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Posts posted by K1nS

  1. Myself and my boyfriend watched about 30 excrutiating minutes of it before we turned it off :roll: can you tell we thought it was awful? :blush:


    :lol::lol: Fair enough... I was thinking it was a bit rubbish at the beginning but it does get better :lol:

  2. Sorry to hear that Lexiepepper


    I read The Kevin one and the More Kevin but after that i stopped because it was upsetting me that things were going on and no one cared.


    I know it proplary still goes on but at least they people out there willing to help.


    Yeah thats the thing, when most of the stories in these books happened, there wasn't alot of help anyone could have so thats what makes it worse... it just shows how much things have changed now

  3. I like books like this, but I think it's because I was abused as a kid myself and so I have a strange attraction to these type of books, I try not to read them too often though, they just make me depressed!


    Im sorry to hear about that Lexie :roll::friends0::blush:

  4. I was wondering if there was anymore craft lovers out there? I love to cross stitch :roll:

  5. Currently (because they often change) my hobbies are reading, reviewing, blogging, hanging out on BCF, babysitting my nephew, beading, and shopping. I hardly get to indulge in all of these, though, since school takes up so much time.


    Very busy lol :roll:

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