

  3. Aww you and that lion :lol:

  4. aww, is it uploaded to something like imageshack? That's how i usually post things, but i'm pretty useless at figuring out stuff like that :lol:

  5. Aww, keep plodding along :D Yes. Yes it is. I saw the mischevious feathered creature again, it was small and brown still. There is no nest or any sign, i am quite sure as i've looked at every angle as close as i can get. Today, i threw a towel up there from my window in the hope of blocking whichever patch of roof it is trying to attack LOL. I'm trying to shiftily tell it to clear off...

  6. Aww, really? ): did you just push yourself too much whilst working out or is it something worse? You must rest mmhm. Ooo graphics design? D: Haha, i had food not too long ago, so im fine... for now. I have to restrict myself from scoffing all the chocolate.

  7. Aww, the other cat we had actually went crazy too, she ran off and lived in an abandoned warehouse.

  8. Can we play games again sometime? T'is very fun xD I must beat you at checkers.

  9. cats! i love cats ^^ wow siamese too? aww xD I thought i had posted a pic of my dog in the 'Pets' thread but i haven't, if i can find one i may post there :D She's very small but lovely.

  10. Cause i'm a loser? :lol: I think it's cause when I see a cool discussion I usually just talk senseless comments until the convo dies haha! Most of my posts are spurts of inspired additions to fuel a topic rather than commenting on books, otherwise I would probably have about 3,000. But that would be boring and pointless in spending time on if no fun could be had :tong:

  11. cause she's a misunderstood child and i can't figure her out. She needs a lot of therapy.

  12. Rawr

    Check out your bad self, tsk tsk! I'm good Mac, a little here and there but all good! I'm having fun and on the job hunt! How is everything going with you? I am aware you have lost your marbles, but i'm afraid I have too, I think we all have here to be honest :tong:

  13. Chilling and kicking it bro, u?

  14. Christmas party! :D I like to research various things, sometimes if i have an idea i want to try to expand upon in writing and sometimes because i am just curious :lol: Either way is good fun!

  15. Chunky Kong is better

  16. Coffee and a bookstore? Replace coffee with tea and you have heaven xD I do like to try and cook things, it's very cool to be able to. How has your day been?

  17. Congrats on the studying too :D I am looking forward to when i finally graduate! I will be starting my so far doomed education ventures again in around two years :lol: I think a degree is a good basis for learning about more than what you are studying, that is just a platform to work from if you are in control of the person you are, at least i think so. Otherwise it's just the next logical step in the 'what you are supposed to do' manual.

  18. Cool cool xD Hmm today. I woke after a few hours sleep... went off to uni and talked to my tutor, did some reading and walked around town and browsed lots of things i couldn't afford LOL. Then chilled out, made a massive dinner and chilled out some more.

  19. Rawr

    DAMN this shows how horrendous that channel is, I even went on that site and couldn't find anything :lol: Oh yeah, he can take the pressure off his team but he'll also take the glory, I suppose you accept that he's as good as they come even if it means everyone actually acknowledges the brain behind it all.

  20. Deathly Hallows is really good! I couldn't put it down, i believe i stood in the bookstore queue at midnight to get mine O: ) Duma Key is definitely one i want to read, King is my favourite author.

  21. Does it freak you out? Is it ancient and weird? (like me :D) Isn't your hot water bottle helping at all? Bed and hot water bottle usually helps! I hope you feel a little better at some point today! Rest is good.

  22. Don't get me wrong, i'd love to have the freedom of my own car, but the cost of petrol, lessons, insurance, mot's etc would be vastly expensive and troublesome. Public transport is okay here but costs a fortune, so i guess you can't win either way. It's cool you've done it since 16 though!

  23. Rawr

    Don't you mean to liberate the people and save the world from cave dwelling terrorists? Oh wait... :lol:

  24. Donkey Kong is King Kong's pimp, he promised a Silverback Sweetheart could borrow KK for a night and KK refused as the last time he worked with those types, he was ripped off and forced to dance naked in a tophat. Hence why he took a stand and went ApeWOL, raced up the tallest building he could find, poor guy :(

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