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Status Updates posted by Ceinwenn

  1. Wasn't too bad, actually. OH was off work today because of the snow, so we spent the day together. Not that we did much, mind! Little bit of reading, he played GOW2, I was on here & my own website, we had a nap (I love afternoon naps!) - that was pretty much our day in a nutshell!

  2. Long story but I may win out yet! He's now, as of yesterday, a victim of the economic climate & in about a month, I too shall be unemployed, so if we don't find jobs soon we may have no choice but to move back to Canada!

  3. Hi Blithe, just thought I'd pop in & say hi from one Canadian to another! Welcome to the forum!

  4. Hello Miss! I guess that congrats are in order! Happy belated anniversary! Hope it was a great one.

  5. Hi NovaLee, welcome to the forum, from a Canuck on the other side of the pond.

  6. Have just sent you an email, with thesis attached. So far so good, in my humble opinion!

  7. Did you take any pictures? With your views I bet the snow is stunning! We woke up to lots of snow, but a lot of it is gone now, so OH definately will be back at work tomorrow. I can't get over how tired I am today - all that sitting around doing nothing is exhausting!

  8. Hello my dear! How are you? Manage to get any reading done today? I haven't! Massive headache all day, which sucks (probably shouldn't be on here, lol). Got some fab news today ......been offered a job! It's only for a couple months, as a consultant manager for a new hotel that's opening, but the money is great & it means we don't have to dip into the savings for another few months! Yippeeeeee!!!!:D

  9. Hi Beth! Hope your trip to Hong Kong went smoothly & that your new place is fab!

  10. Hello! I'm originally from New Brunswick, but I went to Uni in Toronto & lived in Hamilton after that for a few years before moving over here. I miss it a lot!

  11. Well, I am glad that you are now enjoying India! Yeah, my friend was in the Philippeans for 2 years, so definately long enough to adjust. I think he just didn't give it a fair chance. It was constantly "This isn't like home" or "We wouldn't do it this way" - that kind of thing. I've never been to the Philippeans but I know that it's pretty poverty stricken, though there's also a lot of wealth among certain social circles (like my friend's family).


    I've never been anywhere in Asia, but would love to go to quite a few places, the only problem is the ethics of some of the countries & their citizens. Maybe I can leave OH home & take Mom!

  12. I see you have finished The Shack. I am likely to finish Emotional Geology in the next hour, so unless you have something you would rather start next, which would be fine, then The Shakespeare Secret is next! What do you think?

  13. Hi NovaLee! I'm in the UK - kinda between locations at the moment. I have a flat in Bedford, 70 minutes north of London, but I am only there at the weekends as I work in Nottingham. My OH & I are in the process of moving there, searching for houses & all that great fun stuff!


    What about you? Where in Canada are you?

  14. Hi Sarah, How're you enjoying here?

  15. Cool! I just finished writing about Emotional Geology on my blog, so I am ready when you are!

  16. Thanks Jen! Downloadable from where?

  17. Cool! Just what I needed - an excuse to read your blog!

  18. Hi Nici, Thought it better to answer you here, rather than on the forum! Yeah, love them! The snow thing is probably because I grew up in Canada, in a part of the country that (growing up, anyway) had snow from the end of October until the begining of April so if you hated the snow you'd be pretty miserable!

  19. Happy birthday Kate, I hope it was a great day - even though no one bought you any books!

  20. Hi! Yeah, I am currently reading Songs of the Humpback... but I'm only a couple chapters in. Not sure how much reading I'll get done this weekend as we are getting the keys to our new flat today, yippee! I'll let you know what I think!

  21. Strange question, I am sure, but what size shoes do you wear ii?

  22. That's a good idea! I will do the same! Listen, do you mind if I add you to my msn?

  23. Well, it'll be for however long they need me. Once they hire someone, if that person hasn't ever worked for that company, then I will be the one to train them in the company ways......I doubt they'll offer me a job & I wouldn't take it if they did. The person who offered me th job knows me very well, which is why he offered me the job. He used to be my GM at a different hotel, within this same company. The hotel is up north, which unfortunately means I'll only get back here every 2 weeks max (

  24. Things are, well, I have to admit, I'm not really sure! I have about 4 weeks to decide whether to pack in my job or not & I really do not know what to do. I don't know if I am up for the challenge that I am facing & I have no idea whether my considering quitting is because I am looking for the "easy" way out. Not an ideal time to be out of work, but my boss's demands are getting the better of me & I'm not honestly sure how much more of this I can take!


    Are the witch & the scream man your kids?

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