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Status Updates posted by Rawr

  1. Rawr

    Hello! I ended up making a cup of tea and timing out xD I often wander away in search of food and find myself having to log in again haha.

  2. Hey Abby, I hope you are taking care and have had a nice day :D I have just returned from the supermarket and tons of food! It's crazily snowing :lol:

  3. Hey I see world cup talk, what we can say is that we both failed miserably trying to get into the quarters. At least US had some dignity. Hope you are keeping well xx

  4. Hey Kelly! I've been busy moving house and whatnot and travelling to visit my town and had some crazy barbecue on Sat so had a mad weekened haha! It's a little more chilled this week which is good.

  5. Hey Lexie! :D I know i know, it's crazy! I suppose it means we get more reading done, if that isn't book obsession then i don't know what is :lol: Sleeping is terrible lately grr! I am okay, actually thinking of having some food. How are you? Falling asleep yet?

  6. Rawr

    Hey Mac! Long time no talk :D Things are good! Have been working on and off and looking for more permanent stuff. Been keeping myself busy and out of trouble and the like :lol: How about you? How's life treating you lately? Any good plans for christmas?

  7. Rawr

    Hey mac! Things are going pretty good, been enjoying (somewhat, it's been far too hot over the weekend!) this weather and going for a couple of walks in some foresty areas and doing a lot of reading which is always great :D How's things in your world?

  8. Hey Sahara, sorry about msnness, i was engrossed in mario kart and chatting with my sis for hours! I didn't mean to ignore! Hope you are well and taking care ^^ mornight!

  9. Hey sarah! Just dropping by to see if your fine and well as haven't had a chance to chat for a while! How are things going? MORNIGHT :D

  10. Hey thanks ^^ I love the forum already, it's very sociable which is good! I like your background, it's very mysterious and starry!

  11. Hey thanks xD I love the shining and just felt that it was the right image to go along with the username haha! Glad your settling in around here, it's a great site. How are you doing?

  12. Rawr

    Hey, how were Metallica and MH? I wanted to go but standing sold out in a few minutes and i didn't want to pay for seats! Did they do the whole crazy beachball thing at the end of Seek and Destroy? xD

  13. Hey, thanks ^_^ I love your pet pictures, cats are awesome!

  14. Hi im getting food as i'm gonna watch random movies tonight to cheer myself up :'D Come on sooooon! We needs to chat unooooooooo!

  15. Hi, hope your settling in well ^^ I see that you are currently reading 'The Graveyard Book' by Neil Gaiman, how are you finding it? I recently read that xD

  16. Hi, your avatar scares me a lot lol. :(

  17. Hi! Don't think i've stopped by before. Hope your doing well, lots of reading and having a good evening! I just had mash and now have pepsi, so i am content xD Bye!

  18. Hiya Mod*+*+*+ :lol:

  19. Hmm i really cannot remember the title :lol: I'll check that one out anyway! Yeah i c can't wait to see what all the fuss is about Lovecraft :D

  20. Rawr

    Hmm I wonder if Courtney lets people know that!

  21. Rawr

    Hmm I would be interested to check it out if Kurt had a hand in things, would be interesting. She's just a really really irritating person.

  22. Hmm, it's not too bad though and at least it's money, right? You work hard for it and i hope you get lots of good customers and business tomorrow, but not too much that it's annoying. I should come buy a pizza xD

  23. Hopefully they will, if not well it is their loss (mine as well because I would like some money :roll:) but all will be good :D If I am not busy later on I may do, but i'm not very good at carrying a convo if I am concentrating on things, people also insist on starting conversations when I am actually busy too and sometimes certain conversational topics are not what i want to talk about, especially when i feel stressed, then I feel rude, so someday it's better that I chill about at a pace I am happy with. So I will see how i feel later :D I am not being stroppy or anything, just explaining why I am hanging about like this haha.

  24. Hoping you is okay :friends0:

  25. How are things going? Have you been keeping well? ^^

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