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Status Updates posted by Charm

  1. Happy Birthday hunny!! :balloons: Hope you have a fantabulous day!!! :hug:

  2. Hey Lexie! I just wanted to pop in and wish you a Happy New Year! Hope you're well :hug:

  3. Happy Birthday! :balloons:

  4. Thanks hunny! I had a pretty quiet day today, but you know me, I'll make up for it at the weekend! :) xoxo

  5. Please tell me you haven't been here since last night!!! Have you slept at all?? :lol::lol:

  6. Charm

    Hi ScarletBella! Thanks for the add, I'd be delighted! :D I hope you're having a good week xo

  7. Happy New Year Inver! Hope you have a great one :hug:

  8. Thanks! Pretty quiet today, saving the celebrations for the weekend lol ;)

  9. Happy Birthday Laura! Hope you got lots of lovely pressies! :)

  10. Happy New Year Janet! Hope you have a great one! :smile2:

  11. Hey Diane :hug: I'm good thank you for dropping by! I'm just watching Stephen Fry get his lifetime achievement award, he so deserves it ;) How've you been? Thank God your still with us and not electrocuted yourself with your vacuum! That would have been some shock .. see what I did there? shock? electrocuted? hehe Sorry, I'm rambling :blush:


    Thanks for the pic comment btw and of course my door is always open to you for coffee :D ... just make sure you bring tunnucks! ;)


    Hope you're well! :hug:

  12. Hey cw, nice of you to pop in!


    I know I haven't been on here much lately either so I dare say we missed each other loads! I'm doing ok thanks, sinuses really playing up with some conker headaches but other than that I'm good ;)


    Sorry your mojo has taken a battering :hug:, hopefully the plane will give you plenty of quiet time to get through The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest and bring your mojo racing back! I wouldn't take anything too heavy with ya, with any luck you won't have much time to read while with your OH! ;)


    I'm reading The Black Dagger Brotherhood series at the min by J R Ward. I'm really enjoying it and it's really helped my mojo, I think I read about 12 books in Jan! It's about vampires of course which helps and is quite adult if you know what I mean, but I don't care, I'm loving it! :blush:


    I hope you have a fantastic time away and will definately catch up when you get home, I want details! :lol::hug:

  13. Happy Birthday runner! Hope you're having a good one ;)

  14. Now that you mention it - it does look a bit like choc milkshake! yum! :lol:


    I'm sure I will enjoy the book haven't read a bad Tess book yet.:D

    Btw what age do you need to be to join the forum? My daughter saw the book arrive and was asking me. She's reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire at the min. She's almost 12.

  15. You will indeed :D Have fun!

  16. Aww why so bored? You still on your own? Have some hugs :hug::hug:

  17. It arrived at last then! :lol: Dracula was a spur of the moment thing, thought you might like a wee surprise! Have you read it? You might find you want to after you read The Historian, I'm reading it at the minute and I have to say I appreciate the writing now much more than I did when I read it the first time, its brilliant! Not just another vamp horror, its much more than that .... I'm waffling now :roll: Anyhoo, you're very welcome and you do not need to repay anything :hug::hug:

  18. Oh so glad you're interested in this one, the main lady character is a modern day, beautiful woman too so no frumpy clothes or shoes in this one! :lol: Yes my new av is from the album on my profile all from the same artist, I think they're pretty cool and funky! Hope you're having a lovely time with your visitors and they all get home safely. Take Care :hug:

  19. Hey Michelle! Just thought I'd pop in and wish you a Happy New Year! Hope you have a great one :smile2:

  20. Belated Happy Birthday MDR! :balloons: Hope you had a lovely day!

  21. Charm

    thank you! Hope you're having a good week xo

  22. Oh now you're just showing off with all that multi-tasking! :irked: Not a bad idea though with the book ... might go and get mine too :D. I've decided not to move from my sofa til at least 4pm when I will get up to make dinner ... until then a cuppa sounds nice and might light the fire (although strictly speaking that would mean moving :irked:). Hey while I remember, check out the author Chelsea Cain and her books the first being Heartsick. Think they might be right up your street, the killer sounds disturbed! :tease:

  23. Aw you poor thing! I hope you're really feeling better after your emotional crisis! :hug: ... and as for the food ... we'll say no more except that I'm glad you're sorted on that front again :irked:


    You will see pictures in a couple of weeks when its more ... what's the word .... oh yes! Finished! :irked: We moved in last Wed and only got our kitchen sink plumbed in today :roll: Its been like camping! We've been keeping the local takaways in business :lol: Once I get on a bit with it and get it looking presentable I promise I'll send you pics ( I do love it though :exc:)

  24. Charm

    Hi Mac, I'm no tech wiz, so apart from checking your settings are set to: 'show me all content I have not read' & not: 'show me new content since my last visit' or, ensuring you're trying to see new content for the tab 'forums' and not the 'calendar' (like my stupid self! lol) there's not much I can think of to help, sorry! Apart from foru...

  25. Happy birthday Sara!! Hope you are having a great day with loads of lovely pressies!! :sign0072:

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