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Status Updates posted by Rawr

  1. A home within a home is better :D And thanks! I will, it's just being patient and awaiting the opportunities :D

  2. A michael jackson tribute? LOL that's a bizaare choice :S He's really cool though and i think very understood, it's very evil what the media have portrayed him as. I love earth song and a lot of his songs are very groovy and cool xD He's a true legend. I have sympathy for the ones who don't milk it or ask for it and such, and are famous for their actual talents and accomplishments, not the media circus 'ladies of the night', they irritate me no end.

  3. A rat kisser? Hmm, i don't know which is more terrifying. Today, i plan on doing some writing and getting some more work done. Oh cool finished diss :D I also plan to finally set my nintendo wii up, it's been in my suitcase for around two weeks now.

  4. Actually i've been reading quite a bit lately! Just picking random books from wherever i see them haha.

  5. Actually US got to the quarter finals in 2002, they need to beat that to show signs of progress! We need to get to the semi's which we have failed to do constantly when we have had the ability. We need to start playing now, great performance against Slovakia when you consider the results before it against teams we should be beating convincingly, no offence but England should be showing why they are a feared team on the right day! Hope you do well, but it would be nice to see Ghana advancing too :tong:

  6. Actually, i cannot stand trying to eat those ridiculous triangular shaped things, i hate it! It's so inconvenient and awkward. Squares look far cooler anyway and are more neat and compact. You are very welcome for the sammich. You need nice foods, stop being stubboooorn! ):

  7. Ah cool xD I try other forums when i come across them, if there's a good community and it's an interesting place i like to hang out and meet people. But mostly, it's difficult to get a place like this, which is why it's special ^^

  8. Ah okies :D i shall definitely check more of his films out, i'm hoping to nip to town and snoop around a store which sells cheap dvd's. I think recently i watched 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' and it was quite messed up :l i didn't think much of it.

  9. ahaha! No, no. Potato is ze hero. The solution to all life's problems i'm sure you will agree.

  10. And they'll know that square sandwiches are awesome :D

  11. Argh :( Well, it's quite obvious that it isn't sorted if you still feel upset about it mmhm. His priority should be you and making it known that you are at the forefront of his cares and this girl should always be a secondary issue. I'm sure when he is being nice, it's genuine, but i do think things still need talking about, it's not something that can just go away. :(

  12. ARGH so much working ): i hope you find time to chill out amongst all that! I hope it isn't too busy also. You'll make a lot of money though, right?

  13. Argh t'is shiiit when relationship troubles like this happen :( It should be his job to make you know that he cares.

  14. ARGH take it away over yonder hills and FAR away!

  15. Argh that's very sad :(:friends0: I hope things go better today! I just had some pancakes this morning. It is a very beautiful day here! Summer is quite cheering i find. :D

  16. Argh work work work. I know, it's dreadful! You will be fine with presentation ^^ I know it's totally sh*t having to do them but when it's done, it's done! Mornight in advance xD Take care!

  17. Argh, I hope it goes okay and he understands, it's an extremely easy thing to realise grr :( I'm alright thanks, been listening to music, drinking apple juice, exercising and attacking moths which continue to fly in through my window baha :lol:

  18. At least you aren't stuck in the mountains, that would be scarier! Just wrap up in ze covers :D I hope you have a nice sleep. I am going to play xbox until i get the hell into the realm of subconsciousness, and die until I have actually got some decent sleep, then search for jobs and make food at some point. Yes, you need to hear these vital plans, maybe they will put you to sleep they are so enthralling. Night!

  19. Aww *huggle* arguments with parents is really annoying, i used to do it every so often as there were a lot of things which stressed me out, but you feel like just because your idk in 'their' house etc that you don't have a right to say how you feel, it's difficult. I hope it is sorted soon! The snow didn't last long ): it was like a blizzard though xD

  20. Aww cool. There's actually a theatre in the city which has performances all the time. It was doing a Mary Poppins show a while back D:

  21. Aww examness. I'm sure you'll be fine ^^ very stressful though grr. It was pretty confusing to say the least, once i'd kinda come to my senses survival mode kicked in and i was like *fret* :lol: I hope your taking care!

  22. Aww good ^.^! And yes, i agree, i thought the 'monster' was a bit stupid to be honest, the beauty for most of the movie was that we didn't know what the heck it was. I liked the part climbing down that flat place though, thought that was well done. But otherwise, a bit meh.

  23. Aww haha, I remember my cat never used to stop running about!

  24. aww he's beautiful xD that sounds good for when i begin to learn then! How has your evening been?

  25. Aww i wish i had a cat. When i get my own flat, i'm most definitely (if allowed) going to have a cat, i love them ^.^ they're so sneaky and proud creatures.

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