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Status Updates posted by Charm

  1. Yoohoo! :006: Hello! :D I can't wait to hear what you think of the Chelsea Cain book, I haven't read any of hers but I have read the blurbs a few times and they're on my wishlist. I haven't actually got them yet :( They do look great though! Does this mean we may be on the cusp of finding another new author?? :yahoo:

  2. Oh good, glad it arrived safely :D I imagine if Mr Deaver was actually on your sofa we'd still be trying to revive you!! :lol: Take your time with it and enjoy it, there's no rush. Lexie has a few to read just yet! ;)

  3. Aw thanks :blush: you're making me blush! :lol: I'm so pleased you like it, I'm really lucky my OH does all the work himself, he's tiling the kitchen floor at the min. The bathroom with the large bath is connected to my bedroom, you know me, I love my bath! The jets help with my joints too. The other bathroom is only really used by the kids and visitors although at the minute my living room rug is steeping in soapy water in the tub! The dog was out and either rolled in a cow pat or a cow stuck its ar5e over the fence and pooed on her! She was rotten! She proceeded to come in lie on the rug! Stupid dog had to be bathed too :irked: My son will be pleased you like his choice of colour, I quite like it myself too :)


    thank you for all your lovely comments, they help make it all worthwhile :hug:

  4. Morning! Have a very Happy New Year! Hope its a great 2010 for you :D

  5. Thanks. I've got a few more - I keep changin my mind about my avatar tho! lol

  6. Hi there! You've changed your avatar! :doh:you know that already lol Much better one - he looks rather handsome in it! Love the profile pic too :D

  7. Hi there! :smile2: Thanks for the friendship request - I'd be delighted :D How are you today?

  8. My goodness that was a long post(s)! :lol: Yes I'm all organised .. let the fun begin! :D looking forward to cooking the turkey etc tomorro I quite like that :) Rachel my daughter likes to help too and because of the no santa thing i'd quite like to start a new tradition with her. I see wot u mean tho I was devastated when i found out about the big guy ... for about 3 years!


    Anyhoo! Hope you and yours all have a great xmas and a fantastic 2009!! (maybe you'll make a dent in that TBR pile of yours! :lol:) Take Care Cya soon xo :friends0::hug:

  9. I will indeed :) Why don't you start a thread about them? I for one like the sound of them and I'm sure others would. :D Put in a short synopsis about the first one anyway and tell your opinion, chances are someone has read them... possibly Kell, she's really into vamp reads. I would just check that there isnt already a thread though! :smile2:

  10. So sorry to hear the news about your Aunt Lexie :friends0: I hope she's gonna be ok :friends0:

  11. Hey Gyre! Thanks for stopping by :D I'm good thanx, so glad my electric is back on, it was off all day :( Mind you I did manage to read a good bit so I'm still happy.


    Thanks for the pic comments :D I can assure you Mr Northman has been the subject of many a conversation in the kitchen, well he is totally delicious! :lol:


    Btw I don't know if you saw on facebook but I'm next on the list for Lexie's Dracula sequel after you. I didn't even know there was a sequel but Dracula was one of my fav books so looking forward to it. Hope it's good :D


    I hope you're having a good week hun :hug:

  12. Morning! :D I just popped in to say thank you for the pic comment, I'm glad you liked it :D I hope you're settling in well, everyone is really friendly and I'm sure you'll get loads of book suggestions ... careful though, it's addictive! ;)

  13. Charm

    Happy New Year Nici! Hope you and your family have a great 2010 :D

  14. Oh right no probs. I'll tell her. She'll be disappointed but she'll understand. Thanks :D

  15. OMG I just saw your new avatar its brilliant!! lol and so cute too :)

  16. Oh don't tease! You know I cant go far at the min! lol .. You just enjoy yourself :)

  17. Btw! Congratulations on reaching over the 300 mark!! :smile2: Well done you :D Although I'd say a lot of them were to me :lol: I am definately not compaining .... keep them coming!! :smile2:

  18. Oooh Your pictures in your album are beautiful! I was gonna post comments on them but I like them all (especially Tempest and The Book of Secrets) so I thought it would be easier to just put a comment here :blush: They are all gorgeous!! :lol:

  19. Happy Birthday Musie! Have a lovely day :smile2:

  20. Hey missus! I was just reading the what's up in june thread (I don't always :o) and seen that you've fractured your wrist! :eek: What on earth were you doing rolling about on the floor?? Just kidding! I hope its not too painful and heals quickly. I fell on mine and did the same about 3 yrs ago and was in a cast for 7 weeks! Really really inconvenient, at least you can take your splint support thingy off at night, trust me, that would have made a hell of a difference to me :lol:

  21. Hiya lovesreading :D How are you keeping? Thanks for the pic comment! We have two bathrooms, there are just several pictures of each one ;) I hope you liked them :)


    I hope you're well xo

  22. Charm

    Nope :no: My OH's lappy totally died so he had to go get a new one. I didn't mind though, it's been messing about for quite a while now and he was due one. So at least I still have my vouchers to spend in the near future ;) I've also got over 40 on my TBR pile so I think I'll manage :lol: We did have lunch and whatnot out so it was a nice day, then I came home and got some reading done as my electric was off til 6pm, it's surprising how much you miss electricity! :lol:


    Loving you av btw, great hat! ;)

  23. Hey Nicola! Happy New year! Hope you have a great one :D

  24. Any news yet on Tigger? :)

  25. Hey there! Happy Birthday for yesterday! :balloons: Hope you had a great day! (Sorry its late :o)

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