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Posts posted by Nollaig

  1. Gerald's Game by (who else) Stephen King.


    With a couple somewhat into bondage, where the husband ties the wife with handcuffs to the bedposts, and then has a heart attack and dies. Leaving the poor woman tied and with no easy way of escaping. Which wouldn't have been a problem in itself, what bothered me is the way she eventually escaped. So yucky/gory/awful it made me stay away from King's books ever since (and I used to be quite a fan, I read more than half of everything he's written) :lol:


    This made me look up that book, coz its one o the ones I have - gonna read it next! =D

  2. Hehe replies are warmly welcomed! I just have to get reading so I can pad the list out a bit more!


    And I agree entirely about the cross needing faith thing, that was a very nice touch. Most other writers seem to take for granted what makes these things holy in the first place. I also liked the way towards the end it wasn't just a cross, but also an axe, just because it was the RIGHT thing and Ben was starting to get a feel for this faith thing =P

  3. Stephen King


    'Salem's Lot - (16/12/08 - 18/12/08)

    I started this book with no real idea of where it was going (having never seen any film adaption or having heard anything about it). I wasn't even sure how true to the idea of 'vampires' it would stay - whether directly supernatural elements would be exposed, or whether it would be left open to the reader with the possibility of a rational explanation.

    Apparently, the former. The book, I found, for the first half or so stayed very quiet and realistic, and then suddenly jumped into Dracula mode. Having said that, I loved the introduction to the characters throughout the first half, I loved that the events didn't just have an as-necessary-to-plot boundary, but the boundaries were really the same as Jerusalem's Lot's boundaries. You got to know the townsfolk and the way things moseyed through the days in the town. Then when the book jumps into Dracula mode, it manages to retain a distinct level of credibility due to the realistic roots under the surreal events. Along with most of the main characters being very likeable, this made the whole story very easy to immerse oneself in.

    I also liked the old-school vampire interpretation. I know it was written in the 70's and the Angels and Edwards we all love hadn't been invented yet, but having never read an old-school vampire book other than Dracula, it was really refreshing to read such a style in a relatively modern text.

    Problems with the book: While I felt each individual character was relatively well developed (at least, given a very distinct identity) I felt the relations *between* the characters was somewhat lacking. Ben and Susan never really did it for me, when Ben told Mark he loved him, I had to ask, 'since when?!' and really the most believeable pairing I found was old Ava and Weasel. Having said that, I liked the characters individually enough to let them away with it.

    Rating: 9.5 out of 10. I did have a couple of small issues, but I enjoyed it too much overall to complain! Wonderful book.


  4. Tuesdays With Morrie - Mitch Albom



    An old man, a young man, and life's greatest lesson.

    I think everybody knows this book, I reread it because its a short and easy read. I have some issues with what Morrie says though. I read it last when I was quite young, but now reading back over it, I can't help but question some things he says, which takes away a little from the book.

    The one which stuck out most for me was saying that people buy material possessions to make up for a lack of love.

    That may be true, but I can tell ya one thing for certain - no amount of love is gonna remove the joy people do get from material possessions.

    A lot of what Morrie says is very idealistic and maybe it sounds nice, but I really don't agree with a lot of it like I used to. Kinda takes away from the book for me, although I still love that the little ole fella was such a great character. Its a really nice little book.

  5. 1. Andrew McMahon is my favourite music artist.


    2. I have a thing about My Little Pony (the toys - I love them.)


    3. I have two recurring dreams: one about a job I don't work at anymore, and one about a girl, an old friend, I haven't seen in 4 years.


    4. I love O Brien's sandwiches. They are the BEST.


    5. My most treasured possession is a guy's chain which belonged to the guy who is now my best friend of 5 years, back when he was my first love. :lol:

  6. I want to read The Exorcist.


    Primarly because i saw it in a shop when I was about 14 and my mum wouldn't let me buy it, saying it would scare me, and I argued books can't be scary.


    I've yet to prove myself wrong, but the film version of The Exorcist fried my brain when I was also about 14 (mum didn't know I watched it hehe) so I'm wondering would the book have the same effect.

  7. But see this is the thing. No big fight, its all about the peace, love and peace talks, coz THATS realistic. And its all about the happily ever afters, coz THATS realistic too.


    You know what I think annoyed me more than anything actually about it:


    'Oh so hey, werewolves.' 'Actually, they're shapeshifers. Theres this whole other (probably interesting) history there about shape-shifting Indians, but you know, since its not directly relevant to Bella and Eddy, lets not actually explore that.'

    And By the Way, since it IS entirely relevant to the plot, heres a random dude whos mother was human to prove Renesmee will be grand for Jacob by the time she's 6, but we're only going to summarise that whole thing having not mentioned the search for this guy (which could have made an entire interesting BOOK if twilight wasn't entirely centred on Bella and Edward.'



    So basically my main problem is how the entire Twilight series is like one epic adventure fantasy romance story, with everything that isn't directly related to the cutesy bits being cut out.


    And everybody hates Jacob coz hes essentially the only padding the story has, and its primarily to show off just how great Bella and Edward are together.


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