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Status Updates posted by Chimera

  1. Hi Michelle, thanks for the invite! How has your We been? I hope things will start getting better for you and Glen. Take care!

  2. Hi Karen! I hope all is well for you. Just dropped by to thank you for recomending The Camel Bookmobile. I've just read it and really enjoyed it eventhough I didn't feel the project came across as very positive in it.


    I'd be interested in discussing it with you actually as you sounded really enthusiastic about both the book and the project... as most of the reviews I've found on the web seem to be. Did I misunderstand the book or something?


    Anyway, it's certainly made me think so thanks!

  3. Thanks! I thought he was cute *grin* And in the same area/ theme as my 'name' (cant find the appropriate word at the moment).

    Your donkey always makes me laugh ;-)

  4. hey! It's the week-end again! :D that went fast. I hope you had a good week. How are the groups going? Have you joined one yet?


    I'm debating whether to join a gym... I like the idea of having a wide selection of dance/ aerocbics/ whatnot classes to choose from but I'm not sure its my kind of place and its incredibly expensive.


    Have a great week-end!

  5. Chimera


    Only just got back home and am trying to wrap my head around the short story again... surprisingly difficult! *laughs*


    You still inspired?



  6. Ah well, the tiranny of friends! lol Wont let you enjoy your book privately ;) Mine was very nice as well. We had a lot of snow on saturday and so I took the time to enjoy it in the nearby forest and had plenty left for reading and even a cinema: a nice, easy but not too quiet We :smile2:


    I have nooo idea what I want to do next year... Well if I have to choose I'm more into human resources/ comunication than anything else but I dont really want a classical job and I dont like the corporate world that much... I used to think that I'd finish school and go off somewhere as a volunteer for a few years but I've outgrown that idea a bit so... I'm a bit lost :roll: Ah well, I'm sure things will come up.

  7. I've found the name of that natural reserve I was telling you about: it's the Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary and it's absolutely gorgeous. It's one of those places where I stopped and suddenly thought, "how on earth did I get there?". You know when in the midst of a trip you suddenly are vividly aware of how far you've come and how exceptional it is? It felt like something of a dream :smile2: Ok so that's probably my personal impression and I'm sure everyone experiences travels in different ways but it is a beautiful place. The best way to enjoy it is to take the boat ride. We took it in the evening and it was a very good time for it: much less people around and a lovely light.

  8. Chimera

    Hi there! How are you doing? We seem to have lost you the excitement of the alps, the worlds and ski guy *laughs* I hope you're having a great time and you'll share all the anecdotes :D

  9. Chimera

    Well I started it yesterday, and so far I love it!


    Have a great time in Paris then! Maybe you'll squeeze in some shopping?

  10. haha yes, that must have felt like a gem after all this time abroad...

    That's great! You haven't seen her since you left, right? I'm sure you'll have loads of catching up and exploring to do together :)


    Great tactic! Plus it means we readers can look forward to regular updates all week *grins*


    Actually that's a frightnening question, cause the end is getting disturbingly close... counting the work weeks out I only have 6 weeks of school left. That will bring me to the end of july and I then have another month of internship... and I'm done! *wide eyes*


    I haven't, but I should! I'm thinking more along the lines of an exotic trip, but yes... I'm sure the event warrants something big!

  11. The balancing act is fine so long as I'm working alone and on my 'critical deadlines' basis. Unfortunately most of it is groupwork, which has it's good points but can get very tricky: there are always those who exchange dozens of e-mails about it during the day and those like me who can't or don't want to do so at work; those who are always thinking a month ahead and those who believe in, well 'critical deadline basis' :blush:; those who want to do a word report on top of the ppt presentation "just in case we missed the teacher asking for it" and those who trust the syllabi which specifically states that the only evaluation is a presentation... You get the picture. *cracks up*

  12. Hi there, thanks for the invite! How has your day been? Still enjoying that diary? :readingtwo:

  13. Hi there! Thanks for the friendship request! How are your challenges going today? ;-)

  14. That's very good indeed! My We is going ok, quiet and relaxing.

    *laughs* I'm actually French, so this is where I live. Though I love traveling so I hope I wont be staying here too long *grins*

  15. *laughs* Buying books is always a good thing! Though it can be dangerous...


    I'm trying to restrict myself at the moment. Though I ordered "Book Traveller World" online yesterday, which basically is a guide for books on travelling/ from foreign authors... So I'll probably be doomed as soon as I get it :lol:

  16. Hi Lexie! I received your review copy of Kandide and the Secret of the Mists by mistake... Could you PM me your adress so that I can send it on to you?

  17. Chimera

    Ah well, parents always have weird ideas... and no clue as to what their 'disuasion' tentatives might bring out! *cracks up*


    That's very true, and quite sad as well when you think about it... Does SA stand for South Africa? Did you live there ??


    Hope your we ended well. Until when will you be in the states? Enjoy the vacations and BF!

  18. Chimera

    Happy new year! It's good to see you back on board... Have you returned home yet? I hope you had an amazing christmas time!

  19. Hi Phoebe, and welcome! How are you finding the forum?

  20. Oh right, hadnt seen it that way. I can see how it might be confusing *laughs* I study business and thankfully am nearly finished - only a year left. Have you visited france? whereabouts?

  21. Happy birthday Katie! :balloons: Enjoy your day!

  22. Thanks for the request Nici! I hope you had a nice relaxing day after yesterday's party ;-) The pictures are lovely.

  23. Chimera

    *cracks up* I was just lurking on Roxi's profile and saw your comment about my taste in books... I'm sorry to have failed you with A Complicated Kindness ! :lol: Though Echo thought my review still made her want to read it... so in the end I didn't make too bad publicity about it *wouldn't dare* :D

  24. Hi Sarah! Just thought I'd drop by to see how you are... It's been a while since you updated your blog. Enjoying the spring too much? *grin*

  25. Ah the exchange experiences... had a few of those as well, though it wasnt with penfriends just friends of friends of friends or something, who wanted to spend some time in france and were willing to recieve me in england or elsewhere... It can make for dreadful or wonderful experiences depending on the persons ;-)

    Thanks. I lived in london for a few years when I was a kid and then went to a bilingual school in france, so I have no merit really *laughs*

    Are you learning another language whilst waiting for your french lessons?

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