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Status Updates posted by BookBee8

  1. Oh my!! Are they?? Wow, that'll be great viewing! :) It was good thanks. Very busy, rushing around the theme parks. It was also 40 degrees for the first week so I could hardly cope :lol:. Are you off on holidays anywhere? :) x

  2. Oh, after reading Testimony I needed to read a light, fluffy book because it shook me up a little bit! I grew attached to Silas. When you've finished, you should check out my spoiler review (on my Bee's Books thread) that I wrote on it, I'd love to know your thoughts and if they're similar in any way.

  3. Oh, good :). Thanks for offering it for the bookring, I really enjoyed it. I do plan to write a review at some point, I've just been so busy with exams and revision!

  4. Oh, wow, that's such a lovely offer! :) I think I'm going to buy it though, I have a feeling I'm really going to like this series. Thank you so much for the offer though. :D

  5. Oh! Haha, I has to check to see what you were talking about. You're welcome :). I just remember how I was after I finished Twilight, hehe. Happy reading! :)

  6. Ok..I meant guessed* and have tripled**. Typo!!

  7. Ooh, I know. If I keep buying books the way I am, I'm going to need a bookcase that big just to fit them in.

  8. Ooh, I was talking about that the other day with my sister. That's one I would like to read too. *Adds to wishlist* :) I've not seen the film but I've heard about it. It sounds like a lovely idea!

  9. P.S Just spotted your profile pic. And obviously, I love it. What's not to love?! :)

  10. Phoebe on Friends just mentioned Wuthering Heights and it made me think of you! How are you? How are you finding The Shack? :) x

  11. Shhh, I'm staying 19 for another year. Hehe, thanks :)

  12. Sorry I didn't get around to replying to your message! :) You mentioned your TBR pile, how many do you have? Mine just keeps growing, it'll never shrink! Which books are you looking forward to the most?

  13. Thank you :D It's so cute!!

  14. Thank you :). I haven't actually started The Book Thief yet; I've been so busy and I have an assignment in for Wednesday but I can't wait to read it. Everyone has such great things to say about it, I'm sure it's going to be an amazing read! What are you currently reading?

  15. Thank you! :D I got a new laptop from my parents, sisters and BF! :)

  16. Thank you! :) I'm ok thanks, how about you?

  17. Thank you. :) I'm doing good. It's snowing again though and I'm not a fan! Reading wise, I'm about halfway through a collection of short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald. How about you?

  18. Thanks Beth :) I got all of my data back so I'm so relieved! Hope you're doing well x

  19. Thanks for that. I can imagine the educational difficulties and disabilities parts to be really interesting. Adult transitions includes stuff like puberty, gender differences, partner selection, becoming a parent, mid-life crises, ageing, etc! The other modules I've chosen are criminological, violence and aggression and mental health. What areas did you study?

  20. Thanks for the friend request! :) My local Waterstone's ordered your book for me today, so I'll hopefully read it within the next month.

  21. Thanks for the welcome! I love your avatar too, it's so cute :)

  22. Thanks Kylie :)

  23. Thanks so much :). I look forward to reading it!

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