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Status Updates posted by lexiepiper

  1. Happy New Year!!! :D Did you have a good night? x

  2. Thank youuu :D


    Yeah it's rather too massive, my BF bought me like 15 new books for my birthday so that boosted it up loads, and although there are still more books I want, I've put a buying books ban on myself (I think i'll surprise myself if it lasts long though :lol:) So now I have birthday money I have no clue what to do with :roll:


    So anyway, how are you? You having a good weekend? :)

  3. Thank you! x

  4. Thank you! x

  5. Hey Mac, thanks for the friend request, how are you doing today? :) x

  6. Hey hun, I'm not too bad thanks, muddling on as always! :lol: I've been feeling pretty poorly today though :( Had a really bad migraine and it gave me the shakes really bad, was pretty horrid, but I'm going to bed soon so hopefully it'll go by tomorrow :) Congrats on the job! So fantastic, I bet you're so chuffed :D How are things with you? x

  7. Thank you :D I think so too, he looks so much like my brother it's unreal! :lol:

  8. No problem, so glad you're enjoying them! :D

  9. Yay, so glad Linger came, hope you enjoy it! :) x

  10. Thanks for that Paula, I'll have to try and remember, I have a terrible memory! :roll: And I'm okay thanks, neither me or my BF are well today, so I'm looking after him! :lol: How are you doing? And I saw you're shooting through your books! Any you'd recommend? Take care, Kelly xox

  11. Thanks for the friending :D

  12. I actually haven't! I didn't even know he had other books/a series out, it was an impulse pick up at Asda so I don't actually know much about it, but I thought it looked good! :lol: I'm glad you enjoyed it, I'm sure I will now we seem to have similar tastes when it comes to this genre! :D

  13. I'm pretty good thanks, and yourself?

  14. The books are here safe and sound, can you believe they got here so fast? :D Thank you so much anyway, I can't wait to read them! Oh, I posted the Erica Spindler to you earlier, so should hopefully be with you on Thursday, enjoy! :D

  15. Hey there :) Just wanted to say hi and welcome to the forum! I was born and lived in Bath until 3 years ago, it's always nice to see someone from home :D

  16. Sorry to hear about your aunt Ben, hope things turn out well and you enjoy your visit :)

  17. Thanks! It cracks me up everytime I see it ^^ what do you search on youtube for the interviews? x

  18. Yay :D I'll let you know when it arrives xox

  19. Awww :friends0: Of course! I thought we were already friends and only noticed we weren't just now when I was having a nosing around :lol: Would have done it sooner if I had known! :D

  20. Hey Ben, how are you doing? :D

  21. Ooo I'll go and have a look now! Thanks :D

  22. I'm good thanks :D And yeah! I swear I spend more time on here than I do reading now! :lol:

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