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Everything posted by Witt

  1. The Bad Place - The first ever book I read by Koontz, I was really young and had not ever read anything like it I guess it stays with me.
  2. See here's the thing the end, we had stakes in these chaacters either give me more info or leave me guessing, but please choose one. It would have been better if she had left off The Epilouge, it detracts from the rest of the book .
  3. When I read any kind of fiction the words fall away, soon I can see and hear the characters. So re-reading a book is like re-watching a movie ,if I like it it will be read again.
  4. Most of the fiction books I read are in one sitting
  5. If you look at my book collection and used that, as a reflection of its owner you would get a taste of MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder) from Stephen King and Dean Koontz to Ayn Rand and Douglas Adams, Buffy Books, Lois Duncan and Christopher pike, Lois Lowry and J.K Rowling Issac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Roald Dahl , C.S Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, Mark Twain , Charles Dickens, Leo Tolstoy Louisa May Alcott, even Aristotle, Plato Homer have a place there. There are Physics Books, Math, Science, Books on Writing, Witchcraft, Cooking, About 7 Bibles Because who knows which version someone will be talking about. Other religious books from the Holy Koran to a Satanic Bible, Even some Fanfiction stories that I printed out and put into folders. and much much more
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