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Everything posted by wordsgood

  1. Have lost my reading mojo for a couple months now and it's taking me forever to get through even quick reads, so I'm not sure when I'll get to it. However, when I do get to it I will post a review.
  2. I have got to stop going to the book store! More for the To Be Read pile: Dubliners, by James Joyce Woodsworth Editions Limited - 1993 printing Introduction and Notes by Laurence Davies Length: 260 pages Genre: Classics Paperback ISBN: 978-1-85326-048-3 Homer: The Iliad (unabridged republication of the Samuel Butler translation) Dover Classics Editions Length: 303 pages Genre: Classics Paperback ISBN: 0-486-40883-3 Stork Naked (Xanth novel), by Piers Anthony Genre: Fantasy Length: 299 pages Hardcover ISBN-13: 978-0-765-30409-4 ISBN-10: 0-765-30409-0 This is one in a long running series of Anthony's. It is popularly believed to be a children's series, but it is not and was never geared to be. Each novel is a story in and of itself, but the characters do tend to appear in several different storylines. Each is based on puns - everything in the land of Xanth is a pun. Light but funny reading, I have read this one but did not have a copy of my own. Jesus Land: A Memoir, by Julia Scheeres Genre: Autobiography Length: 355 pages Hardcover ISBN-13: 978-1-58243-338-7 ISBN-10: 1-58243-338-0 Blurb from cover of Jesus Land: Sinners go to HELL. Righteous go to HEAVEN. The end is near: REPENT. This is here: JESUS LAND. So say the signs on the edge of a cornfield in rural Indiana, circa 1985. But for Julia Scheeres and her adopted brother David, "Jesus Land" stretched from their parents' fundamentalist home, past the hostilities of high school, and deep in the Dominican Republic. For these two teenagers - brother and sister, black and white - the 1980s were a trial by fire. In this riveting memoir, Scheeres takes us from the familiar Midwest, a land of cottonwood trees and trailer parks, to a place beyond to her imagining. At home, the Scheeres kids must endure the usual trials of adolescence - high school hormones, incessant bullying, and the deep-seated restlessness of social misfits everywhere - under the shadow of virulent racism neither knows how to contend with. When they start to crack (or fight back), they are packed off to Escuela Caribe. This brutal, prison-like "Christian boot camp" demands that its inhabitants repent for their sins - sins that few of them are aware of having committed. Julia and David's determination to make it through with heart and soul intact is told here with immediacy. candor, sparkling humour, and not an ounce of malice. Jesus Land is, on every page, a keenly moving ode to the sustaining power of love, and rebellion, and the dream of a perfect family.
  3. I foolishly went to Chapters and looked at the ones on sale again. Really have to stop that as I haven't even had time to read pretty much at all in weeks! 40 Days and 40 Nights: Darwin, Intelligent Design, God, OxyContin and Other Oddities on Trial in Pennsylvannia, by Matthew Chapman (Great-great-grandfather of Charles Darwin) Length: 272 pages Hardcover Genre: Unsure how to class this one ISBN: 978-0-06-117945-7 ISBN-10: 0-6-117945-0 Book's Blurb: My great-great-grandfather was Charles Darwin, but if you think because of this, I am incapable of changing my mind about the teaching of evolution and creationism, you are wrong. At the start of the trial I strongly believed intelligent design and other forms of creationism should be banned from high-school science classes and that only evolution should be taught. Listening to the arguments of the intelligent design advocates, I eventually became convinced that creationism in all its forms should be a mandatory part of every child's science education. My reasons for believing this are slightly different from those of the intelligent design proponents, but that's another story, the story of this book... In Kitzmiller vs. Dover, experts of all kinds would be welcome. Biologists got top billing, of course, but there would also be paleontologists, philosophers, even theologians. And that wasn't all: the locals would take the stand too, those for evolution and those against. A bomb had exploded in a small town and blown it apart. The autopsy was about to begin. Here was a case that would not just put evolution and intelligent design on trial but also reveal America's soul. If you believed in souls...
  4. Welcome Pipread! And yes, it's addictive but who cares right?!
  5. Ah, no worries Bella...I celebrated my 25th 11 times!
  6. Hi. Saw your post to Charm, and yes, you need a minimum of 10 posts before you can send private messages. Cheers.

  7. Forgot one I picked up on Sept. 23/08 Philosophy for Dummies: A Reference for the Rest of Us!, by Tom Morris, Ph.D. Length: 346 pages Paperback Genre: Educational ISBN: 0-7645-5153-1
  8. More books I picked up and still don't have time to read! As with other new ones, I will come back with reviews and ratings as I get time. 1) Lady Chatterly's Lover, by D.H. Lawrence (I was never interested this particular classic until I read the blurb on this printing and it said it wasn't published in Great Britain until 1960, "...after having scandalized society with it's sexually explicit descriptions..." Now I have to find out what was considered in such bad taste back then! ) Length: 254 pages Paperback Genre: Classic - Romance ISBN: 0-486-45234-4 2) A Brief History the Birth of the Nazis: How the Freikorps Blazed a Trail for Hitler, by Nigel Jones with the Foreward by Michael Burleigh (Note* This is part of a series of books on a variety of topics being published in paperback and all begin with "A Brief of the...") Length: 260 pages, plus a large epilogue, two appendixes and a selective bibliography Paperback Genre: Historical ISBN: 978-1-84119-925-2 3) A to Z of Dream Interpretation: What Dreams Reveal About Our Lives, Loves and Deepest Fears, by Pamela J. Ball (This one's for hubby, but I might read it too.) Length: 576 pages Paperback Genre: New Age? ISBN: 978-1-84193-681-9 4) Dracula, by Bram Stoker (unabridged version) Length: 325 pages Paperback Genre: Classic - Horror ISBN: 0-486-41109-5 5) A Pound of Flesh, by Susan Wright Length: 291 pages Paperback Genre: Fantasy ISBN-13: 978-0-451-46127-8 ISBN-12: 0-451-46127-4 6) Darwin: Discovering the Tree of Life, by Niles Eldredge Length: 239 pages Hardcover Genre: Biography ISBN: 0-393-05966-9 And now for a used book I picked up a few weeks ago and forgot to post about. The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown (Finally going to read the book everyone was in such an uproar about. ) Length: 489 pages Paperback Genre: Historical Fiction ISBN-10: 1-4000-7917-9 ISBN-13: 978-1-4000-7917-9
  9. Argghhh, really am far too tired. Now I'm mixing up profiles and pet names! Still, I just popped over to Charm's profile and still can't see a photo album. Aww, I give up for now. Time to log off and try once again to get some Z's...damn alarm is going off again in a few hours, then it's back to being everyone's nurse and errand girl! (Worst part is I have no human children, but sometimes family members make me forget that by acting as though I am their mother.....argh, getting very cranky so will say goodnight for now! Sorry for my mini-vent on your profile.)

  10. Not a horror fan myself, but welcome aboard anyway! Hope enjoy it here and have lots of fun!
  11. Dropping a hint to Mom are we Kenny??? Sorry Madcow, not much help here myself as I can't remember what I read that long ago! Hope her interest picks up soon though as she really doesn't realize what's she missing out on.
  12. Welcome WW2artist! Amazing picture you've got there. Actually looks identical to one I had in my teens and early twenties...it's almost like you met him! I agree that others telling you that no one is interested in stories set in WW2 is BS. So good luck and I hope you have fun here!
  13. Hi Supergran/Ann...which do you prefer by the way? Anyways, just popping in to say howdy!

  14. And a proper greeting to you here as well, Bella! I'm sure when you can find the time to explore the site you will have a great time. So nice to hear you've got some reading time back for yourself now. Enjoy! :)
  15. Greetings Bella! Very nice to have you here at BCF. I wish you many hours of happy reading.

  16. Not sure why, but I was thinking about Rottweilers today and of all the many I've met over the years, I've not met a single one that lives up to the perception touted by pop culture - vicious, unfriendly, etc. All the ones I've met are every bit the snuggle buddies that both my labs have been! Not sure why I've posted that thought here...
  17. It would appear us Gen X'ers are the most fond of reading and yapping about it! Pushing 40 in just over a year, but I feel about 250 of late. Lordy I need some sleep and peace & quiet soon or I is a gonna blow a gasket........... Run hubby, go now, for your own safety ****** off!
  18. Ummm, can't find any pices other than the baby one of Rosie above. Am I missing a trick to viewing them?

  19. Slurps to Rosie from Keiko (my fat lab :) ) and thanks for posting Rosie pics. Off to check them out now.

  20. Hello! Yes, I am settled in nicely and thoroughly enjoying it here! Hope all is well with you and yours?

  21. Hi Charm. Welcome to the forum! Sounds like you are going to fit in nicely. There's a whole bunch of us newbies hanging around here nowadays. Hope you are enjoying yourself.
  22. No problem! I'll wait patiently until you're ready.
  23. That's okay Lopeanha! I just like the idea of these lists even without reviews because they give others a chance to check out potential new reads. And ask for an opinion from those who have read the ones that pique their interest.
  24. Hmm yes, I know what you mean Bookwormmum...I've gotten quite addicted to these kind of sites since "discovering" these online communities earlier in the year! Still, I'm having fun and find that when I've haven't got the patience to focus on my reading, I can still get my daily fix here. :D

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