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Status Updates posted by Kookie

  1. Hello welcome to the forum hope you enjoy it here.

  2. Hello long time no talk. lol

  3. Yea. I had a friend that has a cat. The cat keeps running away and they keep findind it in the same place :)

  4. I am so silly i keep making silly mistakes. :(

  5. Hi i like your avatar. :)

  6. Hello again. What have you been up to?

  7. Wow she shounds great i could never walk that far. :wow:

  8. Hello what have you been up to?

  9. Me to i stay after school for hockey and staff but 6-7 miles!!

  10. i know. lol. i play right definse.

  11. I have to go bye bye talk to you soon.

  12. Hi and welcome to the forum. I hope you will have a great time here but you will, i just know it.:)

  13. Hi i love your avatar.

  14. No problem i thought you would like it. ;)

  15. So how are you doin anything interesting?

  16. Hello, it has been a while, i have been kind of busy going out with my friends. It's more work then you think. lol :lol::lol:

  17. Hi i added you to my msn i hope it was ok if it was not i am sorry. :(:)

  18. Not really. What about you.

  19. Hello i am glad to have so many new people joining the forum. I hope you will enjoy it here but you probably will. :) :)

  20. Hello have not talked to you in a while so how have you been?

  21. Its ok thanks for your late welcome, my pet Spooky likes you now because of what you called him. lol

  22. I know what you mean i have to go back to school tomarrow :(

  23. i am fine thanks for asking just texting my friends on msn and on are moble phones thank hevens someone made all these things.

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