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Everything posted by Businessbkreviewer

  1. Who is this book written for?If you enjoyed the best selling book and DVD "The Secret", Ask and It is Given reveals more about the "Law Of Attraction" and how it can be used to help live happier and more fulfilled lives. What is the book about? Ask and It is Given explains that through recognizing and acting on our emotions, we can learn to operate on a higher frequency. Once we have become proficient in achieving this on a day-to-day basis, we can then directly influence how our lives unfold (by utilizing the powerful "Law Of Attraction")
  2. What is this book about? Multiple Streams of Income is a practical guide to becoming financially successful, which reveals ten choice techniques to help you generate extra cash. Who is this book written for? If a job is your only means of income and you want to discover how to create more money from a number of alternative sources, this book is for you.
  3. What is the book about? The Automatic Millionaire reveals easy-to-learn, money-making systems that once applied, can help you to become financially successful. Who is this book written for? If you have decided that you want to take control of your financial life, and now want some step-by-step instructions, this book is for you.
  4. What is the book about? Rich Dad, Poor Dad introduces you to the basic principles of investing, explains why investing is so important, and explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to become rich. Who is this book written for? If you have little or no financial education and want to learn the basic rules about investing, read this book!
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