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Posts posted by SaraPepparkaka

  1. I have some people around me who read- my parents, though not as much as I do. The older one of my boys reads a lot, and he will probably read as much as I do in a few years. My former boss might read even more than I do. Many friends and acquaintances read, but none of them read as much as I do, but they seem to like talking about reading with me..

  2. To answer Frankie's question: Since my Mum worked at the library when I was a kid, yes, a parent was almost always there when I borrowed books.. I am also almost always with my children when we go to the library, but that's for a different reason: living on the countryside in Finland nowadays means there is almost no service available on a walking or biking distance, everything requires a car ride. The library I used to borrow my books from when I was a kid is long gone. And no, I don't think the librarians would say no to a kid wanting to read an adult book in our library.    

  3. For me the best book so far this year is "Strong poison", my first book by Dorothy L Sayers. A real classic. "Paper towns" by John Green deserves to be mentioned as well (John Green is on his way to becoming a favourite author of mine), and if you read in swedish I recommend "Lex bok" by Sara Kadefors, about a girl who invents a blog personality, and what happens when reality crashes with this fake blog person .

  4. I don't remember anyone ever telling me I couldn't read a book that I wanted to read. I know I was 12 when I read my first Stephen King. One of my sons is 12 now, occasionally I pick books from my shelf for him if he complains he doesn't have anything to read. But you know, what Mum reads is automatically "not cool" so it doesn't always work.. haven't tried giving him Stephen King yet, though. Maybe I should.  

  5. We really did Sara:smile:  Your boys must be looking forward to Christmas, are you planning a busy or quiet time? Or maybe a bit of both?

    Quiet time, I hope. We'll be at our summer cottage, if it's at all possible- we have heating, but if there's too much snow then the roads aren't cleared all the way to the cottage.

  6. Some people on here have done challenges re: specific authors, like for example Roald Dahl's books, Virginia Woolf's books, Jane Austen, etc etc. I haven't personally been inclined to do anything like that, because I don't think I could think of any authors whose every book I would like to read... Well, Augusten Burroughs, Jeffery Deaver and Karin Slaughter aside... And Jeff Lindsay.. But then again, I would read their books anyways, so it wouldn't really be a challenge...


    I was talking about Moomins yesterday on here, and I've just recently talked about Astrid Lindgren with poppyshake... She bought a set of her children's novels and I was commenting on the books, and it made me wonder why I had never read Karlson or Emil or Pippi Longstocking... I've only read certain books, but those I've read time and a time again.


    Now I'm thinking that I would love to try and read all of Astrid Lindgren's books some day, and that I could actually like to do it as a challenge. I would most likely start from square one, and re-read the books I've already read, which is no problem, because I love them and would re-read them some day anyways.


    Here are all the titles that have been translated into Finnish, I will start with those, and after that I will see if I would like to read the non-translated ones in Swedish. (For your benefit, I will add the English titles of the books that have been translated into English. And I will exclude the picture books from this challenge, being the boring grownup that I am.)


    (It's not all that easy to find the English titles for the books... I will do the rest some other day :D)



    Astrid Lindgren



    Peppi Pitkätossu - Pippi Longstocking

    Peppi aikoo merille - Pippi Goes on Board

    Peppi Pitkätossu Etelämerellä - Pippi in the South Seas


    Vaahteramäen Eemeli - Emil of Lönneberga

    Eemelin uudet metkut - Emil's Pranks

    Eläköön Eemeli – Emil and His Clever Pig


    Yksityisetsivä Kalle Blomkvist -  Bill Bergson, Master Detective

    Kalle mestarietsivä - Bill Bergson Lives Dangerously

    Ryöstetty Rasmus ja mestarietsivä Kalle Blomkvist - Bill Bergson and the White Rose Rescue

    Saariston lapset - Seacrow Island

    Saariston lapset merirosvoina (is this a picture book after all....)


    Kati Amerikassa - Kati in America

    Kati Italiassa - Kati in Italy

    Kati Pariisissa - Kati in Paris


    Pikkuveli ja Katto-Kassinen - Karlson on the Roof

    Katto-Kassinen lentää jälleen - Karlson Flies Again

    Katto-Kassinen kujeilee - The World's Best Karlson


    Melukylän lapset - All About the Bullerby Children

    Melukylässä tapahtuu - Cherry Time at Bullerby (?) - The Six Bullerby Children (?)

    Kyllä meillä oli hauskaa - Springtime at Bullerby (?)


    Se pikkuinen Lotta

    Lotta, Janne ja Minnamanna


    Marikki – Madicken

    Marikki ja Kesäkummun Tuikku


    Rasmus ja kulkuri

    Rasmus, Pontus ja Höpö


    Kerstin ja minä

    Mio, poikani Mio - Mio, My Son

    Riitta-Maija keventää sydäntään

    Ronja ryövärintytär - Ronia the Robber's Daughter

    Veljeni, Leijonamieli - The Brothers Lionheart




    I think this will be something that I'll most likely start next year... :)

    Do you know, I think I've read all of them. AND the picture books. And most, if not all, of those books that never were translated to anything but Swedish. And I never really thought about it, that Astrid Lindgren is one of the few writers I've read almost everything of.

  7. Yes it was quite short, I would've liked there to be more to read. The book's actually small enough to fit one's purse, one could at least carry it with oneself to another wedding one isn't too keen on attending, and read about people escaping weddings... :giggle2:

    Very good point!

  8. post-4431-0-11103200-1381310556_thumb.jpg


    Thank you Athena for the handy tip! I had to try of course, and now you can see my new cat, 7 months old now but 4 or 5 months in the picture. His name is Tuss ( basically means something fluffy or furry, named so because all his other siblings were short haired, and according to my sons he looked like a fluffy ball of fur next to them.) 


    Oh yes, he's gorgeous. And doesn't he know it.

  9. A remedy for sore throat: Icecream. Ice cubes work too, but frankly- who would want icecubes when you could have icecream? Seriously, try this if your throat is sore, the general reasoning behind this idea is that your throat is a bit swollen, and ice will make it feel better for a little while, since the swelling goes down. Also good as remedy for kids, since they usually loose their appetite if they have the flu, but they tend to eat icecream anyway, appetite or no..


    For cold and general flu warm drinks are nice, though. Tea, with lemon and honey for example.


    Also- whatever your mum used to give you (or do) will make you feel better. :biggrin:

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