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Status Updates posted by lexiepiper

  1. Hey Gyre, so glad to hear Quinn is doing better, it's always such a worry when pets hurt themselves! Thanks so much for the book! I can't wait to read it :D

  2. Hey hun, I'm feeling a bit frustrated with various things, how are you? I'm so glad Michael is better, he's eating a fairly big tea and has kept it down, so fingers crossed he's getting better!! x

  3. Hey hun, I'm great thanks, how are you? Thanks, I'm really pleased with them, but they're so different to my old ones, so taking a little adjusting :lol:

  4. Hey hun, I'm not too bad thanks, muddling on as always! :lol: I've been feeling pretty poorly today though :( Had a really bad migraine and it gave me the shakes really bad, was pretty horrid, but I'm going to bed soon so hopefully it'll go by tomorrow :) Congrats on the job! So fantastic, I bet you're so chuffed :D How are things with you? x

  5. Hey Janet :D Yeah we both went to senior school at Hayesfield's together and we met through mutual friends, even ended up going on holiday together with some friends when we finished our GCSE's, what a small world though! It's really weird! :lol:

  6. Hey Janet, how are you? Thanks for the friendship add! :D Hope you are well x

  7. Hey Katie :D How are you? I've not started it yet, but will be when I go to bed in a bit, I have bith volumes, so gonna probs go straight through, how did you find them? :)

  8. Hey Katie, how are you? :D

  9. Hey Lucy, just wanted to double check that your book arrived back safely? Let me know x :)

  10. Hey Mac, how are you doing? :) I'm okay thanks, been pretty poorly lately, which obviously is pants, but so much time led in bed has at least resulted in lots of book reading, which is always good :):friends0:

  11. Hey Mac, I think it picked up *a lot* once he went to the island and started to find out about Harriet, I really enjoyed the ending and came to really care about Salander, even though she was so stand offish, it was obviously just because she didn't want to let people in to hurt her, and then the ending happened I was so sad for her! I think the second book is mostly about her? So I'm going to try and get a hold of it for a read :) What are you reading at the moment? I think I may start Stephen Fry's Moab Is My Washpot, I bought it cheaply in town today and have wanted to read it for a while as I adore Stephen Fry! :lol: I hope you are well too x

  12. Hey Mac, I'm good thanks, how are you doing buddy? :)

  13. Hey Mac, just dropped by to say I think you'd really like Erica Spindler, the books are definitely your kind of thing! In particular her books, Copycat, and See Jane Die are fantastic, but I've never disliked any of her books, they're all great! :D

  14. Hey Mac, thanks for the belated birthday wishes :D and I'm doing pretty well thanks, how are things going with you?

  15. Hey Mac, thanks for the friend request, how are you doing today? :) x

  16. Hey Mac, the weather's not great here either, looks like it's going to rain at any moment, so I think I'll be snuggling up with a book too! I'm looking forward to dinner, my boyfriend is making a yummy spicy chicken stirfry :D I'll keep my eyes open for Christopher Fowler, thanks for the recommendation! Have a great weekend! :friends0:

  17. Hey Nici :D Thanks for the friend request! How are you doing today? Started Eclipse yet? I think you're going to love it, it's really good :D x

  18. Hey Nicola it's not problem at all! There's no need to rush it :) Whenever you have time is great :D I love your profile pic ^^ btw, you look lovely!

  19. Hey Nicola, how are you? Just wanted to let you know the book has arrived safely, thanks so much! x

  20. Hey Paula, how are you? I hope everything is better with your kitty now? :):friends0:

  21. Hey Paula, I'm fine thanks, just got back in from town and it's freeeezing out there! How are you doing hun? How did the GP go? I didn't think you were being abrupt at all last night! Thank you so much for the book, it's really kind of you :friends0: I'm really looking forward to reading it, I loved watching The Moomins when I was little! :D

  22. Hey Paula, I'm great thanks, how are you? Thanks for the book! :D Also, Grave Secret cover looks so good, can't wait for it! :D

  23. Hey Paula, I'm not too bad thanks, please don't worry about the book and don't rush to do it, your cat is much more important! Whenever things settle down is more than good enough, so stop apologising! :D

  24. Hey Paula, I'm okay thanks, how are you doing? :) x

  25. Hey Paula, I'm pretty good thanks, I *think* my mojo just may have come back, I can only hope! :lol: How are you doing hun? And I really must say, I think you look fab in the pics you've had up today :D x

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