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Status Updates posted by Charm

  1. Charm

    Oh my goodness bev i've just been looking at your albums. :cry:


    Your pics of your mum reminded me so much of my own and your poem had me in tears:cry2:. My mum is still alive living in a nursing home. She's 80 but she has severe dementia and doesn't know anyone or where she is most of the time, apart from the very odd time when she seems to realise where she is and cries that she just wants to die and be with Dad. Its hearbreaking, its like grieving for someone who is still alive.


    Then i looked at the album of your furry friends and that made me worse!:weeping::weeping: but in a good way? if u know wot i mean :giggle: They are beautiful! Bailey is so cute and the pics of Rosie as a pup hav made me wanna go hoke out pics of mine as a pup too! My hubby is looking at me as if i'm not wise - bawling one min then laughing the next lol So i'm gonna go sort myself out and look up old pics. Thanks :friends0:

  2. Oh no that is bad timing, I hope it clears up before then. I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya ;) Shame your BF had to leave, I hope you're coping ok on your own, although the peace and quiet along with plenty of books sounds like heaven :D My OH isn't too well either, he was up vomiting all night (ergo so were the rest of us :roll:) and he's been in bed most of the day, he's feeling a bit better now though so hopefully I'll get some sleep tonight! :lol:


    Well may you run, pacman's on the lose! (Did I mention you need to re-decorate! :lol:)

  3. oh ok then, I'll not bother buying it, I'll wait til you post your thoughts, you never know it might pick up. :shrug: I guess I've bought enough recently anyway :o


    Poor Tim Minchin! 10/10 for determination though! :lol: Maybe one day, who knows! In the meantime I'll just have to think of something myself :irked:

  4. Oh please please please put it near the top ... you won't be disappointed, I promise!!:D


    Thanx about the profile page. Yours is lovely too, very calming :D I'm into red a lot at the min, need to watch though, my OH is painting our house and I keep wanting to paint rooms red :o Luckily he's not that keen on it ;)

  5. Charm

    Oh same here :roll: we were snowed in over xmas too.


    This is our third build and we swore it would be the last (still a few things I'd change though :blush:) don't think you ever get it perfect. Just wait til the kids get older, mine are teens and it's a nightmare being a taxi! At least I know where they are though and how they are getting home.


    I hope you have success with your sale soon!

  6. Oh thank god for that - I thought I'd got myself a wee job there! :ontome:

    :lol::lol: Only kidding!


    Btw Congrats on the 1000 post mark!!

  7. Charm

    Oh thank you Kate :) I was looking for some new ones last night and thought it was cute :smile2: (plus I'm kinda hoping it will keep me on a healthy eating track :irked:)

    A very Happy New Year to you too! Hope you have a great one :D Did you have a nice xmas?

  8. Oh that common sounds great, I love horses. I used to ride as a teenager but after I was bitten, nipped, stood on and finally thrown ending up in hospital with a fractured skull, I got the hint and gave up :roll: I wasn't really that bad actually, even went jumping on them but I think I lost my riding mojo after that. I used to take Kookie riding too when she was younger but I think she may have gotten bored of it. I do still think they are beautiful animals and absolutely bear no hard feelings! :lol:

    I know what you mean about Sookie, I really really want to read the next ones but unfortunately I'll just have to be patient. I'd buy the lot but that's a huge series and I've just bought 16 new books recently!

  9. Oh that sounds lovely! I love pantomime :) Not too keen on footie though :o you have fun! Congrats on the 1000 post mark btw :clapping:

    You are now officially addicted!

  10. Oh yes I found it! Didn't know I could do that :doh: I'll have to think of a good title now, any ideas are welcome, just dont be offended if I dont use them :lol:

    That was nice of the author to take the time and answer you so quickly, I didn't think many would. I was looking for the graveyard book today but couldn't find it :( my purse must be trying to tell me sommat!

  11. Oh you do sound a lot better than this morning and your day sounds like heaven. I'm so glad you've finally got some meds that help, it makes all the difference when you feel better in yourself. :hug:


    I would really need to sort out books too, the prob is I want to keep them all! In fact I'm trying to build up a collection for my mini library, which isn't built yet, but I have a corner in mind :yes: I just need to inform my OH he has another job to add to his list! :lol:

  12. Ok I'll let you off this time (you can never really have enough books :blush:) but I will be sooo jealous if you get 'The Rosary Girls'!! :lol:

    Tess does sort of have two different themes with her books. One is the serial killer Jane Rizolli/Maura Isles series which starts with 'The Sinner' the others are a group of stand alone medical thrillers which each have their own story (so I believe :blush:). One of which is called 'Harvest' and is sitting on my TBR pile waiting patiently for me to read it. I bought it in a charity shop for

  13. Ok so Kookie and I baked all afternoon. We baked buns, 24 of them, jam and coconut ones and iced ones ,they turned out lovely. We made fifteens, a kind of digestive, cherry and marshmallow traybake covered with coconut .. delish. We made oatmeal cookies, always a hit and we made caramel squares .... complete disaster! :irked: I think I overcooked the caramel and it went rock hard, more like toffee! :lol: My OH has been chewing on one for the last 15 mins!! :lol::lol: I really do need that superpower :o


    How did your organising go? I should have been ironing instead today :roll:

  14. Ok. You did it again!!! :lol: At least I had the gumption to check your profile, I haven't finished the whole bottle of wine yet though ;)


    They sound like interesting courses, although I was terrible at english lit, english language - no prob, I just didnt like the lit. In fact I finished my exam in record time! ... mind you I didnt do the half of it:lol: Now philosophy... that sounds like hard work to me and I dare say lecturing to a bunch of hormonal students wouldn't exactly be a walk in the park either!

  15. Charm

    Omg :lol::lol::lol:


    That last sentence you put in for torrid is really good. You have the same sense of humour I can relate to! Although I can't think of anything clean enough to reply with :blush: lol so I won't! Nice one. Gonna go on now hope you feel better soon :friends0:Go back to bed!!

  16. OMG! You virtually have your own bookshop?? Heaven!! I want one :hissyfit:


    Its a real fire and its soooo cosy. We have one in our kitchen too :) Think I might go the whole hog and stick on the kettle for a cuppa too!

  17. on with films these days lol I have The Lovely Bones to watch as well, saving it for while I'm ironing ;) (must read the book of course)

    Hope you guys have a lovely picnic today! Have fun! xo

  18. Charm

    Ooh sounds yum, I love homemade bread and those muffins sound delicious! I make a rather nice banana loaf but haven't baked in weeks :( Shame really, kookie and I used to make a point of baking together every Sat but over the summer that just died off, must start again ;)


    My weekend is gonna be pretty quiet which suits me just fine :lol: Last thing on the list to do today is thing of what to make for dinner!

  19. Oooh a picnic sounds lovely! I haven't had a picnic in years. The house is coming along nicely thanks, slowly but nicely. Waiting for our new bed to arrive on Tues, so excited, haven't had a new bed in 15 yrs! Mattresses yes but never a whole new bed! :lol: (How sad am I? :roll:) Still getting the floors tiled so it may be a while yet before its all finished. I might post an album when its all done, not too sure if many will be interested though.

    I do plan on reading the rest of the series as long as I'm enjoying them, I have Dime Store Magic on my shelf so I'll definately be reading it. Have you read any of the Hannibal books yet or the Flesh and Blood? Hannibal Rising is one to pick up your mojo! Oh and how about Dexter? He would definately bring it back, I think you'd like it. :D Hope the weather is lovely for your picnic! :hug:

  20. Oooh i would luv to see sweeny todd - is it any good?? My husband not too sure about the singin tho lol


    I like Kevin Spacey too. I think he's a brilliant actor. He was gr8 in the usual suspects.

  21. Oooh nice to know the series is carrying on! :D No'one is Zhex's mother. She's was allowed to work with the chosen as a servant so to speak, after she killed herself with Tohr's dagger during childbirth. She also used to chat with Payne and came back to attend Zhex's mating ceremony with John. She was originally rescued by Darius and Tohr, you probably remember her now ;)


    Shame about the Larissa Ione books :(, maybe you could request them?

  22. Shhhh you! Stop shouting that Twi-hard rubbish! I'm a grown woman! God Edward/Rob is gorgeous though :o .. and no, I don't think you should get gerbils. Aren't you going away again to study?


    BTW you need to redecorate in here .... :lol:

  23. So glad you enjoyed Midsummer, sounds like you had a blast! .. and my goodness you're doing a lot of travelling this week, I bet your godson is adorable. Helsinki sounds good too, never did I wonder for one minute why you were going! :lol: Wouldn't matter to me anyway. I would love to go to a big festival like that, we don't really have anything like it over here, although now its more peaceful St. Patrick's day is getting a bit bigger. You enjoy yourself looking through the charity shops, I haven't been in ours lately, really must make the effort sometime and go get some bargains!


    I have started a letter to Mr Lindsay and have included you and Ceinwenn as his main fan base here. I don't want to come over all gushy though so I'm taking my time with it. ;)


    Enjoy your week! I'll miss ya and will want to hear all the details when you get back! :hug:

  24. Charm

    Sorry bout your mum. You sound as if u were close:friends0:


    Ok enough of the depressing stuff! I gotta go do sommat, i even tend to come on here when i get a min instead of read!!:lol:

  25. Sounds like your bf yard is theeee place to be on Mayday's Eve! Did you get pics?? You shoulda took pics. Poor little man, I bet he paid for it the next day. You can get arrested for things like that over here! :lol: Ah dear, that gave me a wee chuckle :giggle:


    I think your idea for a member thread would be great! :icon_eek: I'd post on it! :sarcastic: Not sure if many of the male members would though! :lol:


    Enjoy your bank holiday weekend! Don't do anything I would ;)

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