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Status Updates posted by Rawr

  1. It is, when you choose to rid yourself of the shackles of this age of convenience, impatience being one of them, you see and appreciate so much more to life, which some people will either learn so far along or perhaps never, it is sad.

  2. If you has to be up tomorrow, make sure you get at least 5 hours sleep!


    This house is cool. My old retarded house was creepy as hell when i lived there. Half the time i was alone, and it had a srsly uncool basement and too many shadows!

  3. It is, i think i would go insane without my own sanctuary to retreat in! The journey is the point of everything imo, so many people are caught up on the ends of things and it's like, they lose sight of the focal point to so much.

  4. I love having a quiet house after having noisy places through life in family and after i moved out for two years. These neighbours can be noisy, but nothing compared to previous houses haha. Quiet houses breed peace and tranquility! Potential is an exciting thing, the journey to deliver that potential is even better :D

  5. I think they've turned into the sleepy bunch :lol: ooo inspiration is def. coolio :D When things begin to make a kind of sense to you within the story, it certainly is nice! It takes a while for that to happen for me haha.

  6. Gotta hate it! It is going swell, mucho fun :lol: What are you up to?

  7. I know, i hate it when this happens :@

  8. My msn has disconnected me and will not sign me back in :@

  9. My msn appears to have disconnected me and will not reconnect!

  10. Think of the money, that's what i'd be doing :lol: That sounds like a great day, i hope your spring cleaning of the chapters goes well :D :D

  11. Yes, i was hungry and intent on getting my exercise and battling the elements :lol: Woo day off, that must be cool :D Any plans? Are you at work at ze moment?

  12. My appointment is on Fri, i will have to skate down at this rate :lol: I had roast potatoes, so you got one right! :lol: It has been okay, i walked for two miles in the snow to get food bargains! :D How has your day been?

  13. Hey Abby, I hope you are taking care and have had a nice day :D I have just returned from the supermarket and tons of food! It's crazily snowing :lol:

  14. Haha brad pitt is still cool regardless! :D

  15. Rawr

    Happy new year to you too, hope it's a good one, lets hope for loads of waffles :lol:

  16. I am going to head off to read and chill for sleeptimes now, so good night and take care and as always, very cool to chat :D

  17. Rawr

    Happy extremely late birthday wishes for the 21st! I was looking at this month's BCF calendar and saw the date :lol:

  18. Evening! How be Nollaig? I'm sorry i haven't caught you much on msn as obviously with christmastimes everything is hectic. I hope you have had a fun time and are keeping well :D Take care!

  19. I hope you had an amazing christmas! :D (with snowball fights i hope too!)

  20. I hope my email explained my whereabouts over the last few months xD And i hope you had a really cool christmas! :D

  21. Yeah i very much agree, it's about learning and getting to where you want to go at the end of the day, and sometimes, things are meant to happen the way they do and we can't do anything about how it pans out until we can make sense of it all, so i hope things go well and smoothly for you :D

  22. I am going to do English Literature and take units in film and creative writing. I had tried twice to pass my first year, but a lot was going on in my life at the time which interrupted and resulted in me here and taking two years away from that path for now :D


    I never understood why American universities don't just follow the English system of going straight into what you want to study you know, it makes so much more sense. Someone explained it to me once but i can't remember too well. I was terrible at maths. Good at sums and other things, but i could never be bothered with the rest, plus my high school was terrible :lol: I hope the maths eases out a little for you!


    Salem's Lot is a good read :D And yes, i have thought of photography courses when i am in a good financial position, would be very interesting!

  23. Congrats on the studying too :D I am looking forward to when i finally graduate! I will be starting my so far doomed education ventures again in around two years :lol: I think a degree is a good basis for learning about more than what you are studying, that is just a platform to work from if you are in control of the person you are, at least i think so. Otherwise it's just the next logical step in the 'what you are supposed to do' manual.

  24. It is, i love the whole mystery and history to Dracula, it gives the villain real substance and a sense of the unknown comes across very well throughout :D I have not read that and didn't know of it's existence!


    Haha, 'so you want to be poor' :lol: It's better than being apparently 'well off' and not having a sense of self or the world in my opinion. I highly agree with all you say, i guess some people just follow different paths in life, taking adventures and learning and growing, we are what we are in the end :D

  25. I agree with that, like it is absolutely fine to use an outline and you know, genre conventions, but so many make a routine out of it once successful and they know the 'main' bulk of the public will buy it without question, but is that really art? That relates to any form of art. It's not challenging or evolving, so why do it? If you want the money, you're not an artist. To be successful and challenge yourself is the ultimate goal, even if you fail, so what? There's nothing to stop you getting back up.


    Classics are fantastic to see why they are revered so highly, i adore Dracula, you think, at the time they were written they were just another story, it's that test of time passage and era that is the most fascinating, why do they live on in people's hearts and cultures? It's beautiful :D I love listening to artists speak their mind and why and how they chose to create and think what they did/do, it's great!

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